Nurse or pump frequently. Some engorgement is normal in the early days of nursing. After that, engorgement is a sign that 1. you have an over supply or 2. you aren't nursing/pumping often enough.
Ibuprofen is fine for you to take while nursing and will help with the swelling from engorement. Also, use cold packs between feedings to relieve discomfort and heat before feedings to help get things flowing.
Cabbage compresses can be used (see the link) but be sure not to overdo it or it can dry you up.
2007-03-14 15:45:16
answer #1
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Nurse nurse and nurse some more. Massage them as you nurse, concentrating on any hot, sore, or lumpy spots. Massage them gently in the shower too. Don't pump too much, unless you will be going back to work and are trying to up your supply for that. If you pump too much, the engorgement won't go away, as your baby cannot drain all of that. Remember, what you and your baby demand of the breast is how much your body will make. Supply and Demand.
2007-03-14 17:16:04
answer #2
answered by teagansmummy 4
If all the above fails I found that (in the privacy of your home of course) while feeding bubs on one breast, leave the other uncovered with a towel or something to clean up the milk. Its just letting your milk naturally flow out, not keeping it all in causing engorgement. My GP told me about this after I had tried heat packs, cold cabbage and showers to no avail. It won't increase supply like expressing will. It will, however, empty your breast up.
2007-03-14 16:19:11
answer #3
answered by ♥yummy~mummy♥ 2
The very first thing I did was try to feed my baby. If it is too full for your baby to latch on, try to hand express a little bit first. It might help to take a hot shower, hand express a little bit in the shower, and then feed your baby immediately afterwards. In desperate cases, such as when your milk first comes in, you might even want to try some cold, rinsed cabbage leaves for an hour or so (but no more than two hours as this can affect your supply). Good luck!
2007-03-14 16:02:45
answer #4
answered by calliope_13731 5
i hear you!!!!! just been through it myself!!!!
be very careful not to take too much more than your baby would, as your breasts make milk and a feed/demand basis. if you take it, they make it to replace it!!!! so what is short term relief ends up being a long term problem which can then lead to mastitis if you dont drain them.
try heat pack for 20 mins before and during a feed (hot wheat packs or warm facewasher) massage them before and during a feed (dont laugh, but a vibrator works really well) then when finished feeding, get ice packs on for as long as possible. this helps prevent too muck production...
do this, and it WILL work....
if all else fails, just express a small amount more after bub has fed... not too much though....
Good luck.... Take heart mate, it DOES get better.... You just get some days like that..
2007-03-14 15:58:38
answer #5
answered by hippygirl 2
It depends on if you are breastfeeding or not. If you are, then you can use a warm compress and either nurse or pump, or just expel the milk. If you are not nursing then a warm compress will help release the milk, it will be a bit messy, but it will feel a lot better!
2007-03-14 15:29:53
answer #6
answered by Arianna 1
LOL, well, after shedding a few tears........
Things I tried:
1. Warm shower - my mom said that in her day, women used to use a comb to run from shoulder to tip of breast to stimulate letdown in the milk
2. Warm packs ( washcloths, those microwaveable packs etc)
3. Make sure you don't have a blockage on the nipple. aka "bleb" - I had this three times with my second. With my doctor's ok, I sterilized a needle and VEEEEERY carefully removed the blockage and the milk flowed immediately
4. pump - by hand, manual or electric pump.
I know your pain....
2007-03-14 15:45:09
answer #7
answered by tricia_g_c 2
pumping was the only thing that worked for me. i was so engorged - and tight, the baby couldn't get a hold of anything to nurse...which only made the engorgement worse.
The pump was my best friend that first week!
2007-03-14 15:30:25
answer #8
answered by P. K. 6
Warm compresses and massage them while having a hot shower to express some of the milk. Hope it goes away soon, I know the feeling. The boobs sure look nice, but boy are they sore!!!!
2007-03-14 15:30:06
answer #9
answered by jmjbmommy 1
Hot and cold compresses, massaging in a circular motion, hand expressing, and taking a shower can help. If your nursing, make your baby nurse, hand express, or hand pump. If not then a hot or cold compress will work and massaging can help, too.
2007-03-14 15:30:16
answer #10
answered by Ki-San 2