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An over-protective parent !!! That's a tough one especially when you're trying to spread your wings and you begin to try and experience all that life has to offer. I'm sure you realize that he is only acting that way out of love for you but that still doesn't really change the reality of having to live with him.

I'd begin by trying to have a more open dialogue with him. If you told him things about your life and how you're feeling about things it might put his mind more at rest. Tell him about your friends. Make sure he realizes that you and them understand the dangers of today's world and try to make level headed decisions about things. He might start to realize that you're not a kid anymore and compromises have to be reached. I think if you started to give a little he might too.

I don't think teaching him a lesson is the best way to get what you want. Putting it right in his face will most likely backfire on you. It will be the proof he needs that you do need to be protected from yourself as well as the world. It's not a particularly mature way to handle yourself.

You didn't say if you have a Mom in your life. If you do, are you talking to her about your father. She could become your greatest ally. She knows him...she knows you and she's been there herself. So, I'd open up to her a little too. If your Mom isn't there I'm sorry but realize that might be the reason why he is so overprotective. He's trying to be two parents in one.

Good Luck! Remember it won't happen overnight but hopefully it will happen.

2007-03-14 09:32:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First off you dont teach a father a lesson. You should be happy your dad loves you enough to try to protect you. Lots of children dont have dads at all. No matter how many men you have your father will always be your dad. When you get into trouble with the law, get pregnant, need money, need a home your dad will always be there for you. You need to grow up if your over 18 now and if your under 18 your just a child and dont know any better yet. LOL and I love the part one day I'll have a man lots of men will come and go, you will always only have 1 dad. Your father knows and understands one day your have your own family, hes just trying to protect you from hurt and pain now. If your smart your listen.

2007-03-14 16:16:06 · answer #2 · answered by letthepartybeginnow 3 · 1 1

If you're in high school you should go along up to a point.
After that you definitely need to take control of your life (it's yours, after all, and noone else's).

My parents are also overprotective so I constantly have to deal with them in situations.
I haven't used this card yet, but I'm sure it will work (if you're in high school):
Tell him that you will be in college soon and have to be making important decisions on your own, so it's best to give you some time to experiment and make mistakes/succeed while he's still there to help you recover/congratulate you NOW. Otherwise you'll have little experience when you need it most and mistakes you make later could be much more costly and damaging.

I'm not saying you should go do whatever you feel like; take things one step at a time and build your experience in this obviously new ground. If you take anything to fast you will probably regret it.

Just my two cents.
Good luck, BTW!

2007-03-14 16:43:55 · answer #3 · answered by teh_popezorz 3 · 0 1

The true is that our dad will always be protective to us, that's part of it. Believe me u will be the same when u get yours. The point is that the two of you can build trust. Don't do stupid things, like kissing your bf in front of him just to make a confrontation. If you like that he understand that u can be an adult you need to act like one. The other thing that u can do is sit down with your dad and talk to him, calm and serious and tell him how u feel about him been so overprotective. But like i say u need to build a trust with him.

2007-03-14 16:33:53 · answer #4 · answered by lady_morriganus 2 · 0 1

Most dads are over protective of their little girls no matter how old his little girl is. He will never accept the fact that a man will one day step in and take you away. Reality won't set in until the day he walks you to the alter to say your wedding vows. Dads don't give up their little girls gracefully. Just be thankful you have a dad who cares so much for you. I know it can be tough at times. But it will all work out. There are too many married women in the world to prove that statement to be 100% correct.

2007-03-14 16:17:55 · answer #5 · answered by Vida 6 · 1 2

Guess it depends on how old you are now, if you are under 18 then that is going to be a difficult lesson to teach a dad.

If you are 18 or over, then I think one way is to move out, although that would be a tough way also.

2007-03-14 16:11:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

how old are you? you can't "teach" your father a lesson, it's not the way it works... they will always be kinda strict because they have experience. Your father will always look at you as his little girl and there's nothing you can do to change that. He will have to deal with that when the time comes. Save the drama and don't fight over this.

2007-03-14 16:15:22 · answer #7 · answered by chikis 6 · 1 1

read that sentence again and then ask yourself if it can get any more ungratefull or backwards.
IF you are going to tell your dad a "lesson" it should be that you are a grown women who respects herself enough not to get into situation in which he would feel he needs to protect you and that you are old enough and wise enough to protect yourself!!!! Who cares if you will have your own man one day????? What is that man going to do? Take care of you? Like your dad?
Grow up.

2007-03-14 16:12:35 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 2 1

You will always be daddy's little girl even when your 60 and he is 80. Be glad your dad cares about you so much and tries to protect you from the guys that may seem like they aren't good enough for his little girl.

2007-03-14 16:13:51 · answer #9 · answered by auntkarendjjb 6 · 2 1

Just tell him that you love him so very much and you appreciate that he wants to keep you safe. But that one day you will need to leave the nest and you will eventually find a man you love... but that he will always be "daddy" and have a very special place in your heart.

2007-03-14 16:11:10 · answer #10 · answered by Uncle Tim 6 · 3 0

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