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I see a lot of these so called concervatives running their mouths about stemcell research, and how we're "messing with nature". A lot of these concervative people are popping pills their doctor prescribed for them without knowing hardly anything about the drugs, and their long term affect, and possible harm to their DNA, mutation etc. They also seem to have a lot to say about stem cell research , without ever having studied up on the subject. Talk about going blind, with blind faith. A lot of gene therapy is designed to repair damage caused by chemicals, and harmful pharmaceutical drugs. These gene therapies are attemps to cure condition, and repair damage done, not just treat symptoms, that in turn also create more disorders.

2007-03-14 08:52:48 · 3 answers · asked by irene k 2 in Science & Mathematics Biology

3 answers

Perhaps you could tell us about your experience in fluid dynamics, rotational inertia, composite materials, etc.

And then tell us if you've ever flown in a jet or driven a car.

The point: In today's world no one is an expert in everything. We have to trust experts.

2007-03-14 09:14:25 · answer #1 · answered by BobbyD 4 · 0 0

that's real that flu virus mutating each and all the time. in spite of the indisputable fact that, you have perplexed the words mutation and evolution. Mutation (changing of gene base pair) could bring about evolution (changing of a species), in spite of the indisputable fact that it's not the only way. Mutation could additionally bring about maximum cancers, and we don't call that evolution. Flu, no longer rely how commonly it evolves, it remains a flu virus. It won't evolve into some thing else, because of the fact in accordance to the regulation of organic determination, it suit the survival of the virus. So, it would not evolve. Or could desire to I say, it won't evolve. interior the ever changing envirnoment, version is needed, virus adapt the envirnoment by way of adjusting its gene codes, which isn't a puzzling ingredient for it to do, you may desire to recognize. as long because of the fact the essential genes are no longer affected. the different element is, do human beings quite have faith what we scientists arise. there is numerous hype approximately genetically changed food. you may desire to recognize that too. numerous individuals oppose the triple vaccines in this united states of america, even the ex-best minister did no longer enable his new child to be vaccined with that. So, it is not something approximately faith right here. in spite of the indisputable fact that, it form of feels that individuals have greater faith in God than scientists! As Christian, each thing created by way of God is nice, so we use them with faith. As scientist, we could desire to continually no longer be leaping on a bang wagon previously we are certainly useful with regard to the recent innovations, quite from a money-grabbing pharmaceutical enterprise.

2016-10-02 03:06:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

So your question is . . . ?

2007-03-14 09:01:47 · answer #3 · answered by physandchemteach 7 · 0 0

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