i forgot to bring the purse to pay the hotel bill, that is the most embarrassing moment.but luckily, some one known to me paid the bill.
2007-03-14 18:26:36
answer #1
answered by nightingale 6
Lol. I walked out of a restaurat once without paying (I thought I had paid). I went shopping next door and the waiter had to come tracking me down. It was pretty embarassing, especially since I'm the type who usually leaves a large tip and likes to think of myself as a very considerate person.
I've also had my pants rip right in the crotch area. This was all the way up and down the seam, too. But luckily it was just after gym and so only a few people saw it. I put my gym shorts on until I got home and could wear normal pants. Luckily gym was the last class of the day for me.
2007-03-14 18:45:11
answer #2
answered by Laurel W 4
One night in college my friends pulled the most embarrassing prank on me. I woke up to the feeling of something being pressed against my mouth. My friend was duct taping my mouth shut as others held me down. They all laughed at me, and I went, "MMMMMMMMMM!" They said that it was time for my birthday present. They then took out a little black dress. When I realized what they were planning to do I shook my head and mmmmmmmmphed like crazy. But it was no use, they forced me into the dress. They then tied my hands and feet together so I couldn't take it off. I felt completely humiliated and helpless as they carried me through the dorm like this. They then layed me on the counter in the lobby and said they'd be back in the morning. I stuggled but it was no use, I couldn't move or talk, and the counter was too high. I had to lay there and wait for help. I pleaded with people for help as they walked by, I struggled and mmmmmmphed. But they just laughed. My friends came back in an hour. By then a crowd had gathered, having fun at my expense. I had no choice but to lay on the counter, bound and gagged in a dress, as everyone ridiculed me. I began to worry, when people started to talk about taking me outside. My friends then picked me up, and carried me back to my room still tied up. Everyone thought this was hilarious.
2007-03-16 07:20:45
answer #3
answered by Alex2 3
Was on the PA system when I introduced a player and family. I thought I turned off the PA when i said, "Man, thats a large family." There was the player and parents, who were all pretty large. Next time I say something like that, making sure the little green light is off.
2007-03-14 18:25:33
answer #4
answered by snipps 4
well my brother, & i were hanging out with our neighbor (who i kinda liked) , & i am 4 years younger than my brother, but that never really made any diff. to us. so anywayz we were hanging out with my neighbor & my bother decided to pick to up, so he did, then he was holding me by my ankles upside down (it was fun) & he lost his grip, so he was holding on to me by my pant legs & my oant came off!!!! luckily i am not emarassed easily
2007-03-14 21:20:24
answer #5
answered by just that one girl. 4