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2007-03-14 15:08:34 · 12 answers · asked by Claire 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

As a response to the 5th person down... Asians are as smart as they are because they have been pushed towards their studies since birth but who invents everything and wins all the Noble prizes? Caucasians.

2007-03-14 15:19:08 · update #1

12 answers

You can have what ever pride you want as long as you don't feel superior to any race because of the color of your skin. I mean you can feel proud that you are who you are.

2007-03-14 15:15:12 · answer #1 · answered by dancingqueen 5 · 4 0

I think everyone can have pride in their race or ethnicity, it becomes racist when you start to degrade others who are different than you. The Aryan Nation and the KKK would say that they have white pride. That would work if they didn't advocate getting rid of everyone who is not white, who is not straight, and who is not Christian. That makes them racists. The same can be said for the Black Panther party as well as the 5-percenter Muslims. These are all racists groups, under the guise of Black or White pride. Be proud of your people, but don't knock down others and no one would assume that you and your group is racist. Most white groups that you wind up seeing on TV are usually some separatist group and that's the image that everyone gets when they hear a white person talking about "white power". Funny how the media can play a big role in people's perceptions of other groups....minorities go through it all the time.

2007-03-15 10:39:43 · answer #2 · answered by nycgrrl4eva 3 · 0 0

you should be angry with the neo-nazis for that one.

supremacists groups like the skinheads and kkk have used the term "white pride" as an excuse to HURT and KILL others. that is where the problem lies. if you want to say "white pride," go ahead. just be aware of the history that goes with it. EVERYBODY knows that people chanting "white pride" a few decades ago were out to drag people behind trucks or burn crosses.

i've never heard of any students who yell "asian pride" going out to hang people. however, i have heard that about people who went out yelling "white pride." that is the difference.

as for the other questions that usually come up:

1. why is there no white history month? that's what the other 11 months of the year are! just open up a history book and count the kinds of faces you see. you will see a pattern.

2. why is there no white entertainment television? again...what do you think the major channels broadcast? 24/7 white folk, that's what. oh yeah, there's the UPN channel. and...that one black guy on "seinfeld." WAIT...there was never a black guy on seinfeld. my bad.

3. there's MECHA. why can't there be a white student group? again...take a tally of who joins and dominates college and high school student groups, and then you will see the need for a MECHA group.

4. there's a miss black usa. why can't there be a miss white usa competition? go out and buy 5 of the most popular women's magazines. take a gander at who is on the cover. maybe beyonce and four other white chicks. then, take a tally of which ethnicities you see in the feature articles, and in the advertisements. that will give you a picture of what america finds to be beautiful. then ask yourself the same question.

power to the people....

2007-03-14 22:29:45 · answer #3 · answered by soulsista 3 · 6 0

The trouble with all races except the white race is they suffer from feelings of inferiority. They implicitly accept they are inferior to the white race. Its not just white people who are racist, and think they are superior. Its all other races, especially asians who think they ARE inferior to white people.

Therefore, when asian people take pride in their culture, its seen as a good thing, that they are beginning to respect themselves.Self respect is very important and is the first step towards getting respect from others.

With white people, they have enough reason to feel good about their ethnicity, a lot of them feel they are superior to other ethnicities. So its good for them to appreciate other races and not tale too much pride in their own.

2007-03-15 06:36:34 · answer #4 · answered by bourbon 2 · 1 0

Bcoz the Caucasian nations had a history records of discriminating against the Blacks, while they've been and still assume superior power.

So, after the rights movements have paved the way for Justice & equality , most Caucasian have had self-remorse.
Maybe it is in the best interest of everyone that the ''white" should should tone down on their pride , bcoz it is reminiscent of the highly racial past.
Racial discrimination against Black people have been always at the expense of White, right?

It is impotant for the black people to empower themselves by celebrating their colour through Black Month. Black people have been continuously judged and suppressed. I object that the white should celebate anything called white day,month to show anymore superiority of colour and grandeur.

2007-03-14 22:33:31 · answer #5 · answered by She-whom-shall-not-be-named 4 · 3 0

Because there's a history of violence associated with the White Power movement. Their main slogan is "White Pride World Wide." That could have a great deal to do with it. It's a simple association.

And I as a Native woman have to tell you.....it's "Nobel." That was bugging me.

2007-03-14 22:11:36 · answer #6 · answered by Danagasta 6 · 3 0

becuz white pride sorta represents racism and also they have a right i guess. look at everything they have invented. we whites have invented some stuff but the japenese and chinese is really alot smarter at stuff like that.

im white btw.

2007-03-14 22:14:22 · answer #7 · answered by emilybailey1980 3 · 4 0

saying white pride is classified as racist because the skinheads and nazis f'ed it up for you guys

2007-03-15 00:20:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I've never seen an ASIAN Hiding under a sheet.

2007-03-14 22:17:26 · answer #9 · answered by Duchess20 4 · 3 1

Well, white people have always been a little too proud. I don't think anybody wants to hear about it anymore.

2007-03-14 22:13:56 · answer #10 · answered by pinktowhite 2 · 3 1

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