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I recently got my new doodle pocket sac purse. i got an awesome deal on it. What do you think of D&B itself? Do you own any?

2007-03-15 04:39:14 · 7 answers · asked by Tiffany K 3 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

7 answers

I love Dooney & Bourke!! I have one handbag. All of their stuff is soooo cute!!! Some people think they are only for younger people, but they aren't. They have something for everyone. They even have jewerly, wallets, cellphone cases, and even rain boots. I absolutely love Dooney & Bourke. I would recommend it to everyone!!

2007-03-15 04:59:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I have a classic Dooney from when they were still made in the U.S. (not anymore). Classic Dooneys are of very high quality and there are a great many handbag collectors who covet them. While they may now carry those goofy colorful designs that appeal to teenagers, it is very odd that people seem to think that's all they make (it often amazes me what younger people just do not know).

Dooneys used to be considered very conservative. They do have several very beautiful and elegant classic lines: All-Weather Leather line (most famous and really does repel water), Pebbled Leather line, Glove Leather line, Croco line, Alto line, Nubuck line, and Soft Croc line for example. Dooney leather bags are right up there with Coach as far as quality, collectibility, and endurance. Some are well over $400.

At least most Dooney bags are actually nice-looking, as opposed to Louis Vuittons, most of which are horrendously ugly.

You can find lots of classic Dooneys on eBay. I only paid $22 for mine and it will last me many years. Collectors who sell their bags take quite good care of them. You can also get good prices on QVC.

2007-03-15 11:55:02 · answer #2 · answered by geoxena 3 · 4 0

I don't own and Dooney & Bourke handbags myself because I'm not a big fan of them. Their colors are way too bright for me. I personally prefer Coach (I've got a few) and I'm pretty happy with them.

2007-03-15 11:49:08 · answer #3 · answered by Sunshine 3 · 0 2

I dont own a Dooney and Bourke handbag.. i think it attracts more younger shoppers.. the colorful designs.. and hearts and bumble bees are too childish.. something my little sister would wear, i also dont like the plastic type material... Im not really feeling their DB designed bags either.. Try Coach.. next time you buy a bag.. pay a little more and get a coach bag. those bags last me forever.. and the designs are better..

2007-03-15 11:44:33 · answer #4 · answered by Grace 4 · 1 3

I'm not a big fan of D&B... I honestly think they're overpriced but if you got a good deal on it, thats great. I figure if you're gonna splurge, go for something that'll make heads turn and adds a lil sofistication to whatever you're wearing. My favorite bag is my black buckled Prada bag. I could seriously walk out in faded jeans and a plain t shirt, but once I use that bag, i get tons of compliments. My favorite "notice me" bag is definitely my white murakami logo speedy by Louis Vuitton. I love it cuz I can also use it as a smaller weekender, everything fits in it!

2007-03-15 11:51:08 · answer #5 · answered by pushiepeachy 2 · 1 3

I like the design but the way the sort the letters is like Louis Vuitton but it`s D and B letters instead of L and V.

Seems a little the same.

2007-03-15 11:50:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I personally don't like the ones with the letters on them... but my mom got this really nice leather one I like it cause it looks professional.

2007-03-15 11:42:55 · answer #7 · answered by tallyluver 4 · 1 2

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