Okie dokie, I bet you do have alot of questions with this being your first baby and being so young. Here's some of what I know.
It's normal that you have not gained weight yet ~ you will trust me.
What you think is "showing" is actually bloating. You'll notice too that it's usually "bigger" in the evenings. It's normal. Your belly will really start to show at about 16-20 weeks.
Your baby might very well be able to hear what you are saying and music if you put headphones on after 20 weeks.
Your babys ears are not developed enough at 2 months to pick up on sounds.
You will be able to tell the gender of your baby sometime around 18-20 weeks. Before that, there really is no way to tell because boys and girls actually look exactly the same until sometime after week 16 when either a clitoris or a penis shaft begin to take shape.
Take good care of yourself. Eat well and keep taking those vitamins. It sounds like you are putting alot of thought into your baby and that just means that you're already being a good mom.
It won't be easy at your age, but you can do it. I did. It was really REALLY hard at times, but now i'm married and have 4 children and wouldn't have it any other way.
You will be alot stronger in the long run because of all you will go through at such a young age.
Good luck and don't be afraid.
2007-03-14 07:37:37
answer #1
answered by bluegrass 5
Get a book called" what to expect while your expecting", it will tell you all the stages and growth of the baby inside and you..
Right now the baby looks like a bean with eyes, It has a heartbeat of it's own at 8 weeks.You have a very small umbilical cord and your uterus is building the placenta. These are small and don't weigh much. You are expected to gain 25lbs and most will occur near the end.
Because this is your first baby your stomach muscles and figure are still tight therefore you'll hold the baby in closer and may not get as large. Some women have lots of elasticity so they'll show more.
I do know that baby at some time (look in book) will hear music, heartbeat and feel your emotions. It can learn the differences in voices and when the baby is born it will know your smell. I do not believe it can hear through your headphones although you may transfer rhythm to it.
Yes, you can do it but if your man is large be gentle ecspecially in later months, you do not want to bruise your cervix, make it weak and it will not hold the baby.
Your pre-natal vitamins are not making you weak, it is normal to be utterly exhausted and have morning sickness the first 4 months. Your body chemistry is changing and it's almost as if a machine inside you is building a baby............. ha, it is.......
A doctor is not supposed to tell you whether it is a boy or girl but when you go in for the ultrasound ask your doc to position the monitor between the legs, he may hint or aide you in determining. I was told my daughter was a boy so be careful buying pinks and blues until it makes it's for sure arrival.
Usually most insurances will pay for one or two ultrasounds so if you really want to get an idea about boy or girl try to hold-off 2nd ultrasound until 5 months.
Good luck to you sweetie, I hope you have people to help you and buy that book or e-mail me I'll see what I can do.
2007-03-14 07:59:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is normal to have not gained any weight yet. I am 3 and a half months and I have only gained about 3 lbs. You shouldn't be showing too much right now- just a little bump is normal. The baby should be able to start to develop a sense of hearing at about 17 weeks but this sense will not be completely formed until about 22 weeks. It won't hear music from your headphones unless you put them on your stomach. I usually take my pre-natal vitamins at night before I go to bed so that I don't feel any ill-effects of them. Your doctor might be able to prescribe you a different kind that might make you feel less tired. You can't tell if it is a boy or a girl yet but you can check something out called the Chinese gender prediction chart. Just look it up on Google. It is supposed to be right most of the time but I don't know if it goes back to 15 years of age. I just want to add, by the way, that my sister had her first baby at 16 years old and she is an excellent mother and she now has 3 kids. I think you will do great, don't worry. You should also check out a site called babycenter.com. There is a lot of helpful info on there. Good luck!
2007-03-14 07:35:38
answer #3
answered by Maid of Constant Sorrow 4
Wow I have mixed emotions on this, but it is not my place to judge. I went to highschool with a girl that had a baby and was still able to graduate with our class so I know some pg teens can make it. First off stay in school, even if you have to go to an alternative school. You will not make it anywhere without your education.
Soap Box aside...
You probably will not gain a lot of weight in your first trimester, but you might notice your stomach does feel a bit more poochy. Nothing wrong with that it's natural.
16 weeks is about the time your baby should be able to hear you, and other things around it. Although I don't think it can hear off of headphones, unless you put them on your belly. Around that time you should also feel little flutterings or some woman say it feels like a gas bubble. That's your baby moving!
This is also the point that you will be able to find out the sex of the baby, if they are willing to sit in a way that lets you see. With my son, yes with my daughter, no way. They may do a second ultrasound to check the baby later, but some doctors offices will only do one. There is really no way other than old wives tales to tell what your baby is going to be. You can look at this old Chinese birth chart, which has been right in a lot of mine and my friends circumstances but really there is no way to find out for sure.
And although I can't believe I am saying this to a 15 year old, yes you still can have sex. Just please be careful that if it's the father he is not stepping out on you, and possibly contracting an STD. Although most STD's can be cleared up before birth happens, sometimes STD's can cause serious birth defects.
If you are not trying to hide this pregnancy, I would say get the book What to Expect When You're expecting. It looks like a big book, but it breaks your body changes and all the things you and your baby are growing through into monthly chapters that are between 10 and 20 pages. There is also a section that has odd questions as well.
Talk to your doctor, tell them that you would like to have a nurse practitioner to talk to if you have questions or need help with anything. Read as much as you can. Subscribe to the Parent's magazines you see everywhere. They always have good information in them.
Being a parent is a big responsibility. I hope you have some support to get you through this, the next 3 years are going to be very difficult and after may be a bit worse. Also check out WIC.
2007-03-14 07:50:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's normal not to gain too much weight. I always put most of my weight on the last 3 months. Showing is normal at this stage. As far as the baby hearing you, just assume that he/she can hear you NOW and be positive, its just good training for when the baby actually comes. The baby will not hear music thru your headphones silly lol. Play it on speakers. Music travels amazingly well thru water, and right now your baby is surrounded in water, music is a good thing. Yes it's safe to have sex. Please have sex with the baby's father. Don't have unprotected sex with a partner you don't know, you don't want to expose the baby to disease. Keep taking your vitamins. It's the pregnancy making you tired, not the vitamins.
You can talk to the doc about that, but he's going to tell you the same thing. As far as knowing if its a boy or a girl, you'll have to wait for the ultrasound. There is an old wives tale that if you put a ring, on a string and hold it over your belly, if it moves back and forth, its a girl, if it spins its a boy. This isn't ACCURATE but is fun to do.
As far as saying something mean, I would rather just offer you some encouragement. It's not going to be easy having a baby at your age but I've seen it work very well. Don't let what others think get you down. You can do this and do it well. You should be spending time now reading books about parenting and talking to other mothers. Keep yourself healthy and happy and your baby will be too! I would also work as hard as you can to stay in school, your education is so important to both you and your baby. People are going to tell you that you're going to miss out on things being pregnant so young. You might, but you'll also have the advantage of being a young mother than can relate to her child well. My best friend had her first baby at 16 and she's now a wonderful mother of 6 kids. Her son (that she had at 16) is an amazing person and is now serving in Iraq. He is smart, funny, intelligent and has a heart of gold. Don't let others get you down, keep your chin up!
Good luck! ;)
2007-03-14 07:40:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Totally ask you doctor any questions you may have! Thats what their for! Or ask a nurse. Make sure you go to all your doc visits and listen to what they say while your there. The health of you and the baby is very important.
To answer your questions: If your thin you will start to show quickly, you wont put on any real weight untill farther along in the pregancy when as the baby grows.
They can hear outside noises but there muted. However a loud noise can startle them or easy noises can calm. Yes, Sex is safe but you should still use condoms to protect from std's. Take the vitimans, your body and the baby need them. No, The ultrasound is the only way to tell babys sex but you wont be able to tell for a few months yet. One of my boys had a habit of never being in the right position or had a hand or leg in the way so we never could tell for sure.
