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i know i wrote this before but I'm not crying. I can barley type I'm so upset! I hate this i don't know what to do!! I'm really sorry this is so long!!

Hello! My name is Jackie and I'm 18. I'm a senior in high school and i had posted this earlier on my sister's yahoo answer's name. I really needed help with something! I realized after i wrote it that they way i had written it was a bit immature so i will start over again. I apologize for the length of this.

I am graduating this year and i feel like this is the year i have found my "best friends" Lets call these friends Person #1 Person #2 Person # 3 and Person # 4." true colors. Sadly enough there colors are black and not a pretty color like orange or green. I am looking for advice as to what i should do in this situation. I hope that someone will be able to help me understand what's going on. Thanks a million :)

-P.S. I REALIZE THIS IS VERY LONG I DO NOT WANT EVERYONE TO READ IT ALL you would be here for days all i ask is that you at least try to read ONE PLEASE! I'm VERY UPSET and i really need help!

-PLEASE HELP please! it would mean so much to me!

2007-03-14 11:28:46 · 13 answers · asked by Julie S 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

Person # 1

Person number one and i have known eachother now since the 4th grade. In the 7th grade her and another one of her best friends got into a really really big argument. Since then she has not invited me to any parties or anything. This year really drew the line for me.I wrote a bit of a "mean" note and was a bit immature about it stating how i felt. Stating that i felt she was more worried about popularity and her so called friends then to worry about if she is hurting people. See the reason i wrote this "note" on the internet was because she threw two BIG house parties. She told me to my face that was was having these parties but felt it was best if i did not come. She said she did not want any "drama" and that i do not know many of the people on the track team. I ran track myself for a year and we all know that was a lie. When i really asked her for the truth about the whole situation this was her response

2007-03-14 11:29:02 · update #1

"I told u the god d*mn reason... maybe i thought u'd be uncomfortable... i still remember during 4th grade at Julie's birthday part you were down in her basement CRYING because you fet like everyone hated ... well u know who came down there to see if you were okay... oh yea! that was ME!!!!!!!!! i tried to ******* help you... MAYBE i thought u'd be uncomfortable with the people at the party and i didn't want u to get upsest and start crying again... if u actually think of it... i was trying to help you! so i'm sorry if u think i hate you but i don't... you just take things the wrong way and your going to tell ME to grow up! wow.... let's just listen to again and see who should grow up and try and learn what people are trying to do to help you. and HELL people go behind my back all the time... that's life... it WILL happen so sorry.”

i then asked her for her "real" reason and she went on to tell me the following

2007-03-14 11:29:16 · update #2

alright u want the truth???? the truth is that i felt you were out of place and i didn't know if you would fit in with the people at my party... hell u dont' even KNOW any of my xc friends except for kat but that's one out of like 10. and my other friends i dont' know if u'r friends and that group of friends that i have we have the same exact people at our parties it's not like it's anything new all of their parties i'm mostly invited to and my party they are invited to so i'm sorry if i thought it would be weird. oh and that's the other thing i DIDN'T tell you that i was having a party because i didn't want to hurt u'r feelings but i should have known it would come out sooner or later... and how many times do i have to say sorry beacuse i will say that i am sorry i told you i was sorry like a hundred times so i don't know what you want me to say.”

2007-03-14 11:29:28 · update #3

i realized that what i had written about her on the internet was a bit "immature" and i apologized to her for it. But what i said i felt was not really "mean" just justifying how i felt. I realized i could have done it in a better manner and i wish i had.

I then asked her why she invited my best friend and not me! My best friend has no association with track and one of her parties had NOBODY from the track team at it. She told me it was because my other best friend "knew" the people

2007-03-14 11:29:41 · update #4

- please answer honestly

1. do you belive what she is saying is "real" or do you feel she is just making things up as to not hurt my feelings

2. Should i still consider her a friend?

3. was i right for apologizing for my actions?

4. should i have handled the situation differently?

2007-03-14 11:29:54 · update #5

Person # 2

Person # 2 got me involved with a group called "REBEL" it's people against smoking. It used to be a county based even but now was put into every high school instead to get kids to stop smoking. My Best friend was put in charg of the club who became president vice president etc. I had asked her if it was possible for me to become a member of the board because i was involved with the club for 4 years. She told me she felt it would be better if she allowed freshman to become members of the board because that would make it easier for her and this other girl who was president to train them so that they would be able to lead the club next year when the seniors graduate.

2007-03-14 11:31:11 · update #6

respected her decision and said that was fine and if she ever needed help to call me. At the next meeting i found out that she put 3 other seniors who were also her friends onto the board. She never put any freshman on and those 3 seniors were NEVER in the club EVER this was there first year joining it. I felt really betrayed!

