I dress in dark jeans, that aren't baggy, but are semi loose, and I wear dark shirts that are a size too small for me, and I feel good about the way I dress, but I'm always concious that i might be called a poser, even tho i'm not cause I listen to real punk and emo music, not poser bands like my chemical DISASTER!!! and Panic! at the disco, but i'm always afraid that i'm going to be called a poser...what should i do to overcome this?
18 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Fashion & Accessories
The punk mentality is **** 'em. You are who you are and you don't sound like a poser esp. if you recognize the difference between bands that aren't cool. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so many kids who have no idea what the music is and instead get their fashion tips from MTV. If you are comfortable in your clothing then don't even worry about coming off as a poser, if someone wants to call you one, they'd eat their words knowing that you can actually name bands that aren't fake punk bands like the other day someone said Hinder was punk i nearly died. What happened to the days of the ramones and less than jake and sleather-kinney, you know real punk bands.
2007-03-14 10:28:04
answer #1
answered by LoveLeighe 4
I have a friend who listens to like seriously punk rock music and she sounds like she dresses like you. But I like the way she dresses a lot, even though I'd never wear stuff like that.
And if you aren't a poser then you shouldn't be worried about what people think about you.
2007-03-14 17:18:07
answer #2
answered by ♥♥♥♥♥ 5
Maybe you're just insecure because sometimes it's hard to maintain a sense of self nowadays. Don't judge others and when other people do judge you just don't dwell on it too much. You know who you are and trust in yourself.
It's not what we wear and what we listen to that define us, I guess we define ourselves. Do we even need definition? We're just people, not words in a dictionary. We can be anything. Why stress over being called a poser? It's just a label, you don't have to accept it.
I'm always conscious about how I dress because I don't like looking sloppy and I worry that people might think I'm preppy. I told this to my friend and she told me that she just dresses however she feels like and that gave me peace. As long as you look decent, and like who you are, you should be fine.
2007-03-14 17:47:06
answer #3
answered by Derrick O 1
dont ask the question, dont bother about what ppl say.
waht music u listen shouldnt be anyones buisness
i listen to 80s punk and elder punks who are all in their 30s call me emo just to make fun of me. but i would be a bigger poser if i wore their old stuff, i wasnt even born when they bought that stuff. u temd to buy whats in the store and that emo stuff is really cheap and comfortabel too so why not?
an emo is a lifestyle and a punk is a lifestyle and u seem like u fit NEITHERof them so stop worring
2007-03-14 17:19:33
answer #4
answered by Lara^mt 5
If you really weren't a poser you wouldn't be asking this question. On the other hand, if you really don't want to be a poser, stop worrying about it and just be yourself. People will see yourself in you no matter what you do so don't fight it.
2007-03-14 17:18:09
answer #5
answered by ratsliveonnoevilstar_666 1
If anybody calls you a poser beat them until they cry then smash your face into a brick wall and laugh then everyone will be too afraid of you to say anything about you.
2007-03-14 17:20:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hey! hold it right there! what are you talking about?? you shouldn't even care. You have a certain style if someone doesn't like it to hell with him, you do your thing! what if they call u a poser you're not and u know it!
2007-03-14 17:17:40
answer #7
answered by Musica 3
first of all you have one life who cares if someone Say's your a poser and if you've really had enough smack them but about your bands a good musician knows that all music is good if they can play there music well and they have achieved something.
2007-03-14 17:19:57
answer #8
answered by niall p 1
You can't worry about what others say about you. As long as you're comfotable and happy, screw em. I love the goth/punk/biker/me look, but I listen to all types of music. I get looks here and there for my cloths and haircut, but I like the way I look and how I express myself.
2007-03-14 17:18:44
answer #9
answered by oldladygamer18 3
well, you can only be a poser if you know you are a poser. Be what you wanna be.
2007-03-14 17:17:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous