it will happen when its supposed to ok..sit back,chill out and try not to think about it xx god bless u both xx
2007-03-15 09:51:21
answer #1
answered by mumof3 3
hope this helps and good luck
all i suggest is relax, get drunk and have fun
The Menstrual Cycle
Being aware of your menstrual cycle and the changes in your body that happen during this time can be key to helping you plan a pregnancy, or avoid pregnancy. During the menstrual cycle (a total average of 28 days), there are two parts: before ovulation and after ovulation.
Day 1 starts with the first day of your period.
Usually by Day 7, a woman's eggs start to prepare to be fertilized by sperm.
Between Day 7 and 11, the lining of the uterus (womb) starts to thicken, waiting for a fertilized egg to implant there.
Around Day 14 (in a 28-day cycle), hormones cause the egg that is most ripe to be released, a process called ovulation. The egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If a sperm unites with the egg here, the egg will attach to the lining of the uterus, and pregnancy occurs.
If the egg is not fertilized, it will break apart.
Around Day 25 when hormone levels drop, it will be shed from the body with the lining of the uterus as a menstrual period.
The first part of the menstrual cycle is different in every woman, and even can be different from month-to-month in the same woman, varying from 13 to 20 days long. This is the most important part of the cycle to learn about, since this is when ovulation and pregnancy can occur. After ovulation, every woman (unless she has a health problem that affects her periods) will have a period within 14 to 16 days.
try the links below
2007-03-15 20:02:31
answer #2
answered by ♥♥™Tia™♥♥ 6
OK, this is how my husband and I did it - Your wife must count the first day of her period as Day 1, she is most fertile on days 14 & 15, also 11, 12 & 13, but 14 & 15 are the best times to concieve! So basically I would say, have as much sex as you can handle on days 11 - 15!!! It worked for my husband and I and we got pregnant 2 months after I came off the pill! However, I will say, it also depends on your wifes menstrual cycle, I have a regular 28 day cycle, so this probably played a big part on us getting pregnant so quickly! Probably more important than anything else, dont stress about not being able to get pregnant, it puts unneccesary strain on your body and this will make it much more difficult to concieve! Hope this info helps and I wish you luck!!!
2007-03-15 17:11:03
answer #3
answered by SexyMama 2
A lot of what people are saying is correct.
Your wife needs to keep track of when she starts and ends her period and find out when she ovulates. Have go to it's a great site that give you an estimate of when she should be ovulating each month.
Also try missionary position. And having her stay lieing down for 30-60 min. after u ejaculate with her hips elevated to help aid in conception.
Finally, don't stress and enjoy the journey since this prevents many ppl from conceiving. Also make sure that you aren't having sex every day. The reason I say this is your sperm need time to regenerate so that its more about the quality of your sperm than quantity.
Good Luck
2007-03-15 17:05:11
answer #4
answered by peachtreecity404 2
Oh bless you both, Please don't worry. These things for whatever reason take time and will probably happen when you stop worrying and start to relax. There are ovulation kits in Boots that you can buy. These enable you to check which days are best to conceive on. Everything has come back positive in regards to any concerns you had over fertility so there are no problems. Just keep trying, be happy and supportive for each other and good luck!!!
2007-03-15 16:56:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have you checked out the Trying to Conceive section of Yahoo Answers - there are so many people in your shoes - you'll get so much info from there that will help you.
You'd think getting pregnant would be as easy as 123 for us humans who's primary function in life is to reproduce!!! But not so I'm afraid for so many people. You're not on your own.
Good luck sifting through all the suggested websites, etc. on charting your wife's monthly cycle, basal body temperatures, checking her cervical mucas through the month to see when her most fertile time (window of 5 days) is, and eating healthily, cutting out the alcohol, taking vitamin supplements, having sex at those crucial fertile times - you name it, it's there!
Wishing you much luck in making a baby or two...! : )
2007-03-15 16:56:22
answer #6
answered by heidimaghellian 4
If you are both healthy and fertile and you have had all the tests, then patience is a virtue.
I have been trying for 6 months with no luck, its horrible but it takes time, its not one of those things that you can just get/buy when you want it.
At least theres no problems with either you or your partner.
(the best time to have sex is when your partner is ovulating, this happens 14 day before her period would normally start, of she's regular with her periods)
Chill, and have fun 'doing it'!lol
2007-03-15 16:59:18
answer #7
answered by chloe 3
I know it is frustrating as me and my hubby are going through the same thing. I did get pregnant and had a miscarriage, two yeras ago. We are still trying but not having much luck. We are not all lucky to get pregnant first time and for most it does take awhile. Try buying an ovulation kit, it will tell you when your wife is ovulating and have sex around them days.
Good luck and if you want to talk about it email me.
2007-03-15 16:56:05
answer #8
answered by sugarplum9903 4
Count 14 days (approx) after the START of her period (the very first day of bleeding) and that is when ovulation should start. Keep in mind that she can only get pregnant for 24 hours (one day)every month try during that week (two weeks after the start of bleeding) and it should happen. Don't let her (or you) be stressed out about it that will make it harder to conceive just think it will happen when it is supposed to. Just Relax.
2007-03-15 17:09:48
answer #9
answered by 9Volt 3
I know you don't want to hear this but, it will happen when you stop thinking about it. My husband and I wanted another baby and we tried for almost a year, but when we gave up and said whatever it happened unexpectedly. Part of the anxiety that you and your wife are feeling plays a part on her body and that may determine wether or not you will concieve. Also have her take it easy for a while, treat her to spa, or nail's done, or a day of just rest and she may surprisingly concieve. You tell yourself to relax and your body will relax.
Good Luck on your ventures.
2007-03-15 16:54:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
We used a great site which helps you to 'chart' to find your most fertile days. It takes you through step by step and has forums to get advice from others who are TTC as well.
The site is called fertilityfriend and I found it really useful. Take a look and see if it helps (free to join for basic membership) It also has lots of hints and tips too.
Good luck...your turn will come eventually :o)
2007-03-15 16:56:52
answer #11
answered by nevine1982 3