2007-03-14 11:31:25 · update #7

I also ran for a position in another club that she is involved with me in and she told the person who was in charge of choosing who should be president etc. that she objected me being president and though there was someone who could do better for the job. Her other best friend. She got the position on the board. I felt betrayed again.

2007-03-14 11:31:38 · update #8

She ALSO allowed her best gay male guy friend to call me using her cell phone to tell me that i should go commit suicide and die and how the whole school wants me dead and how the world would be a better place with me dead.

She knew he was using his phone and when i approached her about it she said "yeah i don't know why he did that" I never got an apology or anything!

2007-03-14 11:31:57 · update #9


1. Would you be friends with her?

2. what would you do in my situation?

3.would you be upset?

2007-03-14 11:32:11 · update #10

Person # 3 and i have had our "up's and down's" we tend to argue a lot. I don't really have a problem with her i never did that is. But sometimes i feel like she is not a good friend. She gets "angry" very easily. She got angry at me because she thought Aberham Lincon was black and i said "and your going to med school?" She got angry and hit me in the face. I did not hit her back but instead walked away. She has also kicked me on numerous occasions when she's angry. She has also urniated in my shower and told me about it.

2007-03-14 11:32:25 · update #11

When so comes over to eat she complains to my mom. My mom knows that this girl only eats chicken so my mom made her bbq chicken. She refused to eat it and made my mom cook her a seprate meal because she wouldn't eat the chicken with bbq sauce. She can give real attitudes with people and tends to bring a lot of drama to the table. She gets very angry easily and even talks to teachers with attitude. She once yelled down the hall to her math teacher "Yo smith get over here now" I know she is going through a similar situation as the one i am but i feel like i don't need someone who brings MORE drama to the table. She has trouble getting along with EVERYONE my boyfriend can't even stand her. I don't know why she's not a "bad person" just very rude at times.

2007-03-14 11:32:44 · update #12

Questions on person # 3
-would you be friends with someone like that?-

2007-03-14 11:33:08 · update #13

Person # 4

Person # 4 and person # 3 are best friends with me. They are best friends with each other as well. We were supposed to go to prom together with person # 4 and my boyfriend and a group of other people. Person # 4 told us to purchase our tickets today Wednesday for prom. She came up to me and person # 3 yesterday to tell us that she told everyone else to purchase there tickets yesterday but somehow managed to "forget" to tell us. She had also made reservations for a limo already and there was not enough room for my boyfriend me and Person # 3 so we would ahve to find our own ride and our own table to sit it. Person # 3 started crying so much.

2007-03-14 11:33:25 · update #14

Person # 4 is also a big liar!
she comes up to me every single day during my lunch period to complain about person # 3 and tell me how bad of a person she is. She tells me that she can't stand her and isn't sure if she wants to go to college because person #3 is going to that college

2007-03-14 11:33:40 · update #15

She tells me how annoying person # 3 is and goes on and on and on.

but..yet...she's rooming with person # 3. Kind-of strange don't you think??

I have also heard person # 4 talking to person # 3 about me. Telling person # 3 about how dumb i am because i am struggling in the one AP class i ever took in high school. She told person # 3 she was surprised i even got into college because I'm so dumb. I didn't say anything to her or did not hint that i had heard her even.

2007-03-14 11:33:54 · update #16

13 answers

Be careful, don't get sucked in by their rebelness. Be your own self and you will get through. I went through this sort've time myself. Build up confidence to find new friends. Or try to change these friends. BE CAREFUL!!!

2007-03-14 11:34:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are young and you have known these girls for a long time so I know it's hard to let them go but you have to. You all are grown up now and as you can see from their behavior and treatment of you.....they are not your true friends. They've shown their true colors as you all got older. Friends don't stab each other in the back the way they have. Cut them off cold turkey and don't be afraid to do so. You are young and will be entering college soon. You will meet all kinds of new people there. Some good and some bad so use this lesson to weed out the bad ones you meet in life. Go to the parties in college and join different clubs/organizations/sororities. College was one of the best times of my life. I made some great friends and we still keep in touch years later.

Stop being emotional about those losers and trying to be their friend. They are not worth it.

