My girlfriend and I recently went over this question...
When we considered the cost in terms of time, money, and overall comfort, it was decided that if we can't drive there in about 20 hours or so, then we'll fly.
It has worked pretty well so far.
Hope this helps!
2007-03-14 23:07:29
answer #1
answered by p37ry 5
Flying is so very trying as days go by.
I'd rather drive. But then the distances are too much. Is why we have to fly.
2007-03-15 06:08:01
answer #2
answered by Mmmmm 7
SenoritaFartsALot here to answer this lovely girls question. Sweetheart, I would rather fly on an airplane anyday. The reason may gross you out, but I will share it with you anyways. You see, I unleash my bodily odors on that hollow tube known as a "jet". It is a beautiful event, because everyoone smells them, and no one knows exactly who the perpetrator was. I have (and I am not joking, this is Serious) I have pictures I have secretly taken of people sitting nearby with their tee-shirts pulled over their's that Bad. So yes, I would rather fly anyday over driving. There's no fun in that...unless you have locks on the windows to prevent victims from rolling them down. Nice to meet you. This is ol' SenoritaFartsALot signing off!
2007-03-15 06:09:23
answer #3
answered by Senorita Farts A Lot 3
Rather drive. If i want to go to another continent ill take a boat. Flying may be convenient, but ill take driving for the comfort and control.
2007-03-15 06:07:10
answer #4
answered by ? 5
scared to fly. BUT i'd rather fly than drive if the drive were more than 4 hours.
I'd fly anywhere. You're leastlikely to die or crash flying.
driving costs too much and i always end up spending more with GAS, food, snacks, any stores or outlets you shop at on the way. toll.
2007-03-15 06:23:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I like to travel by driving but flying just makes more sense when time is limited
2007-03-15 06:07:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I would take flying over driving any day !
2007-03-15 06:06:32
answer #7
answered by Wendy 5
I love to drive, so many things to see along the way!
If I went overseas, I would want to take a boat.
I don't fly on planes.
2007-03-15 06:08:29
answer #8
answered by Deadhead Incognito 7
I hate flying but in some cases it is necessary to get from A to B
2007-03-15 06:06:18
answer #9
answered by Bella 7
It's a tough decision - I'd feel safer driving, but flying is so much faster and easier.
2007-03-15 06:05:59
answer #10
answered by Zabes 6