good day?, honey its night time in bean town
2007-03-14 15:47:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some people need the bible to lives their lives by, others can structure their own lives by looking within themselves. Let me pose a question to you, do you wonder why these people are here in LGBT, is it because they are curious but then have to justify why they are here. Hmmm I have my own thoughts on that one. Love is not based on gender the only important thing is that you do love and be loved in return. You gotta toughen up alittle sweety, as there will always be some biggoted idiot or some radical so called christian that will try knock their sense in to you. Be strong and most of all be Proud!.
2007-03-14 22:56:00
answer #2
answered by Leah 4
I don't believe in your sins
I am a gay man, and proud and happy for it
Please don't foist your religious hogwash on me and my brothers
By the way, I see your avatar indicates you are a woman of color. In the 60's I walked in marches to help your people gain some respect and your rightful place in our society. Will you do the same for me now?
2007-03-14 23:05:58
answer #3
answered by Clarkie 6
You do have the freedom of speech. It's a pity you don't know how to exercise that right in a kind and positive manner.
My day is over, but thank you.
2007-03-14 23:04:46
answer #4
answered by castle h 6
You too. Night. *waves*
I may not like it, but I have to say that the arguments both for and against gays have been thrown around so much that I'm afraid neither have any real effect anymore. More than anything, I don't see why we can't all accept each other. Why can't some heterosexual's accept their brothers and sisters who are gay; and why can't homosexual's accept that some heterosexuals have intolerance? EVERYONE needs to accept EVERYONE before we can move on and have our society grow as a whole.
Night for real this time.
D.S. out.
2007-03-14 22:52:47
answer #5
answered by ∞.DS.∞ 4
...and yet you keep coming here to the LGBT forum to rattle off more more intolerance. if you don't like us, why come here?
why do you "use" God to justify your bigotry? there's nothing at all "Christian" about your juvenile and hateful behavior.
notice, I didn't "cuss" you out. you need to find more constructive ways to spend your time.....might I suggest some counseling? perhaps some anger management?
have a good day!
2007-03-14 22:51:09
answer #6
answered by redcatt63 6
I am sorry you are getting mockedfor your question, but honestly how do you expect people to respond to that question. Oh and by the way dont tell me I am going to the underworld for loving!!
2007-03-15 15:35:21
answer #7
answered by Rory a 1
You expect not to get rude answers when you tell us to turn to jesus or we will all burn in hell?
What if I came up to you and told you you're a christian so you're going to burn in hell?
How would you react to that question and maybe you can get a better understanding of why people react the way they do?
2007-03-14 23:21:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous 4
Are u serious? What is the deal with you people. You are acting as if someone is forcing u to have sex with a female.
2007-03-14 22:56:46
answer #9
answered by : ) 6
"EXCUSES ARE THE TOOL OF THE INCOMPOTENT!!!" You said it right there. Your silly Bible argument is an excuse. You clearly are a bigot and that is yours to live with.
2007-03-14 22:51:18
answer #10
answered by Active Denial System™ 6
Sorry but you did mean disrespect. I, personally, don't care what you think or what your bible tells you...I prefer to think for myself. You should be ashamed of your lack of christian attitude..what a loser.
2007-03-14 22:48:26
answer #11
answered by Anonymous