WHY NOT! it would be fun. come on you need to express yourself. If pple make fun of u just say what u ain' t never seen a girl walkin around town before. but if u really don't want to do it then don't
2007-03-15 08:19:47
answer #1
answered by ♥Kayla 3
Well, if you made the bet, you have to face up to it. Never make a bet that you aren't willing to follow through with. If you don't go through with it, then you will have welched on the bet and I doubt anyone would ever want to bet with you again.
Also, what were the stipulations of the bet? I mean, do you have to get dressed up and parade around in public, or can she just dress you up in the privacy of your own home and you take it all off as soon as she's done?
If you do decide to follow through with the bet, (which I recommend) stick to the original bet and don't let her add on anything after the fact. Like if the bet was to dress up and nothing else, don't let her add on "and take pictures".
Hope that helps!
2007-03-15 08:09:33
answer #2
answered by JennieDee 1
Dude, you probably wouldnt have agreed to this bet if you were afraid of losing. Take advantage of this because i do it all the time and its fun,you will enjoy it.One thing though, make her get help from some of her girl friends so you really look good. Then tell her that you want to make it a girls night out. Dinner and a movie(but wear comfortable heels).Who knows, you might like it and then you and the girls can do it every weekend.HAVE FUN
2007-03-15 17:36:21
answer #3
answered by jerry g 3
Depends a lot on whether or not this was the terms of the bet, I believe.
If you agreed to this in advance, well, next time you'll know better.
If you didn't, well, *I* wouldn't go along with it.
And if you did, and don't mind, why are you posting the question?
2007-03-15 08:09:14
answer #4
answered by comicards 6
a bet is a bet, your going to have to wear a dress or something now, or you can always DOUBLE OR NOTHING where you can make another bet and try to win and be "debt free" or you can dress up like a girl for another day... choice is yours!!!!
2007-03-15 08:07:09
answer #5
answered by Christian 2
You bet on it and you lost the bet....so dress up as a girl.
2007-03-15 08:13:40
answer #6
answered by Claudia 3
make another bet
something like double or nothing
just make sure u win
or else u'll not only be dressing up as a girl but also....well i'll leave dat to ur sisters imagination
2007-03-15 08:07:47
answer #7
answered by jinx_0334 2
You should let her dress u up. After all she won the bet.
2007-03-15 08:07:04
answer #8
answered by Carlayyy 1
Well you made the bet! So be a man and face up to the fact you lost it and honour your word!
2007-03-15 08:05:14
answer #9
answered by littleminnie1000 4
A bet is a bet. Don't make bets if you can't pay up!
Hope you find a shade of lipstick you like!
2007-03-15 08:05:27
answer #10
answered by mykidsrsaints 3