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im in love with someone but i dont know if its a crush or true love help me!

2007-03-15 04:28:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

9 answers

If you "think" you're in love, 99% of the time you aren't. You'll know when you are really in love, because it will change your life.

2007-03-15 04:33:53 · answer #1 · answered by LC 4 · 0 1

Oh, I am so right there with you. Ok, let me see if I can break this down. When you have a crush on someone, u have the normal side effects, like; thinking about them all the time, trying to catch a free moment so you can be with them, dream about them, you know the norm.
Now, being in love with them is about the same but it's a little more intense. I mean you will plan out things for both of you together but when you in love with someone, I believe, everything that you do revolves around them. The way I was with my dude, I had a big crush on him. I fanastized about him all the time. But, now that I'm in love with him, I do everything to please him before I please myself. Whatever I do, I want to make sure he benefits from it. When you have a crush, you're shy around him and want to hold things in. When you're in love, you want him to know everything because you believe he is that one you've been looking for and you feel he should know everything. When your crush leaves infaturation and goes to love, you'll find yourself doing things that involve him, concern him, that just happen. I mean, it's not something you plan to happen it just automatically happens. When you have a crush you tend to try and hide how you feel, being very shy. Things like that. When you're in love, everytime you see him your whole world lights up and he sees it and so does everybody else. Oh, another thing wit a crush, you will sound like a little girl when you talk about the things you WISH you two could do. When you're in love, you sound like a little girl talking about the things that YOU TWO DO, DO, things that actually happen between you. When you realize that you will do whatever you need to do to make him happy, you're in love. That doesn't mean change who you are or anything like that. Once you realize, he is your world, and everything you do revolves and involves him, subconsisously, you are in love.

2007-03-15 04:46:48 · answer #2 · answered by ♥Nana♥ 3 · 0 0

Nice question.
I would say, Love is when you are ready to be COMMITED to that person for lifetime, not just till your attraction dies. Love is when you are willing to be by the side of that person when he/she is going through major illness, not just when he/she is looking cute. Love is when you like the person even when he/she is finding faults with you, not only when he/she is praising you for virtues you doubt you have at all! Love is when you can be TRUE to the person no matter what.
Think on this, if you still feel it is love, go ahead and all the best.

2007-03-15 04:41:36 · answer #3 · answered by ravish2006 6 · 0 0

Well for me true love is when you love a person and their all you think about every second. It's someone you would give your whole heart to. You would sacrifice your life just to be with him. But i also think for there to be true love the other person has to be in love with you too.

2007-03-15 04:37:33 · answer #4 · answered by iluvsuperman84 2 · 0 0

Tru luv is when u think of that person all night and day. It's that feeling you have like you can't be without that person. Tru luv is hard 2 explain.

2007-03-15 05:33:03 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. 17-5 1 · 0 0

How long have you know them? It is all too easy to be blown away by somebody who you think is hot/sweet/amazing very quickly. Give it time to figure it out. It is probably infatuation.

2007-03-15 04:36:55 · answer #6 · answered by ~ T a y l ♥ r ~ 3 · 0 0

Ok, well its kind of hard to tell you if i dont know any details.
It depends how old you are i think.
I dont like when little teenagers are saying they are in love.

-Whose the first person you think about when you wake up?
-When your cellphone rings who do you wish it is?
-When you get ready in the morning, who are you hoping to impresss?
-When you hear love songs who do you think of?
-Do you have dreams about him?
-Would you want to spend the rest of your life with him?

your cute.
good luck?

2007-03-15 04:33:43 · answer #7 · answered by Lea 1 · 0 2

you will know when true love comes. good things come to those who wait

2007-03-15 04:32:06 · answer #8 · answered by laura g 1 · 0 1

if you have to ask then it is not

2007-03-15 04:39:36 · answer #9 · answered by lovednotspoiled 5 · 0 0

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