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If white people had never left Europe, would they still have the same quality of life as they do now.

what I am presupposing, judging from what I read on this site, is that there are a number of White people who feel as though the white race is solely responsible for everything modern?

2007-03-14 09:57:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Robert S - interesting comment in light of the fact that white people forced us here.

2007-03-14 10:11:42 · update #1

Rev. Jesse - you lack of reading comprehension renders you quite foolish.

2007-03-14 10:21:37 · update #2

11 answers

How about we don't worry about "who" did "what" and just enjoy the fact that we have these things and get to enjoy this life!

$0.02...it is not beneficial to you to be asking questions based on what you hear on this site...this is not a good place for valid information. Really..there is a lot of arrogant racism on here.

2007-03-14 14:41:36 · answer #1 · answered by emaaaazing! 4 · 1 0

most white people I know have other races as ancesters so assuming they all came from Europe is incorrect. I am sure most everyone has some European blood in them. so saying "if white people had never left Europe" #1 probably none of us would exist and thats including you because I am sure YOU have some ancesters of European decent. I am white but I have Indian, German and Jewish ancestors that I know of. I am thankful for the mixture or else I wouldnt be here today. it takes all kinds and all kinds are responsible for modern society. Who invented the cotton gin? Peanut butter? Who invented the air conditioner? I thank god for all 3 because I work at a cotton gin and sit in front of the air conditioner everyday and I love peanut butter!

2007-03-14 10:12:43 · answer #2 · answered by - 3 · 4 0

White society would LIKE to THINK that they were the only contributors to modern society but they are pathetically WRONG. I agree with Mysteera up there. It takes ALL kinds to keep this world functioning properly. All races, all cultures. Check out this comprised list of only a small portion of black inventors to get a glimpse of how blacks have contributed...

George Edward Alcorn
Alcorn invented a new type of x-ray spectrometer.
Nathaniel Alexander
Invented an improved folding chair.Virgie Ammons
Ammons invented a fireplace dampener.
Benjamin Banneker
His inventive spirit would lead him to be called the "first African American inventor." Banneker published a noted Farmers' Almanac.
Patricia Bath
The first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention.
Andrew Jackson Beard
Beard received a patent for a railroad car coupler and a rotary engine.Andrew Jackson Beard - Patents
The original patent drawings of Andrew Jackson Beard.Miriam E. Benjamin
Benjamin was the second black woman in history to receive a patent. She received a patent for an invention she called 'a Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels.'
Henry Blair
Henry Blair was the second black inventor in history to be issued a patent by the United States Patent Office.
Bessie Blount
Blount invented a device to help disabled persons eat.Sarah Boone
An improvement to the ironing board (U.S. Patent #473,653) was invented by African American Sarah Boone on April 26, 1892.
Otis Boykin
Boykin invented an improved 'Electrical Resistor' used in computers, radios, television sets and a variety of electronic devices.
Charles Brooks
C. B. Brooks invented a street sweeper truck for which he was issued a patent on March 17, 1896.
Phil Brooks
Black inventor, Phil Brooks patented a disposable syringe.
Henry Brown
Henry Brown patented a "receptacle for storing and preserving papers on November 2, 1886" It was special in that it kept the papers separated. Perhaps an early forerunner in filofax history.
Marie Brown
Invented a video home survelance security system.
John Albert Burr
Patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower.
George Washington Carver
Agricultural chemist, George Washington Carver invented three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes. More than anyone else in history.George Washington Carver - Help for the Hard Times - Pamphlet
George Washington Carver wrote the pamphlet Help for the Hard Times
George Carruthers
Carruthers was the black inventor of the far-ultraviolet camera and the spectrograph.
Benjamin S. Carson
Benjamin Carson was a pioneer in surgery technology
Emmett W. Chappelle
Chappelle was a biochemist, photobiologist, astrochemist and black inventor.
John Christian
John Christian invented and patented new lubricants used in high flying aircraft and NASA space missions.
Donald Cotton
Donald Cotton invented propellants for nuclear reactors.
David Crosthwait
Black inventor, David Crosthwait holds 39 patents for heating systems and temperature regulating devices. He is most well known for creating the heating system for New York City's famous Radio City Music Hall.
Mark Dean
Dean co-invented improvements in computer architecture that allowed IBM compatible PCs to use the same peripheral devices.
Ronald Demon
The famous inventor of the Smart Shoe - an athletic shoe whose cushion support automatically adjusts to suit the shape of the wearer's feet.
Joseph Hunter Dickinson
Invented several improvements to different musical instruments.
Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus
Invented an improved photographic print wash method.
Dr. Charles Richard Drew
Drew was the first person to develop the blood bank.
Thomas Elkins
African American inventor Thomas Elkins - view his three U.S. patents.Philip Emeagwali
In 1989, Philip Emeagwali won the Gordon Bell Prize, considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize, for developing the fastest supercomputer software in the world.

2007-03-14 10:12:17 · answer #3 · answered by Raynebow_Diva 6 · 1 4

well no, the first person to perform successful (the attempts made by other people before killed the patients) open heart surgery was an african-american guy I think. Imagine, no successful open heart surgery's anymore! And also im sure their others,

2007-03-14 11:06:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sure, Europeans who still live there have a very good quality of life.

Contrast that with the Africans who still have the poor quality of life they've had for centuries.

2007-03-14 10:15:39 · answer #5 · answered by REV. JESSE LEE PETERSON 3 · 1 1

I guess its a multitude of things - i.e. foreign ideals and beliefs from all across the globe must have influenced today's "modern" society.

I think it was globalisation that done the trick.

2007-03-14 10:03:26 · answer #6 · answered by Trey 3 · 3 0

Nope, without a certain black man, I wouldn't be eating my peanut-butter sandwich! Sheesh, we all contribute to society! Sometimes for the good, sometimes not!

2007-03-14 10:01:28 · answer #7 · answered by Axe 4 · 1 2

Have you seen a psychologist yet regarding your obsession with White people?
Can't say I blame you though, if I was black I would be obsessed with us as well....

2007-03-14 10:23:41 · answer #8 · answered by hated 1 · 3 2

I don't care who did what; I'm just glad we have some of the things we do.

2007-03-14 10:01:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

it took all kinds to make it, it'll take all kinds to keep it going

2007-03-14 10:00:16 · answer #10 · answered by Mystee_Rain 5 · 4 0

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