At first I though it was unfair, untill I actually gained some weight and had to buy bigger sizes. Both stores (which are owned by the same company) offer pant sizes that go up to 12, and shirts that go to a large. Honestly, I think thats fair enough. Their target demographic isnt larger people, and that is painfully obvious by looking at their ads. I hate it when people say that they dont like the brand because they dont cater to everyone. Think of it this way, would it be fair to be mad at the store owners of Layne Bryant because they dont carry smaller sizes~? No it wouldnt. Bottom line: Both stores are making plenty of money with what they are doing now. If you dont like it, dont shop there.
2007-03-14 12:54:28
answer #1
answered by Mz♥Jade 2
Hollister is overpriced and rips easily. Not very good quality. So no, I don't think Hollister is fair.
Abercrombie on the other hand is made of better quality but their ripped jeans and shirts are really overpriced. I guess you pay for the quality.
So I guess Abercrombie is a little more fair but I still don't like cause everyone wears it. Hollister is just overpriced.
2007-03-14 20:05:58
answer #2
answered by DYNAMITE! 3
yes, without abercrombie (not hollister, their clothes are too big on me) i would not be able to find NICE clothes that fit me properly. im 5' and 88 lbs, 16 yrs and HEALTHY. their prices are also alright for the type of quality. not the best quality, but their prices are not expensive, not cheap either, but good enough.
abercrombie=perfect fit and good price :)
2007-03-14 19:55:41
answer #3
answered by XOXO 5
abercombie, NO. hollister-YES.
I got 3 shirts, 2 of which were on clearence then at Hollister I got 3 shirts all regular for only $50! Hollister's stuff is so cute, such a relaxed style. The sizes are reasonable, too. I am not FAT not SKINNY but at abercombie a medium was like a XS at Holllister a Medium is too big!! Hollister wins :)
2007-03-14 19:52:04
answer #4
answered by Kelly Taylor 49 4
I mostly think it's expensive for what they sell, becasue it's mostly boring and I'm never intersted when I go in. Abercrombie jeans fit me well though... I get them at the kids store so they don't seem that expensive. Sometimes you can find a good sale though.
2007-03-14 19:52:15
answer #5
answered by T. 4
prices, i dont know. i usually dont shop at either because i like old navy's prices and clothes better. sizes, no, i fit into a 0 skirt at old navy, and a 5 or medium size at hollister. so, all in all, i guess if i were going to like wearing their clothes forever and not gain any weight, then i would buy their clothes, otherwise, no.
2007-03-14 19:52:32
answer #6
answered by sweetcherrypie_♥ 4
no...maybe i say that because i haven't been a size 2 since i was 2...i don't know but i am not obsease...but i ma not tiny daughter is five and is able to wear some of the clothes they make for women...aside from sizes who really wants to spend that kind of money on clothing because of a 2 inch label on th einside of the jeans????
2007-03-14 19:52:07
answer #7
answered by not_so_sweet_24 2
It is expensive..but that's because the fit is really nice in those stores and no other stores have that fit. Some people just don't get that that's the reason..
2007-03-14 19:50:40
answer #8
answered by Melissa H 2
no there prices r expensive and there sizes r smaller than they say. i wear it everyday so i think that i would know!
2007-03-18 18:22:58
answer #9
answered by =) 3
i think the prices shuld b a lil lesse xpensive..
but i still love to shop there
2007-03-14 19:50:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous