Egalitarianism is impossible for many reasons. Humans will always be better at certain things than others, which will lead to those who are better wanting more. If they don't get more, they will become angry and revolt. If they do get more, they will eventually reach a certain status above those who aren't as proficient at more profitable enterprises. This will develop into a class system and some sort of -archy will grow along with it. You can't deny human nature. Perhaps you could CHANGE human nature if you figured out which genes controlled certain behaviors, but we wouldn't really be human then, now would we?
I don't believe for a second that feminists think matriarchy is not better than a patriarchy. Never was it supposed that feminists thought this was the necessary outcome for society, but those who have studied and believe in the core principles must certainly believe a matriarchy would be "better."
Anyone disagree with that?
2007-03-15 13:52:44
answer #1
answered by Robinson0120 4
I don't. I prefer both sexes working together, each other complementing each other as they face life's many many challenges.
We had matriarchies in the past, times much much more innocent than these current times.
I have studied the great queens of history for 45 years. Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Cleopatra; Penthesellia, Queen of the Amazons; Boadiccea,Queen of the Iceni;Brigid, Celtic Goddess of Inspiration and Healing and Warrior. These women and so many more ruled and ruled well. They did great things. Oh yes and Queen Elizabeth I
Pentheselia was killed during the seige of Troy by Achilles who dessecrated her body in the most shameful ways. That was effectively the end of the Amazons as a way of life. They were one of the last true matriarchies. Most of the great matriarchies are now remembered in the "mythology" category which leads many to doubt their validity. Instead they have been increasingly sexualized and jaded from the hard but innocent warriors they once were.
These women fought with honour and cunning. They had a very high standard yet they were not warriors if there was honest peace to be had. Things have really changed. Duhhh.
The world has deteriorated completely over these last two thousand years since men took the helm. Mainly the Greeks
and such. Biblical times really set the patriarchal stance of all major religions in the world since then. BUT,WAIT!!!!!! You mean there were other religions in other parts otf the world too? Other patriarchies! In this last century there have been many changes and the pendulum seems to be swinging back to woman run things. I see it long term in educational he patriarchy.
I digress.
For a long time fighting was real. There was physical contact of some sort. Now, push a button and the bingo. You wipe out a bunker or a house or worse. That is just not war, that is mindless slaughter.
I think we should all just become more tolerant of each other and live in harmony. Eventually more people will understand that this will be key for the human race to survive what is set to come.
I do believe children should, if possible, be brought up in their own homes, by their parents, by some good strong set of value systems. There are many ways to do it successfully.'' This can produce brilliant kids.
Because these kids have been brought up in a very private part of the world they were not exposed to television. The televisions were there for movies and such. There was no gender bias when they were being backed for university. Boys girls, equal opportunity in the arts and brilliant in the medical fields. Both sexes, Male and Female. The woman is the power of the family, but he is the one who goes out and works then hands her the check at the end of the month. In the home they are equal in almost everything... That is sharing.
2007-03-16 03:59:00
answer #2
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
A list of successful matriarchies follows:
The end.
According to some anthropologists, before men knew their role in reproduction, they just assumed women magically had children by themselves. We were a matriarchy then. The period of matriarchy is also known as The Stone Age.
The moment men realised their role in parenthood, they became motivated to provide for their families - on one condition, that the family they provided for was biologically related to them. At this point men entered the workforce and this thing called civilisation was created.
Ever since that point any matriarchal society has been conquered by a patriarchal society with superior technology, tactics and motivation.
If Europe became a matriarchy tommorrow, men would lose their motivation and a patriarchal society (say Islam) would take over. Oh wait. Looks like that is exactly what is happening.
Truth is feminists that while feminists want a matriarchy (they models themselves after the supposedly matriarchal society of the Iroquois in the US) because of the greater power they would hold, they are secretly deathly afraid of losing the privileges of patriarchy. Most of the women living in today's society in a matriarchal arrangement (single mothers) are financed by the remaining patriarchal families. They are also defended from other more patriarchal nations, by the men of this society.
That is why feminism will lose in the end if men are not happy, they are still in denial of this fact, but they are either ruled moderately by men as providers or are really oppressed by the violent thugs that are coming out of the matriarchy these days, or a more vigilantly patriarchal society that will take over. They had a decent chance at equality in the last hundred years but they blew it big time by trying to have the advantages of matriarchy with the advantages of patriarchy, but not the responsibilities.
2007-03-14 22:30:58
answer #3
answered by Happy Bullet 3
No one thinks that...we should have an egalitarian society.
EDIT--An egalitarian society is one where ALL people, regardless of race, gender, religion, etc. have equal rights, opportunities, and consideration. One group does not "rule" over the other, as in your patriarchy/matriarchy dichotomy.
EDIT--And who should THAT be? We need a governing body, but one group should not "rule" over another. If you believe that, then you believe in what every classist, sexist, racist, and nazi has ever stated.
2007-03-15 00:20:24
answer #4
answered by wendy g 7
Feminist are not looking at a matrilineal or matriarchy society they are searching for a solution that makes equality the viable alternative. There are far to many people here who constantly denounce feminism when they in fact do not have a clue what it even encompasses.
2007-03-14 21:27:07
answer #5
answered by Deirdre O 7
I'd like to know the answer to that one myself. I think it's delusional. A matriarchy would be different from a patriarchy but it would not necessarily be better or worse.
2007-03-14 20:26:05
answer #6
answered by Sharon M 6
Those aren't the only options.
How about mutual respect and cooperation?
Empirical, Shempirical.
Since when is Baba your mentor,Tanks?
Good luck.
2007-03-14 20:19:46
answer #7
answered by Croa 6
I am a feminist and I don't think a patriarchy OR a matriarchy will work best.
2007-03-14 19:41:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This feminist doesn't think that.
Why can't we get past all-or-nothing solutions? Why does ANYBODY have to be bossing the other group around?
2007-03-14 20:25:49
answer #9
answered by catrionn 6
Most of the feminists I know DON"T think a matriarchy would be better, and don't want one. They just want the same rights, priviledges and opportunities as men have. Personally, I think a matriarchy would be more peaceful, gentler, with more freedom, less oppression, and generally less destructive to other nations and to the planet. But then I'm a man. What do I know?
2007-03-14 19:44:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous