I don't think so. I feel the North is more racist.
2007-03-15 09:14:54
answer #1
answered by Jan C 7
Racism still exists EVERYWHERE, including the South. However, it is not near as bad as in the 60s and on the decline with numbers of hold outs determined to hang on.
And finally it depends on how you define racism. For example, in this politically correct world, people tend to grab the stupidest things others say (innocent comments) and make them racist where non is intended.
Example. Its okay to call a White man "Boy" in a light hearted context, but if you call a black man "Boy" in a light hearted context, its considered racist.
I have had some people accuse me of being racist because I said I like the "color" (nothing to do with race or skin) Blue better than black. I mean - its absurd! So yeah, it also depends on what one defines as racism.
The only racism that should not be tolerated is the variety who thinks its okay to injure or kill someone of a different color, race or creed. You cant get rid of racism 100%, but we can lessen the numbers of extreme racists.
There are a huge number of blacks that hate whites with murderous rage.., but we seldom hear from anyone that this is racist. Kinda odd, is it not?
2007-03-15 09:26:30
answer #2
answered by Victor ious 6
There are areas where racism is still alive and well, although not as overtly violent and state-sponsored as it was in the 60's. There are also areas that are much more cosmopolitan and accepting. I lived up north for a while, too, and there is still racism there as well, although it is more of a patronizing racism that is not hostile towards blacks but is more condescending in nature.
2007-03-15 09:17:24
answer #3
answered by Biz Iz 3
No blacks are not the hunted any longer. However, they use the old times as an excuse to be very racial toward whites.
2007-03-15 09:19:42
answer #4
answered by jns_crystl 1
in accordance to Maya Angelou, Malcolm theory that Martin become a "Tom". observed it on "Iconoclasts" whilst Dave Chappelle met her. interesting the version between the two men. White human beings now declare to grasp MLK however the reality is they hated him. Malcolm observed the easy on the Haj in Mecca using fact in Islam easily every person are taken care of a similar, all are equivalent, he wrote approximately that as quickly as he got here abode. I purely choose Malcolm might have lived longer, who knows how he might have affected the perspective of civil rights for black human beings, yet we will in no way be attentive to.
2016-11-25 22:17:07
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Well, quite honestly, yes...to a certian degree. Only it's not just in the south, it's everywhere, and it's not just blacks. I live in Arkansas, and here in my hometown there is still a KKK headquaters. It's still out there, whether you want to believe it or not. It's just a lot more controlled now.
2007-03-15 09:43:02
answer #6
answered by you_know_you_want_me6996 1
are other parts of the country still racist and still steriotype the south?(especially NE and west).
2007-03-15 09:16:59
answer #7
answered by robert p 7
no, now it's city slickers like you that get hunted down and beaten.
2007-03-15 09:14:44
answer #8
answered by Grandma Susie 6