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I have a 3 month old, 30 gallon tank with 2 chromis in it. i have started to notice that the white, crushed coral on the bottom is turning a rust/gold color. just on the surface of the coral. Is this normal? If not, what is it? And what can I do to fix it? Thanks for your help.

2007-03-14 08:28:42 · 4 answers · asked by Jonathan B 2 in Pets Fish

4 answers


You are just getting algae, nothing to worry about. That is actually a good sign that your tank is progressing. You can simply use your gravel siphone and suck it out.

I would not mess with the ph since this can cause more detremental effects on the entire tank. If your fish are happy with the PH where it is, LEAVE IT ALONE. As they say, if it aint broke don't fix it.

Also, Phosporous pads can be placed into your filter if it gets to be a big problem.
Remember this is not a freshwater tank, and some algae is wanted and needed.

There isn't anything really at this point to fix. Let your tank go. It is maturing nicely.

2007-03-16 04:54:09 · answer #1 · answered by danielle Z 7 · 1 1

Probably algae or diatoms building up. It's normal to see this in a new tank.

Keep the pH up (8.3-4) and nitrates down. Make sure you aren't overfeeding your chromis. When you get some inverts (cleaning crew) in your tank, they will help control this, as will any macroalgae you introduce (I'd be careful with Caulerpas, they can overtake a tank, Chaetomorpha is better and will be a good food/hiding place for copepods)


2007-03-14 08:48:51 · answer #2 · answered by copperhead 7 · 0 2

You are so brave to set up a Salt Water tank - well done - and I hope you find the awnser.

2007-03-14 08:31:37 · answer #3 · answered by Minxy m 2 · 0 2

Do you have an undergravel filter or a bottom feeder? Is your skimmer working properly? I say you need more filtration.

2007-03-14 08:31:59 · answer #4 · answered by biker_beeotch 2 · 0 2

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