You've boxed the liberals into a corner, and as usual they can't answer, except for nonsense and babble.
Congratulations - you win!
2007-03-14 18:21:33
answer #1
answered by Joseph C 5
Evolution has been demonstrated by the generational mutation of DNA. You really need to read other books. If I go into any more detail, I'll probably lose you. Check out the fruit fly experiments, for starters.
Also, many scientists, though not creationists themselves, do not claim to know if god does or does not exist. They just don't need god to practice the method of experiential inquiry (aka science) that they use to describe phenomena that they can observe. I said it, and it is simple: science is in the business of describing and observing natural processes. Period. It does not attempt to settle the question of first causes or any other metaphysical postulates.
Thanks, by the way, for not using any Christian "jargon" to ask your question.
2007-03-15 01:28:19
answer #2
answered by voodooprankster 4
Well think about this. So what if evolution and the big bang and what not happened. How can we possibly know that GOD did not make evolution or that He did not make evolution happen. So we have a lot in common with monkeys, and imagine someday we discover we're related. How do we know that GOD did not make that so. Just think of it like this... Who made the building you are currently located? It's there isn't it? Obviously there was a CREATOR. With every creation there is a creator, it's that simple.
2007-03-15 01:23:40
answer #3
answered by That guy 1
OK. Fact: We need a new flu shot every year. Why? Because the flu viruses have *evolved* resistance to last years flu shot.
Or are "virus" and "resistance" too much "technical jargon" for you?
2007-03-15 02:16:47
answer #4
answered by secretsauce 7
ummmm.......... look around??? that should be about all you need.
you can watch dog breeders that will breed bigger and stronger dogs, or breed dogs to be smaller and smaller. they'll breed them for certain traits, colors, shapes, sizes, personalities, abilities....... anything!!!
thats what evolution does, just on a slower scale. over time, the members of a certain species that have certain specific traits will survive and breed, while others without those traits will die off.
the only difference with dog breeders is that they're doing it on purpose, evolution happens without you choosing it.
and that still doesnt mean theres no god. just because evolution exists, doesnt mean god doesnt.
oh, and as i read on a few other user's posts about this topic, if you look up gravity, its still under "theory" categorization, because they cant prove why it happens. which means evolution has an easier reason to understand than gravity.
2007-03-15 01:22:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The DNA of humans is quite similar to the DNA of other mammals, very similar to that of mice, and almost identical to that of chimps. These reflect how recently the ancestors of humans diverged from the ancestors of these species.
You may not be convinced by any one piece of evidence alone, but together they constitute such a mass of evidence that it should be "beyond a reasonable doubt," to borrow a phrase from law.
2007-03-15 03:35:25
answer #6
answered by Surely Funke 6
Well, being that you didn't specify WHAT evolution to prove, I'm gonna fire away with this one:
Certain ocean-dwelling mammals have a pelvic bone which supports the idea that, at one time, those creatures had hind legs. Over time, those legs degenerated and the species no longer reproduced with them, yet the pelvic bone remained.
Ta-da. It's evolution... of sea critters.
2007-03-15 01:21:30
answer #7
answered by Shammy 1
I don't know if anyone can ever make it simple enough for some people to understand but try the link below.
Fossil evidence, biology and genetics have overwhelming evidence to support evolution and there is really no evidence to make anyone reasonably doubt it. Also, there is no alternate theory with any supporting evidence to be taken seriously.
2007-03-15 01:42:41
answer #8
answered by Question Everything 2
Spartina anglica.
It's a brand new species that evolved from another one (Spartina townsendii) in the wild. Since S anglica is the result of a mutation that allows it to produce fertile flowers (which S townsendii can't do), then the two cannot interbreed. Ooooh.... SNAP!!! New species. Yep, that's evolution alright.
Now here's one... YOU define "kind", as in "reproduce after it's own kind", in a meaningful way.
2007-03-15 01:22:35
answer #9
answered by Double Deep Cover 2
When you can evolve from an infant into an adult, how is it difficult to imagine evolving from a primitive state to an advanced state!
Evolution is simply growth on a wider perspective.
2007-03-15 01:23:48
answer #10
answered by Jam 2
I used to date total sluts who sucked my wallet dry. Then I started dating airheads (still total sluts, but easier on my wallet.) Next up were the women who actually had something above their neck that was more than just an ornament... brains!!
But they were still mean.
Now, I date nice women with brains, good looks, and who don't feel weird paying for the date.
THAT'S evolution!
2007-03-15 01:22:03
answer #11
answered by Anonymous