Go out!! Stop claiming him as "your ex", he is nothing to you, he is a birth father to your child (hopefully better than just that), but for now YOU need to LET GO!!! Go to a mirror, right now, Say goodbye to bitter Betty. Tell yourself to BE HAPPY.
You might want to try counseling, it may help, but you might dwell on it more from verbalizing all of that again.
2007-03-14 12:01:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
.That's a long time to be bitter . You sound like you still love the guy .I'm not sure why but allot of woman like that type of man deep down .I think its a challenge to them or possibly keeps the boredom out of the marriage . I do notice that woman that have grumpy old men stay married the longest and all the nice guys are getting the divorce . Best i can tell you to get over him is to fined another man and go on with your life
2007-03-14 12:17:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You can do that by making more of a life for yourself. I am not being mean, but I really think you should not focus on him anymore. Deliberately set your mind to other things, make sure your day is packed with activities. If not, go walking or cycling or anything that will make YOU feel better. anything you feel like doing, go do it and before you know it you have the most interesting life ever and you won't be able to understand why you ever lost time on a loser like that.... you deserve better and he does not deserve you. you are better than that and the best way to prove it is live for yourself. make a wonderful life for yourself first. then maybe you allow someone else to join you, but only if they feel right and no one can take your life away if you have built it yourself...
Hope you succeed. Find new interests if you can... start in the library...
2007-03-14 12:02:18
answer #3
answered by freebird31wizard 6
Be glad youre alive and you have child who will always love you.No matter if its a bad hair day, she will love you because you are "mommy".She will always want to defend you, even when youre in the wrong a lot of times.You are her whole world.Figure out why you chose a man like that to make a baby with and then pick a different kind next time.Just because he is happy doesnt mean the world is comming to an end. I bet if I asked him about your faults and bad habits he could name a few.Be happy, youre alive and healthy and have the rest of your life to do whatever you want to do.
2007-03-14 12:04:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Stop focusing on how easily he is moving on. Instead focus on raising your child and congratulate yourself on getting out of such a horrible relationship. You are creating a better environment for that child and you should be proud. Good luck!
2007-03-14 12:02:24
answer #5
answered by Momma 3
needless to say your sister-in regulation is an extremely jelous lady, she sounds vindinctive and merciless. i dont think of there is something you're able to do devoid of becoming issues in the relatives, yet whilst it fairly bothers you that plenty, i could start up by employing speaking it by way of with your husband, then the two you or him, or the two one in each and every of you, can ask to have a communicate with the female. perhaps along with her husband additionally latest so she doesnt fell ganged up on. having some variety of mediator latest is additionally a stable theory. remeber that it doesnt help which you're the two pregnant and emotionally charged, it ought to truthfully develop into some thing nasty in case you arent careful. perhaps waiting till the two one in each and every of you have given delivery and recovered somewhat, once you're extra emotionally stable, could be a stable theory.
2016-09-30 22:34:41
answer #6
answered by ? 4
2007-03-14 11:58:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Just keep thinking how much better off you and your daughter are without him. Do something to make you feel better about yourself, go get a massage, or a new hair cut, or a new outfit. Just something fun.
2007-03-14 12:28:54
answer #8
answered by Kari R 5
ou dont have a choice ...he is moving on and if you think he might come back....your crazy..... you said he was abusive ...run ....get some self control....be glad that someone else has to put up with his crap remember that he isnt going to change and you have the control to make yourself happy ....DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU AND ONLY YOU CONTROL YOUR HAPPINESS...no one else is to blame if your not happy.. you are...get the divorce over with ....set visitions for your child with him...and enjoy life it really is to short... remember what attracted you to him ...and when someone reminds you of the good (if any) qualities that he had... try ...try again
2007-03-14 12:15:20
answer #9
answered by beenthere 1
He will reap what he sows. Just take one look into your childs eyes and your priorities are bound to change. It is going to be a hard road but don't hang on to a memory progressively let go.
2007-03-14 12:00:50
answer #10
answered by Noree 3