I'm 20 years old and I think of myself as having the responsiblity of helping to raise (parent) myself and I need to say, from any side of the fence - some of these answers you have been given are crap. Buy it and hide it? Wouldn't you much love to let her buy it and wash it for you? wouldn't you much love to keep it in the bag you bought it in when you walk through the door? Ok then, listen up!
I guess your mother is just wondering exactly what your mind is up to and I guess you can answer some of her questions for her without her asking. Maybe talking about sexuality is not the thing to do between the two of you. So maybe you can just explain to her that, like every woman, you will be attracted to these things. Even the ones who don't think they are cute will drool over a Calvin Klein teddy once in while, or just adore that cute lacey boy shorts in the lingerie store. Maybe she thinks that youre having sex, maybe she doesnt want you to grow up, but you need to explain to her that indulging in these things will build your self confidence, and although it might, and im stressing might give you more confidence to flirt with guys its more of a thing for you, than then when you look at it. Let her know straight of, that you'd prefer that she is in the know about what you do. because she should be the one protecting you, but her years are still limited because if you arent at college soon you will be, anyway. and if she is keeping you in a box about the world outside, the likelyhood of you comming back from college with your degree in one hand and her grandchild in another is very likely, and if its not what she wants for you, its time she did some growing up of her own.
2007-03-15 08:08:36
answer #1
answered by purrrfix 1
Does she think that you're not sexually active? If you are, consider telling her the truth. If she's going to become abusive -- consider moving out. If it's that you're just trying to get away from the "stress" of it...this is part of you growing up. As long as she's not going to kick you out or something...
It's difficult, but this is a boundaries issue. On the one side, it sounds like you're in her house. If she's paying for your housing, schooling, etc., she can have rules. If it's down to that, you need to save money from spending on lingerie and save up for getting an apartment with some roommates. On your own, paying your own bills you can do what you please.
I would hope that you have a healthy relationship with your mother where it may be uncomfortable but where you can be honest with her.
2007-03-15 07:43:45
answer #2
answered by kerridwen09 4
She is only being a good mother. Lingerie can make a woman feel beautiful and sexy. However, generally it is intended for women who are trying to entice a man. In the same manner she would not encourage sexual behavior at your young age. Maybe you can compromise with her and find some lingerie that is not as provocative.
2007-03-15 07:45:26
answer #3
answered by Teddy Bear 5
Why are you asking the question twice? I have nothing to add as the previous users basically made it clear to you that you should respect your mother's wishes. Buy some lingerie that is not too revealing or that your mother finds appropriate for your age.
2007-03-15 08:26:35
answer #4
answered by Blue Eyed Angel 6
You should not be wearing lingerie at 17! Act your age and dress your age, and as long as you are under your mother's roof, you follow her rules, she knows what is best. You may think that that is absolutely wrong, but in five years you'll be changing your tune.
2007-03-15 07:45:38
answer #5
answered by crazyzoomusic 2
Your Mom doesn't let you buy your own bras & panties? If you are 17-1/2 and your Mommy is still buying your lingerie, something is wrong.
2007-03-15 07:40:38
answer #6
answered by kja63 7
Wait until your 18 or moved out then buy it. No point in buying it and trying to hide it, for it to only be found out about then you get in trouble over it.
2007-03-15 07:45:34
answer #7
answered by misstigeress 4
In 6 months it won't matter, obviously. Then you can tell your mom where to go.
The standup comic Sinbad (who you may be too young to remember now that I think about it), he used to say that Lingerie is a waste of money. Because the purpose is to... make naked women attractive to men. He was like "How hard is it to make naked women attractive to men?!?"
You nakedness is enough...
2007-03-15 07:43:35
answer #8
answered by heartscared 3
You are too young. Wait untill 18 then but lingerie. Ask your mom. Tell her "I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I wanna wear ______ and thats what I'll wear."
2007-03-15 07:41:08
answer #9
answered by Nikki 2
you should be able to buy and pay for your own clothes.
and to independently go out and buy your items.
so if you have the money to pay for lingerie, then go get it yourself.
if you want your mom to pay for it, then she has a right to not let you.
also, just wait half a year, and buy it yourself later.
you have your whole life to enjoy lingerie!
2007-03-15 07:50:31
answer #10
answered by ♥madluv4tai♥ 2