2007-03-14 11:54:19 · answer #2 · answered by LuvMyGirls 5 · 0 0

Well that seems like a lot to handle for someone who's graduating! Maybe you should cool off a bit before talking to them again. I think it was right for you to apologize,it takes guts to admit that you were wrong, especially to someone who doesn't want to hear it. You should pat yourself on the back for that, but don't get to excited, you should consider seeing a school counselor or talking to someone who can really help you. Your friend may have been right about not inviting to the party, do you really want to hang out where you are aware your not wanted? Yes it was low of her to hide it from you but consider what you said, if you think these things then maybe you should take a break from them for awhile. Cool off, let time heal some things in the mean time meet new people who have common interest or traits. This is the best advice I could think of to tell you.
P.s.-relax! your grad is coming up, this is your last year, make it memorable

2007-03-14 11:51:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wouldn't hang out with person #1 anymore, even if she was your only friend at the party and the one hosting it, she should've invited you. My best friend had a party and invited me even though I didn't know a single other person there. He introduced me to everyone and even hung out with me most of the night just to keep me comfortable. I also wouldn't be friends with the person in the elections. I don't know the whole story, but these people were very rude to you and don't deserve your friendship. There are plenty of people out there who would love to have another friend and treat you as a friend equal to all of their other friends. When you go off to college, you'll end up making a whole new set of friends and they'll be closer to you than your high school friends (trust me, I know, I moved 500 miles away to go to college and none of my "friends" from high school ever write or visit, even if I send them an email, my best friends now are right here with me at college). You'll also make some of your best friends at work, trust me, I know this too, this is the reason why I'm at where I'm at. It will be tough loosing a friend, but you'll always make more later. Remember This: A TRUE FRIEND WILL ALWAYS STICK BY YOUR SIDE, A FAKE FRIEND WILL USE YOU AND LOOSE YOU.

2007-03-14 11:42:17 · answer #4 · answered by cobra427jah 2 · 0 0

alright so i read all of that and here is my opinion......
dump all of them! You do not i repeat do not need to be treated the way you are being treated!

person #1 sounds like she's making up excuses because she doesn't have the balls to tell you the REAL reason she did not invite you to her party. And any person who wouldn't invite you to a party because she was afraid you wouldn't know anyone that's a load of crap! Also you mentioned your best friend was there so therefore you did know someone....It's obvious she really doesn't like you that much and doesn't value your friendship together so...dump her a*s to the ground.

person #2 i would get rid of as fast as possible she would be the first person I'd knock off my list. If any of my friends EVER took my phone and told one of my friends to go kill themselves i would immediately demand they call that friend back and apologize! What she did was not right and she sounds like a backstabbing B*tch.

person #3 - she just sounds like a violent pig who has no friends. I'm sorry I'm just being honest. If you want to be friends with someone who "urinates" in your shower...ew...what's wrong with that person?

person # 4 sounds like the meanest person i have ever met

i can't even write anymore just DUMP THEM ALL move on with your life. They will be the one's suffering in the long run. And don't ever treat anybody the way they treated you!

2007-03-16 06:04:24 · answer #5 · answered by cappa2007 1 · 0 0

i know that my best friends in high school are just a memory and looking back thats how you grow ...dont worry ..take the actions of others into consideration and look at your self if you (and not anyone else ) have an idea of how you acted that would make them do and say things that they did ....attempt change ......if you truely dont kow why they are reacting the way they are ........in a few years you will understand that this is just a part of the growing and changing that everyone goes thru in life .......and the guy and girl that told you to commit sucide ....STAY AWAY FROM THEM ......i truely beleive that if they ment to hurt you....bad things are comming there way.....stay strong this is part of GROWING UP

2007-03-14 11:57:49 · answer #6 · answered by beenthere 1 · 0 0

Sweetheart, Go to college start a new life meet new friends
It is time for everyone to grow up, this is all you should be concerned about, in other words some drama is not worth a second act. Good luck

2007-03-14 11:37:27 · answer #7 · answered by Tennessee Mom 4 · 0 0

it helps that youre a senior! just hold out for the last few months, make new friends in college, and put this all behind you

good luck :)

2007-03-14 12:15:27 · answer #8 · answered by me1233 1 · 0 0

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....yahh i dont think you should friends with these people they seem to be mean and seem to think they are better..i think you need to stand up for yyourselff and confront them and if they get mad too bad..im a person that sticks up for myself and if you say something to me i will give attitude cause yeah i'm not a wusss...maybe your not like me but you cant just let them do that

2007-03-14 11:43:20 · answer #9 · answered by JOANclay 3 · 0 0

ok, i read person 1
i think think she just doesnt like u,dude.
and she probably doesnt want to be seen with u or something.

shes not a real friend, fuc her, try find new friends. its not as hard as u think.

if shes that important to u, try changing ur look. like dress like her friends dress or somehting.

ur way too sensitive too, i dont think she likes that about u.

2007-03-14 11:45:47 · answer #10 · answered by ♪N♀.♫ReF∟eCt↨♀n§!▲!!☼™ 3 · 1 0

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