wear lots of thick socks
2007-03-15 05:03:22
answer #1
answered by lainaloo 4
I am the same I found a bargain it was a size 7 yikes a bit big so i put on 2 pairs of thick socks alos put in a shoe liner you know the ones for comfort that also helps make it a bit tighter.
2007-03-15 05:24:59
answer #2
answered by leopardshaz 5
I buy a size bigger in boots in winter, I have feet like ice-blocks, so this way I can wear 2 pairs of socks to keep my feet warm, without cramping my feet up, so u could try 2 pairs of socks. If they are washable boots, put them in the washer, that might make them tighter.....If all of that fails, take a picture of them and put them on ebay...lol
2007-03-15 05:14:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Add an insole insert to it. Usually they are made of a maleable material that can be cut to fit the inside of your shoe. These can really help take in some of the space and make the shoe tighter around your foot.
2007-03-15 05:05:30
answer #4
answered by plano2001 1
buy good quality thick insoles, making sure they are the size of the boots. If your foot still slips, wear socks as well.
2007-03-15 05:10:51
answer #5
answered by PATRICIA L 3
If you have the receipt you are entitled to your money back so go & stand your ground with the manager. Alternatively buy insoles but chances are the boots will always be uncomfortable.
2007-03-15 05:06:49
answer #6
answered by Misha-non-penguin 5
I don't think you can really shrink them much. Try a heel pad in them to stop your heels from sliding up in the shoe, and thicker socks to fill in some room. They also make gel pads that go under the ball of your foot inorder to stop it from sliding forward, maybe that would help.
2007-03-15 05:04:22
answer #7
answered by SewCrazy 4
Take them back to a different branch, say your granny bought them. Or knacker them up a bit, then say they're faulty
2007-03-15 05:58:07
answer #8
answered by CatWoman1 1
stick them on ebay or wear sports socks with them
2007-03-15 05:16:07
answer #9
answered by Mr Jolly 3
Wear thick socks, and you should be ok.
2007-03-15 05:06:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous