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I have a 5 gallon spare tank and it has a good filter in it. I wanted to get a betta. I have 5 bettas already (not together, hehe.)
I was wondering, and I'm sorry if this seems pointless, but... what color and type do you prefer?
Blue CT
Red CT
Blue Regular
Red Regular


2007-03-14 12:24:04 · 13 answers · asked by Smooth as butter on a kitten! 2 in Pets Fish

It's been cycled for months.

2007-03-14 12:30:17 · update #1

13 answers

If I were picking anything it would be the bettas I breed, Double tail Steel Blue or Veil tail Blacks.

From your list I would pick Blue Crowntail.


2007-03-14 13:02:06 · answer #1 · answered by magicman116 7 · 0 1

If you have the money to spend on one, you could go with a halfmoon beta. They are pretty pricey though because they are very rare. (Here they are around $10-$20) They are pretty. If you have never gotten one you could also try a crowntail. I am also a lover of betas. I currently have 4 of them, 2 crowntails. They seem to be a little more aggressive than regular bettas so they are fun to watch. The like to spread their tails alot and have really cool shapes and different colors. I love watching my red crowntail because he puffs up at the tiniest movement. He is a DEEP red and has a long flowing tail. The other is a save from petco but I'm sure that he will grow to be just as lovely. As far as color, I'd just choose a color that you don't already have. Sometimes the white ones are the prettiest! If you are set on those colors, I'd say red. It just seems to suit the personality of a crowtail better! You could also try a female if you don't already have one!

2007-03-15 19:12:33 · answer #2 · answered by Mommy to Boys 6 · 0 1

I like the Red CT. What do you have in the tank now? You say it is cycled for a few months so you must have something in it. If not, even if the tank was cycled and not emptied, it will not stay cycled with no fish. Just be careful of that and enjoy the Betta

Good Luck

2007-03-14 13:20:57 · answer #3 · answered by Fish Lover 5 · 0 0

Well, I'm not exactally sure what each different one looks like but I saw some that were green and blue. They were so gorgeous. Anyone know of a website that can show me pictures of the different types of Bettas?

2007-03-14 12:53:19 · answer #4 · answered by Kitty 2 · 0 0

I prefer double tails and plakats. But then again I live in an area where every tail type and color is readily available. Why not find a more uncommon color rather than the muttley red and blues?

2007-03-14 13:45:40 · answer #5 · answered by bzzflygirl 7 · 0 0

you change approx 1/3 of the water a week.drainn the water into a bucket and put the filter into it an rince it out by squeezing i twhile under water.then wring it out and put back into the tank.or you could get a bucket of clean water that has been sitting for 24 hours so most of the clorine is out of it and rince the filter in there.unless the filter gets really bad you should not have to replace it for some time.i replace mine once every 4-5 months.

2016-03-28 23:19:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

By regular I'm assuming you mean veil tail, right? I tend to like crowntails better but if I find a veil tail that has better color I would get that, I would also get a blue over a red. So I guess my choice would be blue CT, unless there is a very nice blue veil tail.

2007-03-14 12:35:51 · answer #7 · answered by Nunya Biznis 6 · 1 1

i Dont really like bettas, but if you really wanna get one, get a red Ct. They are a lot better looking and old people love to watch them

2007-03-14 12:57:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I prefer crowntails. If you have never seen one and never seen one flare its' fins out you have missed one of the most beautiful fish out there.

A crowntail has filament-like extensions at the end of each ray of each fin, dorsal anal and caudal (tail). Each ray divides into two filaments and extends, sometimes, for as much as an inch.

Once you have seen one, you will want to own one. Once you own one, you will throw stones at the other types (figuratively speaking, of course).

2007-03-14 12:32:12 · answer #9 · answered by 8 In the corner 6 · 1 0

are you going to cycle the tank with the betta or is it already running and cycled? Shaz

2007-03-14 12:27:39 · answer #10 · answered by Shaz 2 · 0 0

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