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Well i had some biology work that i din't finish and but I forgot to bring my book home so i have 5 questions thaty need to be answered and i was wondering if anybody could possibly please help.........

Q8. Describe the process of carbon cycle

Q9. Describe the process of nitrogen cycle

Q14. Name three reasons why human population has dramatically grown
A14. medical advances,.......

Q16. Energy is measured in ________ or calories

Q19. Describe green-house effect

if anyoine could possibly help i would greatly appreciate it

2007-03-14 09:29:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Biology

the answers don't have to be super complex just a basic idea

i.e. for a question that asked desribe the water cycle I put

it rains that water goes into lakes then it evaporates to the clouds hen condenses and comes down as rain

2007-03-14 09:51:29 · update #1

1 answers

8. CO2 in the atmosphere is taken up by plants and converted to organic molecules. It is then either used by plants themselves, eaten by other animals or decompose in a process of respiration, converting organic carbon back to CO2. The plants could undergo a long process called carbonization to form fossil fuels, which stays underground until we (humans) burn them as source of energy. This produces CO2. Oh, yeah, plants themselves can be burned, which releases CO2 also. Some CO2 are absorbed by the ocean, which can be take up by animals that form calcium carbonate shells. When they die and settle to the bottom of the ocean, they may eventually become sedimentary rock (like limestone and chalk). They will stay there until they are brought up by techtonic activity and dissolved by weathering.

Nitrogen cycle... N2 is in the atmosphere (80% of the air). Bacteria that live on legumes (nitrogen fixing bacteria) and some cyanobacteria convert it to ammonia in a process called nitrogen fixation. In the soil or in the water, nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrates, which can be take up by plants, algae, and other bacteria as source of nutrients. When plants take up nitrate, they convert it to proteins. This can be eaten by animals. When organisms die or produce waste, decomposition breaks down protein into ammonia/nitrate again. Denitrifying bacteria can take these and convert them back into N2. Lightening and combustion can also take N2 from the atmosphere and form nitrate.

Cause of human population growth-- technology! More efficient ways to grow food, energy from fossil fuels, sanitation, etc. etc. Anything that contributes to increased survival of children and decrease death rates will increase population. What it boils down to is: more babies surviving to adulthood and people living longer.


Greenhouse gasses are gasses that is transparent to sunlight but has the ability to trap heat. sunlight comes in, heats up the earth's surface, and the heat is trapped. Like a car in a parking lot on a summer day. If the windows are closed, it can get very hot. Well, by polluting the earth, we are closing the windows.

Wow. I just procrastinated my afternoon away...

2007-03-14 10:06:51 · answer #1 · answered by Ms. K. 3 · 1 0

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