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In the bottom picture here, I know the Hominid prints are A. afarensis, but what would you think the Hipparion and Carnivore is? I was thinking along the lines of a gazelle of some sort for the hipparion and possibly a cheetah for the carnivore, but does anyone have any ideas or good sources with the answers?

2007-03-15 09:42:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Biology

1 answers

If you know the hominid tracks are Australopithecus Afarensis (not given in illustration) then you have an approximate time fix. Knowing the time period lets you look up what species of Hipparion and Carnivore lived then and you can then guess what the might have produced the tracks at that time.

There must have been some discussion of this in the article the illustration was taken from as there had to be some reason for deciding the tracks were from a hipparion or a carnivore. Look up the original article and find out how it was determined the hominid was A. Afarensis and the animal tracks a Hipparion and a carnivore.. Where did you get the link to the pictures?

Good luck, Peace and love!

2007-03-15 13:48:51 · answer #1 · answered by Mad Mac 7 · 0 0

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