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I would like you to translate this for me. The person is responding to a question, do you know a certain person (name is not necessary)?

"Yea, that's my man. That ain't my man my manz, but he be wit my manz and them. Dawg be pirpin, but he a bamma like sht mo. Slim be talkin to them crackas. Had bodeans pressin everybody out an sht.

Pound, had ticked him some of dat dere, now he on da run. You can't be cuffin them big faces and then get ghost off da humble mo. He keep bojangling like that, and the streets gon be the street, fo sho. You know Nic, *** ga even tried to cut youngbleed's main youngin. But fuc him doe.

What's up wit you, I see you got that new bubble. It was raining, but I saw you. That joint wet as a mug."

Can you translate this for me? Or if you can't, just say it? No help from people affiliated with the streets please.

2007-03-14 11:25:09 · 7 answers · asked by lil_snipe 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

This is interesting. Something so many people call ignorant and broken english goes right over there heads. Wow, if they can't understand something "ignorant." I wonder how intelligent are they???

2007-03-14 13:29:39 · update #1

Brew- you are quite right, I shouldn't have excluded blacks who don't listen to the music. Any blacks who think rap is killing society want to give translating this a try?

2007-03-15 11:06:04 · update #2

7 answers

It's a high form of self-expression, that some people just don't get.

2007-03-19 18:16:16 · answer #1 · answered by Pinklady 3 · 0 0

I don't really listen to rap much but this lyric has nothing to do with the (visual) celebration and portrayal of the "black thug" in hip hop culture or naked women always shaking their behinds in the videos (BET, MTV.)

All rap isn't bad. Kanye West promotes political awareness, T.I. has significantly helped his community, Jay Z is doing some positive things now to uplift blacks and Nas as well but tell me exactly how 50 cent, Lil' Kim or Trina have contributed positively to the black community? (and I'm not talking about giving out free money either.)

I am not hating but I'm HEART BROKEN when I see young black girls referring to themselves as b*tches or young black boys sagging their pants and refering to themselves as n*ggas.
While attending an all black high school students were more concerned with smoking weed than and learning Method Man lyrics than learning how to get to college.

Our youth have no direction but the direction of BET. Sure their parents should be there but when they're not around who do the children look to?

2007-03-18 15:21:54 · answer #2 · answered by Xena_fire 4 · 1 0

i do no longer think of rap is ruining society, yet i think of it rather is having an result on our society and subculture. confident, rap is exhibiting our babies that it rather is okay to have intercourse; you will possibly be able to desire to seem out for quantity one; and it rather is all with regards to the "bling bling." inspite of the incontrovertible fact that, it rather is exhibiting that our society is reducing the stigma of race. and that i do no longer think of donning diamond rings and white Nikes is doing something to our subculture. this question jogs my memory of a e book I scanned interior the e book keep on the instant, "each and every thing however the burden: What White people take from Black subculture." i think of you will possibly delight in examining this To get lower back on your question: it rather is a fad. they arrive and bypass. each and every of the time. remember feathered hair? Parachute pants? it is a similar. it rather is only people rebelling against the social norm, if there is one, it rather is. inspite of the incontrovertible fact that, in case you examine it extra, you will locate some thing astounding. the people donning are telling you some thing. that they are afraid. so they placed in this stand-offish concepts-set and tell all and sundry to no longer mess with them using fact they're going to get f'ed up. it is likewise a thank you to locate your convenience zone. one factor that still happens with fads is that a large style of people are into them. And which ability there's a gamble to make acquaintances and meet people. in case you seem at this way, rap isn't unavoidably ruining society, it rather is basically a device to convey people mutually, nevertheless it might desire to seem extraordinary to you and that i, yet for them, it ability someone can fit in. it rather is extremely constructive, nevertheless you do form of desire they might have somewhat extra admire with the people they communicate approximately interior the music, yet hi, it extremely is loose speech! and that i does no longer censor a be responsive to it. upload: in line with Mr. Curious: I hear to rap myself, yet I nonetheless extremely the psychological too. i'm on a school debate team. And... and that i take advantage of the f-bomb extremely many times. yet that did no longer come from rap music, it got here from being interior the Marines.

2016-10-18 09:43:54 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Don't worry about it. People used to say heavy metal was the devil's music. It's not just whites who say bad things about rap, look at Bill Cosby.

2007-03-14 20:58:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no, their not killing society as a whole, but they sure are messing up the young black folks mind, especially the young women. I listen to rap, but i don't take it seriously. I'm an adult and have my own mind and thoughts. my opinions have already been formed. but the young blacks are still forming and they take rap seriously, they believe the hype. its easy to do, but when you are sitting on death row, waiting for your last meal its to late.

2007-03-19 17:49:44 · answer #5 · answered by LENA 3 · 2 0

To the asker, I'm pretty confident that no one was able to translate this song. Care to enlighten us as to what the song means. I'm curious now.

2007-03-20 07:11:34 · answer #6 · answered by Sharisse F 4 · 0 0

I think of it more as a symptom of a terminally ill society rather than the cause.

2007-03-18 13:03:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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