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12 answers

Why don't we let each country decide for themselves and we spend more time worrying about our own folks. I think as Americans we spend way too much time concerned about foreign affairs.

2007-03-14 20:04:38 · answer #1 · answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5 · 1 0

We do. Democratic means in the politcal dictionary as a fascist government we like. Communism means a socialist country we hate.
Have you seen how South Korea and Taiwan handle government issue. Their version of congress gets up and beat each other up. DOn't we put them in the democratic pile. Name one true Democracy. U.S. is a Republic as well as well as India. England, Australia and Canada are monarchy. Note what the type of government we all call ourselves. U.S. Democratic Republic. England Democratic Monarchy. Democratic is not a noun but an adjective. It says we strive for a Democracy.

2007-03-15 03:14:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's actually a pretty complex question. We did our share of supporting dictatorships during the cold war to keep them from going communist. Now that those dictatorships are falling, we've got some countries that are awfully mad at us. But a lot of countries with dictatorships right now have populations that are ALREADY awfully mad at us (or our allies) and if they became democracies... well... that might not be so good.

There are NO easy answers to that question. My liberal love of human rights is painfully checked by my realist instinct on what could happen if certain dictatorships (fascist or no) became democracies.

2007-03-15 03:11:21 · answer #3 · answered by mykll42 2 · 0 0

You mean like we did Saddam Hussein and Iraq back in the 80s?

Sure, why not? Whats the worst that can happen?

2007-03-15 03:07:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

But the US is very fascist out side the contry lines...

2007-03-15 03:05:06 · answer #5 · answered by evano 4 · 2 0


Signs of Fascism in America

Immigration lawlessness and rising crime wave by illegal aliens.

Government bankruptcy and indebtedness at an all-time high.

Social Security swindle—Social Security Fund battered as Feds blow money on worthless spending scams.

Veteran mistreatment and genocide. Most V. A. hospitals are deathtraps; Vets receive inferior medical care. Millions of Vets are dying from Agent Orange (Vietnam), Persian Gulf War sickness, and other service-related illnesses.

Outsourcing of American jobs—to foreigners in Pakistan, India, Red China, Mexico, Indonesia, etc. America’s manufacturing base declining rapidly and being shifted overseas.

Foreign student takeover of America’s colleges, universities, and public schools.

Corporate globalism—Greedy U.S. corporations, as globalist entities, are unpatriotic and hostile to American interests.

Harnessing of U.S. Military for global mercenary duties. Americans forced to pay for and fight Israel’s wars and die for causes unrelated to U.S. defense.

Hate Crime laws—state, federal, and U.N.—forbid free speech, prohibit criticism of Israel and prevent the Christian gospel being preached.

Sexual barbarism and dehumanization accomplished by vulgar, crude, sexually explicit, physically degrading movies, television, cartoons, books, video games, advertising and other media.

Private property regularly seized and its uses restricted to promote the Communist agenda of environmentalist and globalist organizations.

Unfair and unlawful tax system used to rob producers and transform U.S. citizens into federalized serfs and wards of the state.

Manipulation of water supplies and contrived water shortages used to drive up water prices and control the citizenry.

White race discriminated against and American culture savaged by promotion of "cultural diversity."

Two meaningless political parties whose real agenda are identical, and corrupt, rigged elections which frustrate the will of the people.

Satanization of society through occult influences and symbols which permeate media, music, entertainment, and sports.

Free Press replaced by propaganda ministries and elitist media accomplices who work nonstop to psychologically hypnotize, mesmerize, and control the minds of the population.

"War on Terror" used as pretext to create an American police state and remove the peoples’ constitutional rights.

Death culture promoted. Conditioning of minds. Desensitizing of the masses to the mass genocide to come, with abortion, euthanasia, necrophilia, cannibalism, group death, and cruelty.

Gulag concentration camps prepared for resisters and dissidents.

Religious debasement. False religions promoted and encouraged. Traditional Christianity portrayed as anti-Semitic, bigoted and politically incorrect.


1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections

These 14 points of Fascism were drawn up after close investigation and comparison of techniques used in North Korea, Germany, and America today among others.

2007-03-15 03:27:58 · answer #6 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 0 0

the united states should mind it's own business.

2007-03-15 03:17:09 · answer #7 · answered by asphyxia derailed 3 · 0 0

we love china..... communism is our economic friend,,,,

i think we should encourage all countries into a democracy through the UN....... except the ones that want a theocracy....

2007-03-15 03:06:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

nowadays the countrys who talk too much of democracy are trule facists, bcos they are talking of democracy to hide their facism but they dont get that it shows it off.

2007-03-15 03:34:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Lebanon is a democracy... dysfunctional ..........., but yet a supposive democracy. Should we support them instead of Israel?

2007-03-15 03:08:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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