OK first of all I'm of mayan descent....this isn't necessarily relevant to your question but I thought I would just share that with you. Humans make things more complicated than they actually are when they don't understand something... THE WORLD WILL NOT LITERALLY END, BUT IT WILL END METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING; THERE WILL BE CHANGES THAT'S ALL....although there might be a World War 3...and possibly a major earthquake in the West Coast
2007-03-14 10:41:12
answer #1
answered by Flying Spaghetti Monster 1
Perhaps you are unaware WHY the Mayan calandar predicts the end of the world at 2012...
As we can tell from their architecture (and their calendars!) the Mayans were pretty good astronomers. In their case, the heavens has a very religious significance as well. So for many of the things they saw in the sky, there was a spiritual as well as a literal meaning.
One thing that did not escape their attention was the North Star. Well... not the star itself, but the place it now occupies. In a field of moving objects, only this region (dark and mysterious to the Mayans) seems to be completely stationary. In fact, everything seems to rotate around that point.
So if the heavens are another realm, the only one for it to be other than this one is the spirit world. Theologically speaking, the one most significant place in the spirit world can only be a kind of Heaven (with a capital H) - the place where the gods dwell and all spirits migrate to after death. So this is where the North Star now sits.
Another feature which cannot be missed by star-gazers is the path of the Milky Way. Mayans, however, looked EXTRA-close at it. As it happens, a part of the milky way is actually obscured by clouds, in a location pretty close to exactly on the galactic equator (the imaginary line that would split the galaxy into a top and bottom half). This dark streak seems to lead from the horizon to near the very top of the arch of the Milky Way.
And in fact, while we just call it a bifurcation of the Sagittarius arm (if most of us have even heard of or noticed it), the Mayans - even modern ones - all have a special name for it. Ancient ones referred to it as 'The Black Road'.
Which leads to an obvious question: where is this road supposed to lead? It turns out that the slow shifting of the Earth's axis (the reason the North Star wasn't always in the center of the night sky) will cause the end of 'The Black Road' to occupy the center of the sky in the year 2012. The Road will lead straight to Heaven.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why people who attached such significances to things would believe the world would end at precisely this time. But it also means that there's no reason to believe that this actually IS the end of the world unless you share those beliefs - that in 2012 all the spirits of living things will take the Black Road and ascend to Heaven which lies directly above the Earth's axis.
But even if you don't believe such... it's still a good story! Peace.
2007-03-14 10:05:22
answer #2
answered by Doctor Why 7
You have to keep in mind that global warming is still a theory and there are MANY knowledgeable and dedicated scientists and biologists who question this theory. So I would not bet on global warming ending the world, especially since even if it were true it would happen ever so gradually.
The War in Iraq is destined to drag on indefinitely unless our next President starts pulling back and getting us out. The bomb scenario might happen if some trigger-happy pro-Israel Zionist in Washington convinces the President to go after Iran and Syria, etc. etc.
I am not worried about the end of the world because after this life there is Heaven and eternity with God. God told us there will be great signs at the end of the world and a great persecution of the good by the evil, but we also are not told what hour or what day it will be. Scripture says the end will come "like a thief in the night."
What we can do to be ready for "the end" is be in a state of grace and await our Saviour with confidence and hope, and help others to find grace as well.
2007-03-14 09:53:23
answer #3
answered by Veritas 7
There will probably be a world war III and perhaps global warming but the end of the world at this time is known to no one and not even Jesus knew and that means only the father in heaven knows. So predictions about the world end is not accurate.
2007-03-14 09:46:00
answer #4
answered by JoJoBa 6
"The Day After Tomorrow" is not predicting the future, at all. When scientists talk about Global Warming, they're talking about a very long term effect of a few degrees at a time. Yes, this will be devastating--loss of major portions of arable land, millions without adequate drinking water supplies, possible coastal flooding, etc. But it won't be the sudden silliness that was The Day After Tomorrow.
2007-03-14 09:39:15
answer #5
answered by Qwyrx 6
Ok, but I don't know why people aren't more worried about the possibility that the Earth's magnetic field could reverse at any time, even within the next 5 years, resulting in no one knows what kinds of changes for the earth and its inhabitants. Also, there is an asteroid that is predicted to come dangerously near the earth around 2036. There are all sorts of doomsday possibilities, immediate and long term.
2007-03-14 09:44:35
answer #6
answered by surlygurl 6
Whatever causes "the end of the world" will only bring the "end of the world as we know it..."
That is, OUR world will die/ explode/ drown/ fry-to-a-crisp...
But EARTH will last... At least the raw elements, the essential star-dust ingredients of earth will endure, and will be recycled in the universe and manifest as something else later
(as will the raw elements, the star-dust ingredients which make up humans...)
I dont think it matters HOW the world will end, but i think the world as we know it WILL end soon... After all, Everything in human experience has thus far reached an end...
We should invest ourselves in changing the environment and the quality of life to something MOST beneficial to all living beings on earth because that is the ONLY way we will postpone "the end of the world as we know it"...
Paz y amor!!
2007-03-14 09:48:03
answer #7
answered by The cat 3
My-my-my! are not you only packed with surprises? This became extra clever than any textile i've got study or heard in extremely a while. And the originality is amazingly remarkable. you're actual geared up with a multifaceted, omnidirectional skills from previous this international. i'm nonetheless cracking up. you have a profession as a author...your concepts is carefully astounding.
2016-10-18 09:30:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
To the Mayans the world consitsted of their known geographical area - their world ended hundreds of years ago
2007-03-14 09:43:11
answer #9
answered by cool_clearwater 6
Humans don't have enough power to end the world. They could do lots of damage & kill lots of people.
The world would heal itself and continue to give life to creatures.
2007-03-14 09:48:58
answer #10
answered by ♫ayayay♫ 3