"They made fun of my slim physique when I was a kid, but I'm getting the last laugh."
Basically, if someone makes fun of you for something, or puts down an idea you have, or just basically dissagrees with you on something, they're the ones laughing at the time.
But things will look up for you, and you'll have a real 'I told you so!' moment.
2007-03-14 18:42:45
answer #1
answered by Furr. 4
Well, obviously he's threatening you. Don't buy into it. I know he's your son, but he's almost eighteen- treat him like a big boy. Tell him that if he's going to be so irritable and ruin your family's life, he will need to find somewhere else to live on his own, not his aunt's house since she wouldn't want him there either. Tell him that you are not moving just to fit his wants and not-needs. Tell him that you love him, you can see that he's struggling with something and that you want him to seek help so that he can live his life again. Offer to take him to the doctor and set him up with a psychologist/psychiatrist. A psychologist will talk to him about his problems (a therapist). A psychiatrist will provide him with a proper diagnosis and prescribe him medication that will make him feel like himself again. It sounds to me like he has been depressed during the past year, but he may have other mental illnesses such as anxiety, anger management, etc. He needs help, but if he isn't willing to get help, there isn't much you can do but stop catering to his moodyness. Mental help is the best thing you can do for him, and the only thing you can do for him.
2016-03-18 04:53:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Have The Last Laugh
2016-10-31 23:41:27
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Having the last laugh is like in practical jokes. For instance, you do something to someone and are standing there laughing about it. They reply, "He who laughs last, laughs best." The next day, they do something really hilarious to you. Now they are laughing. We tend to forget about what happened yesterday in light of the most recent, biggest, most brilliant joke. The last laugh implies superiority for the person that has it, and embarassment to the person laughed at. It is one of those phrases that you have to think of in a situation to understand. I can imagine that it would be very hard to translate to another language. It's a culture thing.
2007-03-14 18:53:58
answer #4
answered by rachel r 1
It means that you'll turn out to be on top later on.
For example, if someone tried to do something bad to you (stole your credit card or something like that) he'd be laughing and celebrating.... but then in the end if he got caught he'll be punished and "You'll have the LAST LAUGH."
2007-03-14 18:48:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's often used when you feel like someone has undermined you in some way for an action or opinion, but you both realise that you were right after the fact, hence you have the last laugh
2007-03-14 18:45:23
answer #6
answered by mimz 1
It means that he will be the one who will be happier in the long run. For example, say a person rigs their purse or wallet with a mouse trap. When somebody steals it, the "victim" has the last laugh when the trap catches the thiefs fingers.
2007-03-14 18:41:41
answer #7
answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7
It means . . . " You know what you're doing " . . . OR . . . " You know what you're really talking about " . . . and that when all is said and done . . . others will be sitting back and saying . . . " Oh, she (you) HAD said that. . . and it turned out to be true ". . . OR. . . " Oh look . . . she DID have the right idea and look what success she brought about from that right idea...wow ".
Those others may have been " laughing " at you with your expressed ideas....they scoffed or laughed at you...but LOOK AT YOU NOW . . . You're " laughing " at them now as if saying . . . " Hah !...I DID know what I was talking about didn't I ?! " . . . You having the " last laugh ".
2007-03-14 18:47:11
answer #8
answered by onelight 5
It depends on it's context, what was the situation u were talking about...was he being a jerk or just silly.
I would take it to mean... Ok your gonna be the one who pays in the end, or like he's saying he disagree's with you and ur the one who will make the choice
If he ment in a good sense....it means, like...other people are doing something he disagree's with and you disagree with them also, there fore when whatever they are doing that you all disagree with fails, you will kinda be in an "i told u so" situation.
2007-03-14 18:45:07
answer #9
answered by a a a a 3
The saying has been traced back to John Heywood's 1546 compilation of proverbs: 'Better the last smile than the first laughter.
2007-03-14 18:48:28
answer #10
answered by Crash 7