She did him wrong (doesn't know if her son is his, cheating), isn't a good influence (she's a stripper and now the daughter is picking up on her moves) and is ungreatful (couldn't even say thank you for Easter baskets and $$ from me). They have been over for about 6 years and needless to say I could care less about the piece of trash yet he still chooses to see the good in her. Now we live two states away from her but we continue to argue over things like him not wanting to take her to court for visitation rights, him being unsure of moving on and having a family with someone else after being hurt, him wanting to have her, her new boyfriend and THEIR new baby to stay over our house just so that he can see his kids. Also it has been about 3 years since he has seen his kids due to the military and since we are two states away she will not allow the children to come to us and it is financially hard for us to just leave and go over there. Am I overreacting or am I blind to something?
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