It just don't understand. Aren't you worth investing the money in yourself? I think so. I think everyone is worth more than cheap low-quality things like Abercrombie or Hollister or Old Navy. Investing in high quality clothing says to others, I'm important and I care about myself, as opposed to Abercrombie or American Eagle or other mall stores that really just says to other people, I'm generic and can't spend the time and money on taking care of myself.
26 answers
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Beauty & Style
➔ Fashion & Accessories
I just wanted to note that I was making the comment when I know someone who has eight pairs of abercrombie jeans, why couldn't have four pairs of jeans and have a pair of sevens and a pair of citizens, and then maybe a pair of true religion and AGs, for example. It would cost the same or less. That kind of thing. Or Uggs, I know people who have three pairs of UGGs. I'd rather see them with one pair of prada linea rosa sneakers...
07:02:19 ·
update #1
It's not smart to spend a lot of money on things when styles change so rapidly. What's best is to have some things in you wardrobe that are timeless and then fill in with disposable items that are like garnishes.
Your problem isn't really with price or quality but with conformity. And you're wasting your time with the people you're concerned about because they wouldn't know real fashion if it hit them on the head then bit them on the booty. Being unique is the best fashion accessory in the world.
2007-03-14 06:50:13
answer #1
answered by Hacksaw 4
Cheap is a relative term. Abercrombie may be cheap to you and expensive to others. Walmart may be cheap to some and just right to others. Not everyone has the money to spend on high dollar clothing. And if Abercrombie and AE says that you're generic and can't spend the time and money on taking care of yourself what do "expensive" brands say? That you have too much money and are materialistic? Why does it matter what people wear? If you have that many issues with some brands then it looks like you are already doing what you can by not wearing them. If it's that big of an issue, why don't you donate your money (since you have enough to buy high dollar clothes AND complain about people who can't afford them) to people who need it? If you are that concerned about low quality clothing, why don't you start your own line of high quality clothing and make it affordable for the everyday person? That way you can shut the hell up about what everybody is wearing.
2007-03-14 06:57:46
answer #2
answered by Danielle 5
To be honest I think you are completely right and wrong at the same time. Right, because yes!, you should take care of your self, but not because of what you show in the outside, but because of what you ARE.
Personally I love goodwill!! and believe that the person makes the clothes and not the other way around. You came naked and naked you will leave this world, but that is not the point, the point is that the best investment you can make on your self is the knowledge, experience and love that you can learn and share. I prefer investing in an amazing cause like the Amazon, children woman, or my brain instead that clothes, clothes go away, invest in what stays with you, family, friends, knowledge, experiences, YOU!
Another thing: Don't you think you are way to important to use clothes with someones name on it and not getting paid for it. Are you a model that shows the designer brand everywhere without getting paid?,
Just remember this is only one life, and in this same one there are people worrying about what they can do for a better world, or what is it that they are going to eat tomorrow. Think, then exist.
2007-03-14 07:32:30
answer #3
answered by Lorena M 1
It's not always about what you like, but rather what a person can afford. Everyone cannot afford $200 slacks and so forth. If they could I'm sure they would. There are inexpensive clothes that look nice as well.
I don't think it is right or fair of you to say that just because a person does not buy expensive clothing, that they are cheap and generic or don't care about themselves. People have to eat, pay rent, etc and cannot spend a ton of money on clothes.
2007-03-14 06:57:26
answer #4
answered by fefe917 3
If everyone wore Haute couture it would be generic. Fashion has different levels for different people. U shouldn't judge people by what hey wear. For example sometimes I shop at American Apparel, Bergdorf Goodman and Old Navy. Some of my friends spend thousands of dollars on clothing and some of my friends send less. When u look at what they wear u would think it's the other way around.
Old Navy is not low-quality buddy. lol
2007-03-14 06:57:48
answer #5
answered by : ) 6
well, i must say people think differently. If that top is cheap to you, it might not be affordable for others. Come on, everyone's financial situation is different. You might think a $40 top is cheap and low quality, but I myself can't hardly afford it. THINK!! Can many teens and college students afford all branded name clothes???? Where have u been hunnie?? And more importantly, you ought NOT judge a person from what they wear and from their material wealth!! Hey and even if I had that kind of money to buy branded clothes, I still wouldn't waste my money on those and rather go w/ a reasonable price.
2007-03-14 06:57:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The name brand of my clothing doesn't define my self worth or how I take care of myself. I shop everywhere, and I do mean everywhere....Wal Mart, thrift stores, Agaci Too, Louis Vuitton, Victoria's Secret, Cashe, Neiman Marcus and the list goes on! It just depends on what I'm looking for. Why should you care if I have on a $300 pair of customized Air Jordan's or a $2.50 pair of Old Navy flip-flops???? If u let the brands of your clothing define your self worth then you need to seek counseling immediately!
2007-03-14 07:52:09
answer #7
answered by Cuteness 4
buying expensive clothes can also say,"im important, but money isnt".
abercrombie and hollister are really not that cheap. people dont like to spend alot because as much as they may love themselves, they dont have that kind of money to be wasting on expensive clothes while they could buy cheaper clothes that look just as good. and also people usually get tired of old clothes and like to have a changing wardrobe, so it can be pretty depressing if you get tired of a $1000 bag or dress or something. im not big on labels i really just like to buy anything that looks good and i make sure i have enough clothes and such to wear regularly. theyre JUST clothes, they say nothing about who you are or how much you care about yourself.
2007-03-14 06:51:36
answer #8
answered by Kindle 2
true, but not everybody has a "disposable" income.
just because you can afford to buy whatever, whenever, however much you want doesn't mean everyone else can too.
not everyone goes around flaunting the brand name of clothes that they wear either.
and it not always "I'm generic and can't spend the time and money on taking care of myself." but instead maybe "i have a family to take care of, and i know that putting food on the table is more important than designer clothes"
2007-03-14 06:51:23
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I'm a discount shopper and loving it.. I shop at Gap, Kohl's, Nine West, Express, Payless... I test the material before purchasing my clothes to get the most suitable quality for my taste.
2007-03-14 07:13:21
answer #10
answered by NicOOd 5