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Hi, I live in the middle of nowhere. Is there a web site or store that has small dress clothes for women? I wear a 0 now, since they enlarged the sizes of everything. Not everyone got larger over the years.

I've been wearing girls clothes, but they fit terrible. The waist is too big, the hips fit okay which is a good thing since my hips are keeping up the pants.

I can't get to New York, Chicago or any other large city that might actually have a small size shop, I really need an online source or a store that has a web site.

I'm trying to find clothes to wear to work. I don't want Junior pants that are ultra short waisted and trendy. I teach college students, and I need to dress in business casual.

Petite Sophisticate was around here and went out of business. I bought a size 0 pair of pants at their going out of business sale, and they are actually just a little big. There used to be 5,7,9 shops around but they closed too.

Help... Small women UNITE!!

2007-03-15 08:16:54 · 8 answers · asked by lil' fiddler 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

8 answers

Try Ann Taylor Loft for Petites. I would also agree with shopping at Banana Republic, J. Crew & Express. Hope this helps. I'm also a petite woman. Good luck to you! :)

2007-03-15 08:41:54 · answer #1 · answered by Jess_DH13 5 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

Now that Petite Sophisticate closed, where can I find small dress clothes, size 0?
Hi, I live in the middle of nowhere. Is there a web site or store that has small dress clothes for women? I wear a 0 now, since they enlarged the sizes of everything. Not everyone got larger over the years.

I've been wearing girls clothes, but they fit terrible. The waist is too big,...

2015-08-07 17:06:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Petite Sophisticate

2016-11-01 08:25:49 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I relate to your dilemma. It's hard to find professional petite workwear. Have you tried Banana Republic online (www.bananarepublic.com)? They have a petite collection that starts at size 00. J Crew (www.jcrew.com) also has petite pants, suits, blouses and dresses starting at size 0. Both places can be more expensive than Petite Sophisticate, but the quality is very high.

As far as other stores go, The Limited has very nice pants and they either have petite sizes or custom hem them for free. New York and Company also has a lot of petite pants and their prices are very reasonable. So you might check online to see if either of these stores have locations near you. Unfortunately, neither of these has online purchasing available as far as I know.

2007-03-15 09:44:24 · answer #4 · answered by PetiteGirl 1 · 0 0

Hi, I have exactly the same problem. I am a singer and it's a complete nightmare looking for performance outfits. I periodically search ebay for my size. I'm trying to find petite outlets too, and will let you know when I come across some! You can also search my username in ebay, as I always try to snap up small sizes when I find them.

2007-03-15 15:56:11 · answer #5 · answered by happy90lucky 1 · 0 0

Companies like Banana Republic and J. Crew have petite selections. Try their websites.

2007-03-15 08:23:28 · answer #6 · answered by Shelley L 6 · 0 0

I think it depends

2016-08-23 21:16:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

just eat a hamburger & fit in w/ the rest of us! lol

2007-03-15 08:19:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

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