carebears are only okay to wear on ur shirts but if u own the actual bears then....thats just creepy :)
2007-03-15 04:58:19
answer #1
answered by BOOM, roasted. 7
I paintings at a economic institution, yet i don't recognize how thorough the historic past verify is. (i don't have something different than a bad using checklist whilst i became into youthful.) i recognize the FBI can get their hands on any records that still exists in the event that they choose to. that includes records that purely exist interior the memory of the officers in contact. That suggested, I doubt a million juvenile misdemeanor would be a situation despite in the event that they locate it. do exactly not lie approximately it. Lori ok: They do extensive interviews for national protection clearances. For a economic institution, its in fact a working laptop or computing device records seek. The don't have time to interview kindergarten instructors for each economic institution worker interior the country.
2016-12-18 14:19:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I've seen lots of junior high and highschool kids wear carebear stuff. Its fine. Just wear it with cool jeans.
2007-03-15 05:02:38
answer #3
answered by steffo:D 3
No, it isn't. Adults wear stuff like that too. Lots of English kids love that kind of thing. My 14 year old niece and her friends wear Winnie The Pooh, Piglet, Tinkerbell, etc, T shirts. They're not childish, they're into make-up and boys, and just think the shirts are cute. If it makes you feel good, wear it.
2007-03-15 05:04:44
answer #4
answered by Taylor29 7
No its not too juvenile I know some high schoolers and people that are out of school that were stuff like that.
2007-03-15 04:58:58
answer #5
answered by Mamie-Lou 2
I'm 24 and I'd wear one of those.
I guess it depends if you're looking to look more adult, if so then you may wish to start changing your fashions for a bit. Plainer shirts and such.
Be true to yourself though, wear what makes you feel good and confident. It's the most important fashion accessory.
2007-03-15 05:12:14
answer #6
answered by Luis 6
It's OK if it's worn in an ironic kind of way. If you're still in pigtails and jeans with pink butterfly decals, that's too juvenile for you, but if you wear it like "it's so uncool it's cool" you should be fine
2007-03-15 05:00:09
answer #7
answered by Cybele 1
carebears are the best right now sooo cute
2007-03-15 04:58:41
answer #8
answered by boxofjoy 2
Oh No! You think that is childish?You aren't !Care Bears are really cool just like Elmo or Big Bird!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-15 05:05:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wear what you want as long as your parents are alright with it.
2007-03-15 04:58:53
answer #10
answered by productjunkie 3