never forgot my language - and probably speak better English than a bunch of 'natives'.
I face discrimination when I leave the big city - and I literally treat ignorant people as one would an animal. Who can get mad at an animal??
To be American means just to work and to consume. It's a work ethic that is wonderful - and from that ethic come a lot of good things.
I have no problem with immigration. My plan isn't to make this nation my permanent home anyway.
2007-03-14 12:25:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, and the native language was not continued through our generations,but I wouldnt mind knowing it.
Yes, I have faced discrimination in the US, for being a Christian, For being union, for being a woman, and for being poor now. I havent studied the homeland my family came from long enough to answer that, but I would assume they did. They must have immigrated to America for a reason. Best Advice Just ignore ignorance, unless its your neighbor. If its your neighbor, prove them wrong, make friends if you can, and then they will make friends for you by teaching the ignorant the truth.
It means that you are now in a nation that has a different history, learn it, abide by it, love it if you can, and dont make enemies over it. Just be happy to be free.
It depends upon the culture that you came from, on if you will fit in here. If you try to hold on to much of your culture in the wrong ways, you should just go back where you came from.
Yes, immigration should be restricted. I think that it should be restricted for many reasons, #1 being ,WHY do they want to be in America ? #2 Will they LOVE their new homeland, and denounce their former countries laws, etc, because they wont apply here anyways.
#3 Because when they try to hold onto their cultures instead of assimilating , true americans get angry and resentful, and want them DEPORTED , sometimes immediately.
2007-03-14 14:25:22
answer #2
answered by fivefootnuttinhuny 3