Again, Ask your doctor if anything troubles you or you have any questions! Good Luck and Gongrats on the baby. Your very young so dont be afraid to ask for help from anyone you can trust.
2007-03-14 07:39:30
answer #6
answered by Corinne 2
No, it is not bad that you aren't gaining weight yet. Some people don't gain until later in pregnancy. No, it is not bad that you are starting to show. Your baby is probably gaining while you are actually losing weight. I am not sure when your baby can actually start to hear things, I am thinking closer to six months possibly. No i don't think that it can hear what comes from your headphones. Yes it is still safe to have sex...unless you are a high risk pregnancy and then your doctor would have probably warned you. Are you seeing a doctor? With your age, it is very important to be taking the prenatal vitamins. Not only will your baby benefit but you should also feel better. I believe they can do like an amniocentosis to find out the sex. But I would wait for the ultrasound to show it, which can occur as early as 17-18 weeks along.
2007-03-14 07:36:10
answer #7
answered by JO 1
What you need to do is get a pregnancy book. The one I use is "what to expect when you're expecting". It answers all of these questions for you.
Also, I would sign up at some website to get free weekly information on what is going on with your body. The ones I use are pregnancyweekly.com and babycenter.com. They both will send you e-mails and have some helpful info at their websites.
To answer your questions briefly: some woman do not gain weight right away due to morning sickness, but in the first trimester you should gain around 5lbs. It is not bad that you are showing, baby is growing and that is good. I think around the 5th or 6th month the baby begins to hear. Yes it will hear music many woman do this, I read. You can have sex until your doctor says otherwise. It is not your prenatals that are making you tired. Your body is working very hard to help that baby develop. You will be most tired in the first and last trimester. The only way to tell the sex is through an ultrasound done around 18-20 weeks, or an amniocentesis which can be dangerous.
Hope I helped.
Take care of yourself and congrats.
2007-03-14 07:33:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I lost 13 and a half pounds my first 2 months of my second pregnancy. It's not bad because my Dr said I had the weight to lose. If you're showing it could be just all baby. Ask the father how big he was when he was born weight wise. Both of my boys were 9 pounds. It is still safe to have sex, but while you're so young it's probably not recommended. Right now the baby can hear everything. It just doesn't quite know what is going on. Ultrasound is the only way I know of to tell what you're having. It is going to be hard to be a teenage mother so God Bless and keep you strong. Good luck.
2007-03-14 07:41:21
answer #9
answered by littlemama9130 2
I hope your parents know . Yes you can still have sex but if you are not still with your partner I wouldn't have sex with anyone else due to you could get HPV easier right now due to when yur pregnant your immune system is lower and more septable to getting infections and colds . your baby will be able to hear sounds when your aroun 6- months along . Nope there are myths about telling the gender but most of them don't work . The 2 i found that work are the food thing . If you are craving a lot of salty foods and meat then your having a boy . If you eat a lot of sweets and are craving sweets constanly you are having a girl . The secand one is go by your gut instinct not what your actually hoping for . Right now you will be vey tired and yes you could see if your doctor will prescribe you a different prenatel . I liked O-Cal with floride . That one works great . Well good luck hun and please even though you have a very rough road ahead of you stay in school and don't let this baby get in the way of you not being able to be success for in your life . The only person you can count on is yourself . The guy that got you pregnant is not going to be there They never our with teenage pregnatcy's tht young cuase they haven't grown up and don't realize the baby is the priority . There prioroity will be whatevere they want to do and you will be stuck with that baby . Excpet now that you will be who the baby can count on and not the father . I hope you have supportive parents . If you don't I am sorry . I am a mother of 3 . If you ever need to talk or have anymore questions you can email me and add me to your network on here .
2007-03-14 07:38:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous