Here Are **Working* cheats 4 U
God Father-
Enter the codes at the correct place. Film Reels should be entered on the main menu and the others should be entered in the pause menu.
Cheat Effect
Y,X,Y,X,X Left Analog Stick Gives all film reels
X,Y,X,X,Y, click left analog stick $5000
Y, left, y, right, x, click right analog stick Full ammo
left, x, right, y, right, click left analog stick Full health
Infinite Ammo Become Don of NYC
Saturday Night Special Buy third .38 Snub Nose upgrade
Assassin's Pistol Buy third Pistol upgrade
Python Buy third Magnum upgrade
Dillinger Buy 3rd upgrade for Tommy Gun
Street Sweeper Buy 3rd upgrade for Shotgun
To unlock the movies complete each of the mission
Unlockable How to Unlock
Movie 2 Complete "Enforcer"Mission
Movie 1 Complete "The Alley"Mission
Movie 3 Complete"Grave Situation"Mission
Movie 4 Complete"Sleeping With The Fishes"Mission
Movie 5 Complete"The Don Is Dead"Mission
Movie 6 Complete"Intensive Care"Mission
Movie 7 Complete"Fireworks"Mission
Movie 8 Complete"Death To The Traitor "Mission
Movie 9 Complete"Horseplay"Mission
Movie 10 Complete"A Recipe For Revenge"Mission
Movie 11 Complete"Now it's Personal"Mission
Movie 12 Complete"The Silent Witness"Mission
Movie 13 Complete"Sonny's War"Mission
Movie 14 Complete"Change Of Plan"Mission
Movie 15 Complete"Order To Kill"Mission
Movie 16 Complete"It's Only Business"Mission
Movie 17 Complete"Baptism By Fire"Mission
Movie 18 Collect 10 Film Reel
Movie 19 Collect 20 Film Reel
Movie 20 Collect 30 Film Reel
Movie 21 Collect 40 Film Reel
Movie 22 Collect 55 Film Reel
Movie 23 Collect 70 Film Reel
Movie 24 Collect 85 Film Reel
Movie 25 Collect 100 Film Reel
The Godfather Glitches
Unlimited Money and Respect
After completing the first mission, save your game and quit before answering the phone downstairs. Reload your game and you will recieve the $500 and 500 respect you got from that quest again. You can resave and reload to get these rewards as many times as you would like.
San Andreas Cheats-
Cheat codes
Enter these codes in game. (Use the D-Pad, not the analog stick). You will see the message, Cheat Activated, if entered properly.
Cheat Effect
Right, R Trigger, Up, White, White, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger Faster Cars
Up, Up, Down, Down, X, B, L Trigger, R Trigger, Y, Down Bikini Beach Babe Mode
Black, White, R Trigger, L Trigger, White, Black, X, Y, B, Y, White, L Trigger Destroy All Cars
X, L Trigger, R Trigger, RIGHT, A, UP, L Trigger, LEFT, LEFT Always Midnight
Right, White, Down, R Trigger, Left, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, White, L Trigger KILL YOURSELF (INSANT DEATH!!!)
Up, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, Black, Right Max Stamina
L Trigger, B, Y, L Trigger, L Trigger, X, White, Up, Down, Left Pedestrians Are Elvis
Y, Y, L Trigger, X, X, B, X, Down, B Killer Clown Mode
White, RIGHT, L Trigger, Y, RIGHT, RIGHT, R Trigger, L Trigger, RIGHT, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Chaos mode
Black, R Trigger, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down Pedestrians have weapons
Down, Left, Up, Left, A, Black, R Trigger, White, L Trigger Pedestrian Riot Mode (Cant be turned off!!)
A, A, Down, Black, White, B. R Trigger, B, X Yakuza Mode (Peds & cars are Asian Gang)
Right, Black, B, R Trigger, White, X, R Trigger, Black Cars Drive on Water (Boat Properties)
Right, White, White, Down, White, Up, Up, White, Black Prostitutes pay you (Pimp Mode 2)
X, Right, X, X, White, A, Y, A, Y Attracts Prostitutes (Pimp Mode)
A, A, X, R Trigger, L Trigger, A, Down, Left, A Andrenaline Mode
X, Black, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, White, A Cars Fly Away When Hit
X, Down, White, Up, L Trigger, B, Up, A, Left Cars Can Fly
B, White, Up, R Trigger, Left, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Left, B Black Traffic
White, Up, R Trigger, R Trigger, Left, R Trigger, R Trigger, Black, Right, Down No Pedestrians or Cops (Gan Riots)
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left Weapon Set 2
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Weapon Set 1
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left , Down, Down, Down Weapon Set 3
Left, Right, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black, Up, Down, Left, Right Have Jetpack
Left, Right, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black, Black, Up, Down, Right, L Trigger Parachute
Y, R Trigger, R Trigger, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, Black, L Trigger Perfect Handling in Vehicles
B, B, L Trigger, X, L Trigger, X, X, X, L Trigger, Y, B, Y Faster Clock
Y, Up, Right, Down, White, L Trigger, X Faster Gameplay
Black, B, Up, L Trigger, Right, R Trigger, Right, Up, X, Y Flying Boats
Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, A Foggy
White, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, X, LEFT, Black, X, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Cloudy
Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, X Overcast
B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, A Down Add Six Stars to Wanted Level
B, RIGHT, B, RIGHT, LEFT, X, Y, UP Lock Wanted Level
R Trigger, R Trigger, B, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down Lower Wanted Level
R Trigger, R Trigger, B, Black, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left Raise Wanted Level
A, L Trigger, UP, X, DOWN, A, White, Y, DOWN, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Pedestrians Attack with Guns
Down, Up, Up, Up, A, Black, R Trigger, White, White Pedestrian Attack (Cant be Turned Off!!)
up, up, X, White, right, A, R Trigger, down, Black, B Full Weapon Aiming While Driving
Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Down Noon
Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Y Night
Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, X Morning
Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, R Trigger Slow down Game Play
X, X, Black, Left, Up, X, Black, A, A, A Better Suspension
up, L Trigger, R Trigger, up, right, up, A, White, A, L Trigger Increase Car Speed
L Trigger, R Trigger, Y, DOWN, Black, A, L Trigger, UP, White, White, L Trigger, L Trigger Max Respect
B, Y, Y, UP, B, R Trigger, White, UP, Y, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Max Sex Appeal
X, White, R Trigger, Y, UP, X, White, UP, A Never Hungry
Y, Up ,Up, Left, Right, X, B, Right Skinny
Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Left Max Muscle
Y, Up ,Up, Left, Right, X, B, Down Max Fat
X, White, A, R Trigger, White, White, LEFT, R Trigger, RIGHT, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Max Vehicle Stats
Y, X, B, B, X, B, B, L Trigger, White, White, R Trigger, Black Super Bike Jumps
Up, Up, Y, Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, Black, Black Super Jumps
L Trigger, R Trigger, X, R Trigger, LEFT, Black, R Trigger, LEFT, X, DOWN, L Trigger, L Trigger Infinite Ammo
Down, Left, L Trigger, Down, Down, Black, Down, White, Down Super Lung Capacity (Infinite Air)
DOWN, X, A, LEFT, R Trigger, Black, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Hitman Rank (All Weapons)
Left, Left, White, R Trigger, Right, X, X, L Trigger, White, A Orange Sky
Up, Down, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black Sand Storm
Black, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, B Stormy
R Trigger, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, Black, UP, RIGHT, X, RIGHT, White, L Trigger, L Trigger Spawn Tanker
B, L Trigger, Up, R Trigger, White, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, B, A Spawn Caddy
B, Up, L Trigger, White, Down, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger, Left, Left, A, Y Spawn Stunt Plane
Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, X, B, Y, R Trigger, Black Spawn Quadbike
R Trigger, B, Black, Right, L Trigger, White, A, A, X, R Trigger Spawn Hotring Racer #1
Black, L Trigger, B, Right, L Trigger, R Trigger, Right, Up, B, Black Spawn Hotring Racer #2
Up, Left, A, Y, R Trigger, B, B, B, White Super Punches
Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Right No Muscle and No Fat
DOWN, X, UP, Black, Black, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP Recruit Anyone (9mm)
Black, Black, Black, A, White, L Trigger, Black, L Trigger, DOWN, A Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
L Trigger, White, White, Up, Down, Down, Up, R Trigger, Black, Black All Cars have Tank Properties.
Y, L Trigger, Y, Black, X, L Trigger, L Trigger All Vehicles are Invisible (Not Motorcycles)
Right, R Trigger, Up, White, White, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger Traffic Lights Stay Green
White, RIGHT, L Trigger, UP, A, L Trigger, White, Black, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger All Traffic are Junk Cars
LEFT, Y, R Trigger, L Trigger, UP, X, Y, DOWN, B, White, L Trigger, L Trigger All Cars Have Nitrous
Black, B, R Trigger, White, Left R Trigger, L Trigger, Black, White Aggressive Traffic
RIGHT, Black, UP, UP, Black, B, X, Black, L Trigger, RIGHT, DOWN, L Trigger Aggressive Drivers
R Trigger, Black, L Trigger , A, Left , Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up $250,000 + Full Health & Armor
Down, A, Right, Left, Right, R Trigger, Right, Down, Up, Y Infinite health (Explosions, drowning, and falling will still hurt.)
A, Down, Up, Black, Down, Y, L Trigger, Y, Left No Pedestrians / Low Traffic
B, L Trigger, Down, White, Left, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Right, B Pink Traffic
B, A, L Trigger, B, B, L Trigger, B, R Trigger, Black, White, L Trigger, L Trigger Spawn Hunter
Y, Y, X, B, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, Down, Up Spawn Hydra
Y, Y, X, B, A, L Trigger, White, Down, Down Spawn Vortex
Down, R Trigger, B, White, White, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Left, Left Spawn Bloodring Banger
Right, Up, R Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger, Down, Y, Y, A, B, L Trigger, L Trigger Spawn Monster
Black, L Trigger, L Trigger, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, A, L Trigger, LEFT Spawn Dozer
Up, Right, Right, L Trigger, Right, Up, X, White Spawn Rancher
Black, Up, White, Left, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, B, Right Spawn Stretch
B, B, L Trigger, B, B, B, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Y, B, Y Spawn Rhino
L Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger White, L Trigger, Black, Down, Left, Up All Vehicles are Farm Vehicles
Y, Left, X, White, Up, Black, Down, L Trigger, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger Traffic becomes Farm Vehicles
Down, Black, Down, R Trigger, White, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, Left, Right Unlock Romero
B, R Trigger, B, R Trigger, Left, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, B, Right Unlock Trashmaster
Unlockable How to Unlock
50k and train rides Complete the freight missions
Increase Maximum Health to 150 Complete all 12 levels in the Ambulance mission
Stats and cash boost. Rhino and Hydra delivered to CJ's house in Grove Street 100% game completion
$1,000,000 Get first place in all races at the 4 racing locations across San Andreas (marked with a checkered flag on the map/radar).
Maximum Armor Boosted to 150 Complete level 12 of the vigilante missions
Fireproof CJ Complete all 12 levels of the Firetruck missions
Croupier Outfit Complete the mission "Breaking the bank at Caliqula's"
Gimp Suitv Complete the mission "The Key to her Heart"
Medic Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Katie Zhan
Overalls Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Helena
Pimp Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Denise Robinson
Racing Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Michelle
Police Outfit Get your relationship to 100 percent with Barbara
Valet Outfit Complete the mission "555 We Tip"
Tec-9, Ak-47, Sawwed-off Shotgun, and Molotov at CJ's House Tag all 100 Tags
Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Micro-SMG, and Grenade at SF Garage Take all 50 Photographs
MP5 Collect all 50 Horseshoes
Satchel Charge Collect all 50 Horseshoes
M4 Collect all 50 Horseshoes
Combat Shotgun Collect all 50 Horseshoes
All Taxis and Cabbies have Nitro and Hydraulics Drop of 50 passengers (Not in a row)
Dating Perks
Unlockable How to Unlock
Keep weapons after being wasted Date Katie
Keep weapons after being busted Date Barbara
Free car respray at Michelle's house Date Michelle
Unlock Weapons at Cabin in Tierra Robada
Mike Toreno missions bonus
Successfully complete all missions assigned by Mike Toreno to get a flamethrower, minigun, rocket launcher, and homing rocket launcher to appear at his cabin in Tierra Robada.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Rocket Launcher Successfully complete all missions assigned by Mike Toreno
Homing Rocket Launcher Successfully complete all missions assigned by Mike Toreno
Minigun Successfully complete all missions assigned by Mike Toreno
Flamethrower Successfully complete all missions assigned by Mike Toreno
Dual wield certain guns
Unlockable How to Unlock
Dual Tec 9's Get to the Hitman rank with the Tec 9
Dual Sawed-off Shotguns Get to the Hitman rank with the Sawed-off Shotgun
Dual Machine Pistols Get to the Hitman rank with the Machine Pistol
Dual Pistols Get to the Hitman rank with the Pistol
Haircut Bonuses
Unlockable How to Unlock
+5 respect, +15 sex appeal Get a cesar haircut
+10 respect, +10 sex appeal Get a cesar and stash haircut
+10 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a cesar and goatee haircut
+10 respect, +10 sex appeal Get a cesar and beard haircut
+15 respect, +10 sex appeal Get a afro haircut
+20 respect, +5 sex appeal Get a afro and stash haircut
+20 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a afro and goatee haircut
+20 respect, +5 sex appeal Get a afro and beard haircut
+25 respect, +25 sex appeal Get a flattop haircut
+5 respect, +25 sex appeal Get a jheri curl haircut
+30 respect, +30 sex appeal Get a cornrow haircut
+20 respect, +20 sex appeal Get a high fade haircut
+10 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a red hair haircut
+10 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a blue hair haircut
+10 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a gren hair haircut
+10 respect, +20 sex appeal Get a bald haircut
+15 respect, +15 sex appeal Get a bald and stash haircut
+15 respect, +10 sex appeal Get a bald and goatee haircut
+15 respect, +15 sex appeal Get a bald and beard haircut
+20 respect, +10 sex appeal Get a slope haircut
+10 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a mohawk and beard haircut
+0 respect, +15 sex appeal Get a blonde haircut
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a elvis haircut
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a pink hair haircut
+15 respect, +15 sex appeal Get a blonde afro haircut
+30 respect, +30 sex appeal Get a blonde cornrow haircut
+15 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a high afro haircut
+20 respect, +20 sex appeal Get a wedge haircut
+25 respect, +30 sex appeal Get a deatil cut haircut
+30 respect, +30 sex appeal Get a groove cut haircut
+20 respect, +10 sex appeal Get a mohawk haircut
+10 respect, +15 sex appeal Get a blonde mohawk haircut
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Get a pink moahwk haircut
Binco Clothing Bonuses
Unlockable How to Unlock
+15 respect, +5 sex appeal Wear a green hoody
+2 respect, +3 sex appeal Wear a white tank top
+2 respect, +3 sex appeal Wear a black tank top
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear a white t-shirt
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear a LS t-shirt
+2 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear a sharps t-shirt
+15 respect, +3 sex appeal Wear a green shirt
+3 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear a checkered shirt
+10 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear a combat jacket
+15 respect, +7 sex appeal Wear a eris t-shirt
+5 respect, +7 sex appeal Wear a eris t-shirt 2
+5 respect, +9 sex appeal Wear a track top
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear black boxers
+1 respect, +2 sex appeal Wear heart boxers
+6 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear woodland camo
+2 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear urban camo
+0 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear gray pants
+5 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear olive pants
+3 respect, +2 sex appeal Wear sweat pants
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear blue jeans
+5 respect, +5 sex appeal Wear track pants
+2 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear green rag
+1 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear beige pants
+15 respect, +5 sex appeal Wear green jeans
+9 respect, +2 sex appeal Wear green track pants
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear sandals
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear sandals and socks
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear flip-flops
+1 respect, +2 sex appeal Wear cowboy boots
+2 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear hi-top knicks
+3 respect, +2 sex appeal Wear hi-top sneaks
+3 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear green low-tops
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear blue low-tops
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear black low-tops
+1 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear dogtag
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear africa pendant
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear pink watch
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear yellow watch
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear joke glasses
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear joke mask
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear eyepatch
+1 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear red rag
+1 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear blue rag
+1 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear black rag
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear red rag (back)
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear red rag (front)
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear blue rag (back)
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear blue rag (front)
+1 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear black rag (back)
+1 respect, + sex appeal Wear black rag (front)
+3 respect, +2 sex appeal Wear green rag (back)
+3 respect, +1 sex appeal Wear green rag (front)
+2 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear watch cap
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear trucker hat
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear cowboy hat
+0 respect, +0 sex appeal Wear leopard cowboy
GTA: San Andreas Easter Eggs
Change moons size
During the night when the moon is out Go and get a sniper rifle.Then aim at the moon and shoot.It will change sizes.
Sex Toy Weapon
In Los Santos, go inside any police station and go into the shower room. Inside you will find a purple sex toy you can use as a very powerful weapon.
Gant Bridge Message
First, get a jet-pack and get to the gant bridge. Fly on top of the first collumn to find a message saying " There are no Easter Eggs Here. Go Away!"
GTA: San Andreas Secrets
Easy Pistol Ammo/Weapon Skill
Get to 3-4 stars and go into A Cluckin' Bell. (I used the one across from the Paint n Spray in Los Santos.) Go into the room with two doors. Sit in there for a second after the doors are shut and go back outside to the lobby. There's new people in there. If you have 3-4 stars, Policement will appear, but they don't attack. Kill them for pistols and easy weapon skill.
Win Chiliad Challenge easily
When doing the Chiliad challenge let the other racers finish before you. Then stop before hitting the final marker and get off. Next get out a sniper rifle and snipe all of the competitors. After each snipe you'll notice your position is going up. If you snipe them all you will be in first place.
Easy cash on Mt.Chiliad
Here is how to get a few grand at a time on Mt.Chiliad. Ok, get to the top of Mt.Chiliad and hop on the bike they place up there. Depending on the time, a race might start. If it doesn't just wait around up there until it does. When the race down the mountain begins, look to your left and there should be a flagpole with a ramp next to it. Forget the race and go off the ramp doing flips and spins. You will get teleported back on the mountain but with an insane stunt bonus of a couple hundred dollars! Repeat this process until the race ends. Then wait around for the next race to begin!
Stop gang attack in your territory.
If your territory ever comes under attack by a rival gang, simply go and save your game. This will stop the attack.
Get a pilot license without going to pilot school!
Hop the fence to the Los Santos airport, hop in the SHAMAL, and keep flying it for about 25 minutes. In the upper right hand corner of the screen, it will say to keep practicing to obtain a pilot's license. Fly for about 10 minutes more, and you will obtain a pilot's license and have access to all airports!
Easy Money
Go into a strip club and stand in front of the stripper when the people watching puts money up there CJ will get it since he is where they put the money
GTA: San Andreas Glitches
End up in Los Santos while being in a different city
Go to any safehouse that is not in Los Santos, enter the Wardrobe room, and kill CJ. You should end up at the Los Santos Hospital.
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
2007-03-16 01:23:08
answer #2
answered by ROCKEY 2