Yes you should, it may not be doing it because it just went on it's own, but it should be done at every feeding. I used to have a hell of a time stimulating squirrels, but found that 2 things worked well for me. Either a cotton ball brushed very gently back and forth like a licking motion that the mother would do, or hold his privates under warm running water from the sink and just kinda tickle the privates a little and the gentle rubbing and the warmth should get him going. If that doesn't work, make sure your feeding enough KMR kitten milk replacer, he could be dehydrated and that's why it's not going. If eyes are still closed, he should be eating every 2-4 hours still and stimulated the same amount. I envy you, I really miss rehabbing squirrels! Sweet Pea was my favorite squirrel and I miss her dearly. Good luck with yours.
Also yes it's illegal in most states to own or rehab wildlife of any kind without a wildlife license, and yes you can release them back to the wild once they have seen you, I've done it hundreds of times. If you couldn't no one would ever rehabilitate wildlife, they'd be stuck with them forever! Just call your local vet for the # of the nearest wildlife rehabilitator and ask for squirrel advise, most are way to full up to take anymore critters and would always walk you through your own rehab licensed or not, they need all the help they can get. Just don't go broadcasting it that you are not licensed! Do squirrel research! You can feed the wrong diet once they are on solid foods and they will seizure and die in an instant, I know cause it happened to me before I learned the proper diet and techniques to use and it was horrible to watch, but my fault for not educating myself on which nuts were indiginous to the area and what was off limits, like peanuts! Good luck anyone who has a brain, time, love, and info on a computer can rehab a squirrel!
2007-03-15 11:13:47
answer #1
answered by ER Vet Tech 3
WEll Im in the US and and we will rehabilitate anything we can so taliu whatever you are wrong!!! Didn't even finsih reading your question because the initial response about it being illegal is not correct.
There should be a wildlife rehab that you can contact for proper help if you need it. Im sure they will help you get it weined and released properly. Then they will find another one for you to rehab.
To your specific question as long as you are sure it is doig everything on its own I wouldn't worry about stimulating anymore. How is it eating? I have had better luck with baby squirrels by feeding them with a small 3cc syringe (no needle)
I made the mistake of reading another comment from tali. It can still be released if it sees you. I am quite sure she has opened her mouth as most do on here and have never had a lick of experience with anything. Please do not confuse the SPCA with wildlife rescue. Yes the local animal shelter would probably euthanize go to the local wildlife rescue/rehab or the zoo. All zoos have a nursery and will give you the correct answers.
2007-03-15 07:44:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not sure what country you are from, but in the US, it is illegal for someone to attempt to rehabilitate / raise wild animals without a rehabilitator's license. Squirrels (like all animals) need special food and care that most untrained people cannot provide. Once the baby squirrel opens it's eyes, and sees you, there is no chance for it EVER to be returned to the wild. It is also illegal in the US to keep a wild animal as a pet without the proper permits.
I suggest you contact your local vet or SPCA branch and ask about rehabilitation centers in your neighborhood. There are many that specialize in taking care of young animals, and if it's close, they may let you visit occasionally as it is growing up.
Also, you never said how you obtained the squirrel. Did the mother die? Was the nest truely abandoned? If the parents still are alive, and the baby just fell out of the nest, it is possible to put the baby back. The parents will accept it back. It's an old wives tale about parents not taking the baby back after a human touches it.
2007-03-15 07:28:46
answer #3
answered by taliswoman 4
you can try own your own to raise a wild animal but the odds are against you from the instant you start if you dont call a vet. it takes alot of time tender care and understand when it opens its eyes it will no longer be in the "WILD" catorgorie. it will be totally dependent on you until it can eat on its own then it will already love you and your stuck they live a long time and are into everything they can get to very noisey little creatures. if anyone else is going to be around it they better get to know the little fellow they bite strangers and not just 1 bite usually about 8 to 10 times really quickly in about 1 to 3 seconds. good thing your doing but please call a good vet. they dont charge for advise and you will need it to get off to a good start with : your new best friend and it will be just that in as little as 1 week believe me they really do love you but you will love them more!!!
2007-03-15 08:35:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i dont know about the stimulation thing but i read a previous answer and its not true that you can't send a wild squirell you raised from birth back into the wild..... i've raised a few before with a freind of mine and they lived in the wild happily on there own after maturing.
2007-03-15 07:54:24
answer #5
answered by Ryan W 1