I recently heard someone being referred to as having 'Bright Pupil Syndrome' - where they don't work as hard as they should because they know they are smart.
I'm really interested in this, but I cannot find any reference to it anywhere.
It might be an anglicized version of an American term but I've tried searching for 'Best pupil...' 'Top pupil', 'Smart pupil...' etcetra and drawn a blank.
Anyone know any more about it and where I can read up on it?
PS No Lisa Simpson jokes.
7 answers
asked by
Darren C
Social Science
➔ Psychology
OK, I admit, I was told I had it.
I'm a 33 year old man doing an MA. I really don't think it is Asperger Syndrome.
I was an odd kid, but not that unusual.
10:38:38 ·
update #1