Now why should a woman worry over this. First the hopefully sensitive husband remembers everything she went through while pregnant and was there watching the pain she had to endure during delivery. Well she is now both physically and emotionally exhausted and needs time to recover from that. Then she has to have time to get her feet on the ground with the baby especially if she is breast feeding. Honestly her weight should be the least of anybodies concerns! I went through this with both my kids and again when my granddaughter was born.
Just one other question "gentlemen" why the hell are you worrying about her weight and not doing everything possible to support her and YOUR child?
2007-03-15 09:30:58
answer #1
answered by b44z 3
Wow......some of these answers here.....real insensitive.....
Don't worry about concerns about what you look like until 6 weeks after you give birth.
If you have not been working out before or during your pregnancy, now is the time to start a program for yourself. You might want to hire a personal trainer for a couple seesions just to get you started on a program that will work for you and your lifestyle and get you back in smokin shape in no time.
Remember, it will take about as long as you were pregnant to get where you were before the pregnancy if you do nothing- you will just be a little flabbier BUT, if you start a work out plan, and STICK to it, you can be smokin hot in 6 months time and girl- I Cannot stress this enough- LIFT WEIGHTS TOO!
Also, cardio is going to burn fat, and release tons of endorphins into your blood.....endorphins are feel good hormones
2007-03-15 16:23:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Depends on how much she gained.
Weight gains vary from person to person when pregnant, but it is always good to keep an eye on the weight, and follow your doctor’s advice.
I don’t have kids yet, but my Wife and I are getting ready for it. I personally think that a pregnant woman is beautiful and very sexy. I know I am going to be all over my Wife when she gets her “belly”.
But, I agree also that women that get very fat after a baby is definitely not good nor it looks good at all. Unless there is a medical reason for that, I don’t think a woman should let that happen. As I said, keep a good control while you are pregnant. And the husband should help too.
I plan to help my Wife as much as possible, and I will be also helping her with her diet, to make sure she is healthy at all times. She always has had problems keeping her weight low, so I have to make sure I help her because she have put a lot of effort in staying at a good and healthy weight.
I don’t care at all if she gains some weight, in fact she should gain weight as it is the way nature intended it to be when a woman has a baby. But I don’t want her to gain like crazy, is not healthy, she will suffer, and she won’t be happy because of herself and because she knows I wouldn’t be.
So there, that is what I think about it.
2007-03-15 16:43:09
answer #3
answered by Dan D 5
I wanted to check out what men would have to say to this question. And to my un-surprise of what I read by a few of the answers, that men shollowness never ceases to amaze me!!
Just once I would love to see a man carry a child for nine months, get poked , prodded, and drained every month, and then push out something they say is natural birth. I am sorry , but squeezing out a little human being out of a hole that you shouldn't have to squeeze a lime out of is not natural. And on top of that you have to just deal With the broken tail bones and stitches. Good Greif..Maybe I am over reacting but having a little baby weight is something that just happens. And believe it or not we don't like it either and having that kind of reaction doesn't help us either. It takes our body NINE MONTHS to get that way, It's not going away in less than that.
2007-03-15 16:46:31
answer #4
answered by irish_pixie07 2
Pregnant women are beautiful. A loving husband would view a little weight gain after pregnancy as normal, and be thankful that she gained the weight- as a normal part of bringing forth their child.
An unthankful jerk would shun her or make rude comments or demands concerning her weight.
2007-03-15 16:19:22
answer #5
answered by Tarheel 3
Wow, I wanted to check out what these guys would say too, but now I am sorry I did. It just makes me wonder if they truly understand the HELL a womans body goes through to have a baby. Crazy, I am glad that I am loved by someone who at least tries to get it.
I just wonder are you guys just speaking like "guys" and really feel differently?
2007-03-15 16:19:15
answer #6
answered by dragonfly7887 4
Well I feel that a womans body should be maintained for her own self respect. There is pregnancy weight gain and then there is huge weight gain. But regardless I would hope that it becomes a goal to get the weight off when possible.
2007-03-15 16:19:53
answer #7
answered by Devdude 5
My wife was still beautiful and we now had a child to raise together. She had some extra pounds on her but she wasn't exactly thin before being pregnant. I never gave her any grief over her weight, and it didn't discourage intimacy.
2007-03-15 16:37:34
answer #8
answered by Martin Pedersen 6
What a bunch of insensitive jerks!!!!
Don't worry about your weight gain, my husband couldn't keep his hands off me, right before the birth of our child ( and let me tell you, I was huge because my son was a large baby)and once I recovered from my c-section, it was constant attention from him.
2007-03-15 16:27:27
answer #9
answered by mark my words 3
Wow. That question was an asshole-magnet, huh?
Except for Joe. The others...tsk, tsk.
2007-03-15 16:29:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous