You need to get yourself into the doctor to have your blood pressure checked. Pre-Eclampsia can cause this, and it can be VERY dangerous to you and your baby. Don't waste time on the computer when your baby's life could be in danger.
2007-03-15 04:32:43
answer #1
answered by Ryan's mom 7
It's normal. Some women swell and others don't. My ankles swoll to the size of softballs and my face was hugh. All I could do was try to put my feet up when ever I got the chance. Try buying a size larger flip flops or gators anything that doesn't restrict blood flow.
2007-03-15 04:35:48
answer #2
answered by Hello 4
You should call your OB and tell him/her about your swelling. It could be completely normal or it could be something serious, like preeclampsia. Your swelling is called "edema"...during pregnancy you retain a lot of water. Also since your uterus is getting larger, it's putting pressure on your pelvic veins which is slowing down the return of blood from your legs, causing it to pool, which forces fluid from your veins into the tissues of your feet and ankles. You may need to drink more water...or you could put your feet up. But you should definitely call your doctor about it so they can rule out preeclampsia.
2007-03-15 04:36:32
answer #3
answered by Angela 3
See a doctor.
Swelling is normal in pregnancy--but your case seems a little extreme. It can be a sign of various problems. A friend of mine had this happen, and her baby was born a little premature--but healthy.
According to my book:
call the doctor immediately if the swelling is accompanied by severe upper abdominal pain or nausea, vision difficulties, headache, extreme weight gain (not being the cause of over-eating).
call the doctor that day--or the next: if it is just extreme swelling.
2007-03-15 04:31:25
answer #4
answered by Laura Joy 3
It's okay, don't worry !!! Try to stay off your feet for a bit and elevate your feet and legs, higher than your hips. It will help. It will also keep happenong. Make sure you are drinking enough fluids. Some people think that the more fluids they drink, the more swollen they get. That's not true. Drink plenty and try to rest. You'll be fine.
2007-03-15 04:32:59
answer #5
answered by Johanna S 2
Some swelling is normal, but mention it to your doctor. When I was pregnant, I couldn't wear my rings and my feet got bigger. Too much swelling can be a sign of preeclampsia so you need to let your doctor know right away.
2007-03-15 04:31:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Being swolen in pregnancy is very normal. You should really take it easy and keep your feet up as much as possible. I was swolen late in my pregnancy. YOu should also let your dr know asap. You are retaining too much water.
2007-03-15 04:30:16
answer #7
answered by usmcvalle 2