I would check out sites like NARAL, but the reasons for abortion are complicated
2007-03-15 02:56:25
answer #1
answered by Experto Credo 7
There are several different methods of abortion.
Just like there are differnt methods there are also many different reasons.
I've put a list of places that would be a good places for you to start looking for information.
Abortionfacts.com is pretty balanced, it has both pro-choice and pro-life information.
Don't let anyone tell you that people who have abortions have no conscience or are selfish or cruel. This is a very personal issue for anyone who is involved in an abortion. People can make blanket judgements on people who have abortions.
But here is the thing, abortion distroys a -potential- life and that why some people have a problem with it. It is a personal choice though. Even if you don't agree with it, you don't have to be millitantly against it, or call of government regulation of it.
Good luck with your project. If you stick to the facts you should have a good, and higly controversial, project to present.
P.S. the best answers you will find are from open-minded caring individuals. talk to others around you, they are good places to start too.
2007-03-15 03:03:02
answer #2
answered by aliengeranium 3
Abortion is the medical removal of a fetus from the mother's uterus. Miscarriage is also called "spontaneous abortion". There are various procedures that are used, depending on the age of the fetus. Most abortions are done in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first 12 weeks) but abortions are performed up to week 24.
Women get abortions for a very wide variety of personal reasons. Probably most are performed on young single women who do not feel ready or able to be a parent, or accept the consequences of pregnancy. Some women have unwanted pregnancies due to rape. Some older women already have children and are not prepared to have more. Some women choose to abort a fetus that may have serious medical conditions.
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues of our time. People have extremely strong feelings about it one way or the other - it is murder of a baby or that women should have the freedom to choose what to do with their bodies.
Abortion has been around for a very long time. Herbal remedies and basic medical procedures such as opening the cervix to induce miscarriage have been used for thousands of years.
2007-03-15 03:04:20
answer #3
answered by bugged to death 5
If you need legitimate resources for a project, this is not the place to get them. People on here will most likely spout some opinionated garbage at you instead of helping you, like the guy just below me.
Abortion is where a woman terminates her pregnancy. People do this for many reasons. Some people simply don't want to be a mother yet. This can range from married people who just don't want a child or another child to teenagers who got pregnant because their boyfriend pushed them too far and didn't wear a condom. There are people who are sexually promiscuous and abort a pregnancy after they've had casual sex. There's also people who get abortions because they were raped and don't want to have that baby. There are also some people who have a condition or complication which results in a danger to their life if they carry a baby to term. And also, some people will terminate a pregnancy if it's found that the baby has some disease or gross abnormality that will result in pain and suffering and an early death for the baby. There are probably 18 more reasons I can't think of... maybe someone else will think of them instead of preaching at you.
2007-03-15 02:54:19
answer #4
answered by yodadoe 4
Abortion is terminating your pregnancy- or in more straight forward terms- taking the life of a child. People have an abortion for many reasons- mainly because they "are not ready to have a baby". However no reason is good to have an abortion. Abortion does not just take the life of the baby- it is dangerous to the woman- infections, excessive bleeding and pain- sometimes death- higher risk of breast cancer- etc- and emotionally the woman can be damaged for life- This is not just my opinion- I counsel women and hear this all the time. I think the number #1 reason that woman abort is because they are selfish.
2007-03-15 03:52:23
answer #5
answered by AdoreHim 7
its a choice that is amde to end a pregnancy. It rids the body of the fetus growing inside. People choose to do it for many reasons rape, insest, or because they cannot deal with their responsibilities. Its a very touchy subject becuase everyone has such strong feelings about it. A long time ago it wa sillegal but girls were doing it on their own or trying to with dirty metal hanger sand stuff. They were getting infected and dieing. That is why they began legalizing it to avoid this. It is very common now a days. too common. peopel are taking it as a way out. Some people have had many and will still in the future have them. Its really sad that we dont have limitations. but if we limited it to rape than wed have alot of liars coming forward to be bale to get an abortion. Its a really hard thing to sort out. Thats why so amny people are so touchy about this subject. womans rights protestors and stuff.
2007-03-15 03:02:02
answer #6
answered by Mrs.Vick 4
Here we go again, someone asking
a legitimate Q/A and knucklebuck
telling where to go! Your on here to have fun
and their are others who want seriousness.
Abortion is the removal of an child
it is not unwanted because someone
circumstances the baby is removed from life.
I wish that we would figure how to put it in a body
that wants to carry it and to keep it
2007-03-15 03:05:05
answer #7
answered by manoman 4
Abortion is when someone finds out they are pregnant and decides they do NOT want to have the baby.
There are several different methods used in performing abortions, depending upon how far along the pregnancy is. Some methods involve physically extracting the baby and others involve the use of chemicals injected into the womb or taken by the mother. The following descriptions provide the details of each method.The pictures of these abortions are graphic and you may not want to see them. DO NOT click on the photos if you feel you are not prepared to view these graphic details.
These are the different types of abortion (how its done) and how old the baby has to be when it is done
Suction aspiration - first 12 weeks of pregnancy
Dilation and curettage (D&C) - first 12 weeks of pregnancy
RU486 and methotrexate - 5 to 7 weeks of pregnancy
Dilation and evacuation (D&E) - first 18 weeks of pregnancy
Salt poisoning (saline amniocentesis) - after four months of pregnancy
Prostaglandin abortion - four to six months of pregnancy
Hysterotomy - four to nine months of pregnancy
Partial birth (brain suction) abortion - four to nine months of pregnancy
Abortion is fought about a lot to be legal or not. It is legal. But if someone is against abortion they call themself, Pro-Life
There are a lot of complications thhat can happen from abortion to the mother who is killing her child
The number and types of physical complications resulting from abortion are as diverse as the various abortion methods. Depending upon the type of abortion performed, physical complications can be as follows:
Cervical tearing and laceration from the instruments.
Perforation of the uterus by instruments. This may require major surgery, including hysterectomy.
Scarring of the uterine lining by suction tubing, curettes, or other instruments.
Infection, local and systemic.
Hemorrhage and shock, especially if the uterine artery is torn.
Anesthesia toxicity from both general or local anesthesia, resulting in possible convulsions, cardiorespiratory arrest, and in extreme cases, death.
Retained tissue, indicated by cramping, heavy bleeding, and infection.
Postabortal syndrome, referring to an enlarged, tender and soft uterus retaining blood clots.
Failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy. This could lead to the rupture of a fallopian tube, hemorrhage, and resulting infertility or death, if treatment is not provided in time.
Dr. Warren Hern, Abortion Practice, c. 1980 & Hern, W. "Long Term Risks of Induced Abortion," Gynecology and Obstetrics, 6:63 (1994)
Those were physical complications
some girls (many) also go through emotion complications such as
Some women experience immediate psychological problems from abortion. Other women repress feelings of guilt, delaying emotional reactions sometimes for several years and oftentimes triggered by their first planned pregnancy.
These complications include:
Sad mood.
Sudden and uncontrollable crying episodes.
Deterioration of self-concept.
Sleep, appetite and sexual disturbances.
Reduced motivation.
Disruption in interpersonal relationships.
Extreme guilt and anxiety.
Psychological "numbing."
Depression and thoughts of suicide.
I hope I helped you with your project!!!
There is A LOT of information from my sources, if you go to the site you can find TONS of info for your project and it should definately help you get an A+
2007-03-15 03:02:54
answer #8
answered by [[<3]] 2
Oh my God! How judgemental are you people! People have abortions for many different reasons. I personally couldn't do it, but I know a lot of people who have and this does not make them a murderer, or a bad person. It's not just people who have intentional unprotected sex. Give people a break. You don't know any of the circumstances.
2007-03-15 03:08:23
answer #9
answered by stevies_girl2 2
It is where the mother kills the baby before it is born. (the doctor does it) It has to be done before the baby is 3 months old.
Not sure why people do it?
2007-03-15 02:56:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous