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Like it or not, US soldiers are there to protect and defend innocent people from terrorist insurgents who threaten to destroy their newfound freedom. If we leave now, the insurgents may or may not take over but we can't take that chance since the world needs the free flow of oil and Iraq is an oil-rich nation in terms of oil reserves. You can make the argument all you want about Bush and his oil buddies, but there are plenty of prominent democrats who have invested in big oil (like Soros with Halliburton), so your point is moot. The bigger picture is for the best interest of the world, so let's stick to non-partisanship please. We Americans have got to put aside hate and unite. When we act divided, now THAT is why other countries ar laughing at us.

2007-03-15 08:28:06 · 36 answers · asked by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6 in Politics & Government Politics

36 answers

Yes, those of us who actually spend time educating ourselves about the war from a neutral perspective do understand that. However, you are going to read alot of propaganda in your answers that is aimed at demoralizing Americans and American troops. Too many people in this country go with whatever fad is in fashion, right now it is the anti-war movement and again this movement is being organized and promulgated by the under-educated and misinformed just as it was during Vietnam. These harbingers of all that is right and holy have no understanding of the process thru which their rights were attained, much less the process required in maintaining and keeping these rights. They will never understand that "Freedom isn't Free", that everything has its price. They don't care as long as they aren't required to pay that price and they get to spew their twisted logic on everyone within hearing.

2007-03-15 08:47:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

So you think everyone should think like a satanic republican? Your lies and deception always come to the light. You obviously watch nothing but fox news. They justify every wrong thing republicans do. Even if it is kill people . The people that attacked us on 9/11 are alqueda. They had ZERO connections with sadamm hussein. If Bush and cheney arent in it for the oil,than why is cheney and halliburton making money off of the war? They have been in oil business most of their lives.well since bush was rejected from law school. And now we pay double the price for gas since they stole office. Nothing you say makes any sense,and is all just a fictional tale to justify your satanic actions. The people in iraq want peace, but how do they get peace with a soldier holding guns and searching them for no reason. If police sat on each corner threatening to do what they say or you are a terrorist, than do you think they would be attacked by someone that wants to live in peace and not be threatened by their unfair and unjust rules. These people are merely sticking up for the country they lived in most of their lives. As any other country,including the united states would do, except for this negligent administration.. Protect their country from the enemy that invaded them. Not to mention the most wanted terrorist in the world hasnt been captured. Your satanic acts and deception will not bring down the power and the will of God. NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL.TRUTH IS TRUTH.

2007-03-15 08:47:14 · answer #2 · answered by PUBLIC CORRUPTION 2 · 1 1

It certainly isn't their "purpose". However, killing civilians is not going to deter or stand in the way of a higher US goal. This is more than apparent by any minimum degree of observation.
So its not that killing civilians is a purpose. The point is that it is insignificant to them on a moral level. The only significance for them is that it causes unwanted press.

And we are not there for "world interest", that is ridiculous. If that were the case, we would have had total support from around the world, versus, the reality of total opposition from virtually every major country except England.

Other countries are not laughing at us, period. They are scared of us b/c we use military might for whatever cause we deem acceptable for totally selfish reasons, simply b/c we can, nobody can stop us, in total disregard for internationally accepted doctrines, such as the Geneva convention, Nuremberg Principles, the International War Crimes Tribunal, the UN, the World Court, the International Red Cross, etc. etc.

Your heart may be in the right place, but sometimes the hardest thing to do is look in the mirror and become aware of the err of your own ways (or your countries).
you have to have desire to discover the truth and seek it and turn off the TV, that's just for entertainment and money making purposes, not information and educated analysis.

2007-03-15 08:42:38 · answer #3 · answered by spur_101 2 · 1 0

The problem here is that we shouldn't be in Iraq anyway. If it wasn't for the oil, we wouldn't be their regardless of who it benefits. Iraq is no threat to us even if it is overran by insurgents. The worst case scenario is the price of oil would increase on the world market a little bit.

However you also should recognize that most of the insurgency isn't terrorism inspired. Most of the insurgents are nationalistic groups not terrorist groups. It is against the invading force of the USA that has occupied Iraq against Iraq's will. If a referendum for people in Iraq to vote ask if the US should leave now, a majority would vote for the US leaving.

Hell, according to the polls I've seen a quarter of the citizens in the nation consider killing American soldiers as a good idea. Why are we defending people who hate us that much?

2007-03-15 08:48:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Regardless of good intentions or not... the cliche of not knowing your history will force you to repeat it. The Romans, the Mongols, The Turks, The Persians, The Crusaders, The Greeks have all defeated Arabian Armies but found that occupying this area is not worth the effort. History has taught us that this area is easy to conquer but very difficult to hold and occupy. The insurgents have many motives and more than just terror...some want revenge, some want money, and some just want the Americans out as a case of autonomy. You can stay but over time these people will make you pay a high price in a partisan war effort. The result is inevitable, the question is when.

2007-03-15 08:39:05 · answer #5 · answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5 · 4 1

Face it like it or not countries in the world hate us because of 2 overwhelming things:

1. We rose up and took our country from a repressive colonial kingdom.

2. We have more freedoms than any nation on Earth.

Now on to Iraq.

Have innocents died by US forces hands? Yes.
Does the enemy use innocent civilians as human shields? Yes
Does the enemy use mosques as an ammo dump? Yes
Does the enemy use schools and hospitals as ammo dumps? Yes
Does the enemy break all of the Geneva Conventions? Yes
Is the US bound by the Geneva Conventions? Yes
Why doesn't the US abide by the agreement when the enemy's actions allow the US to destroy formally protected sites? Unknown

2007-03-15 09:08:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Good points!
I had to laugh at all the liberal responses though. Sooo ignorant in a way, but that's what America's about. We have the freedom to be ignorant. Maybe ignorant is a harsh word but I'm really tired of people bashing Bush.
So anyway, now onto your question. Yes, I do realize that. lol. There's not much more I can say. Iraq is Iraq and regardless of your opinion concerning if we should be there or not, we are there. And now all the troops are getting the bad rap for it. So I think all those people who say that soldiers are killing innocent Iraqis should show some respect!

2007-03-15 08:44:57 · answer #7 · answered by Rachel :) 3 · 3 2

US squaddies have not been doing many of the killing in Iraq for the previous couple of years. that's now in general a civil conflict undertaking between Iraqi sunnis and shias. that's in general the sunni extremists who're killing harmless infants and families in suicide bombings. on the information right this moment I heard that a sunni lady blew herself up in a crowd of shia pilgrims killing approximately 35. i do no longer settle for the "Functioning nicely" argument. of path societies "functionality nicely" in a feeling below a brutal dictatorship. If I threatened you or your loved ones with torture in case you probably did no longer do as I say i'm effective which you may "functionality nicely" too. Democracy is the only political gadget that respects human rights and that i think of human rights ought to be enjoyed by employing all human beings.

2016-09-30 23:32:55 · answer #8 · answered by heusel 4 · 0 0

And still 50,00,000 peoples are killed both in Iraq and Afghanistan........who killed them? not suicidal bombers ofcourse....these attacks have started now while this killing is continuced since US attack on Iraq,and there are proves of Involevment of US adminestration in this disturbance of peace , they are backing some such groups who are carying all this killing and disturbing the peace in Iraq ........it was given in a report by a juornalist Seymour Hersh ......what a good policy.."devide and rule" ! What i believe is.that If US keeps its hand Off the Iraq there would be peace and those Iraqis who are not safe in their own homeland would take a breath of relief.......but i know is impossible now !

We are not laughing at US lady, we just want some peace for Iraq........is it possible for your governament to stop that all in the place which does not blong to them anyway? US invaion is totally illegal.......and there is no justification for this...creating a law and order situation for them and then showing the world that we are there for prevention of it, is called a Politics and your governament is playing politics ther ! Oh you are right that Oil is in important need of the world this time.......and this is the only justification for US invasion which is sad anyway........becuase Iraqis are the owner of that Oil and not US !

2007-03-15 09:18:20 · answer #9 · answered by ★Roshni★ 6 · 0 2


The question is how can you say that Iraq's occupation isn't over oil in the first place.

I am British and together our governments invaded Iraq over claims that Saddam Hussein was in posession of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

We should hang our heads in shame.

After carpet bombing Baghdad and killing two of Saddam's sons, he still held back with the WMD.

Why ?

Because he had no WMD.

Any militant dictator would soon break out the tactical nukes knowing that two of his sons were killed by the co-illition forces.

But he had none, so he didn't.

Its all about oil, the First World War was over the Berlin to Baghdad railway.

Its just a fact - you should really get your head around it and say no to war mongering carbon dioxide belching planet destroying fossil fuels.

Why else is Dr. Condeleeze Rice (a director of Chevron Oil !!!) over there ?

Peace ?

2007-03-15 08:45:40 · answer #10 · answered by captainbiodiesel 1 · 1 3

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