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I have been having pain in my right ovary for some time now i was told by a Dr it was a follicular cyst and would leave as quickly as they come and it has but comes back..now for the past few weeks I have had a backavhe only after walking for about 5 minutes i have never had any injury to my back but it is so bad i can't go anywhere..has anyone had anything like this and could it be due to the cyst...Im thinking no because the pain is so much in the lower back,,but I need helpp the pain is awful!!!!

2007-03-15 00:42:09 · 3 answers · asked by sonialynnl 3 in Health Women's Health

3 answers

Cyst can not cause such an acute pain. You may be having disc problem PIVD.

2007-03-15 00:47:12 · answer #1 · answered by babbumal 3 · 0 0

I had a huge cyst on my right ovary. I was in a lot of pain but I was also pregnant so I thought that was why I was in so much pain. The cyst was so big they had to remove it while I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter. If it is not getting any better I would try another doctor.

2007-03-15 07:46:46 · answer #2 · answered by mechelle68 2 · 0 0

Really you should go back to your doctor. It could be a ruptured or bulging disc.I have that problem and didn't realize it because the pain wasn't in my spine.It can be in other places because what that does is press on different nerves so you feel the pain in weird places not just your spine. Go to your doc please.

2007-03-15 07:49:03 · answer #3 · answered by heyitsannamaria 1 · 0 0

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