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How many glass catfish should I put in a 10 gallon and what would be some good tankmates? Cardnial tetras or guppies? AND what would a easy to find algae eater to go with them?

2007-03-14 05:16:34 · 3 answers · asked by Kyle 2 in Pets Fish

3 answers

Glass cats need to be in a group, 4-6 would be best. That would put a load on the tank once they grow, but you should be able to get away with it with good tank maintainance. People are going to quote 6" or more on thisfish, but it's very rare to get one over 3-4 in a tank. They are a bit touchy to keep, so excellent tank maintainance will be a must!

An oto or two would be my choice for an algae eating fish and probably the only tank mates for the glass fish.


2007-03-14 05:22:08 · answer #1 · answered by magicman116 7 · 2 1

Glass catfish like to be in large groups, so the more the better, and no less than 5.
A 10 gallon is really too small for glass catfish. I have yet to see a 6 inch one, but mine are all pushing 4 inches and a 10 gallon would not be suitable for them, let alone some tetras and algae eaters.
Glass catfish are sensitive; if you want them, by all means go for it, but try for at least 30 gallons. If all you can have is 10 gallons, there are some fish that appear transparent, like furcata forktails and glowlight tetras.
For tankmates, instead of cardinals which are pretty big, how about neon tetras? They're like small versions of cardinals. Guppies would be fine too, it's up to you.

If you're looking for an algae eating fish, anything under 30 gallons would be best suited to otocinclus catfish. They grow to 1.5". Get at least 3 of them, or they'll be very shy.
You could also opt for algae eating shrimp such as amano shrimp or cherry shrimp.

2007-03-14 05:37:11 · answer #2 · answered by Zoe 6 · 6 0

just reminding that any GLASS FISH is very sensitive to everything...they catch ich very easy.. stay on top of the water quality..:)

2007-03-14 10:50:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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