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And build from scratch a synthetic human brain?

2007-03-14 05:12:40 · 7 answers · asked by Barbara Doll to you 7 in Science & Mathematics Biology

7 answers

It looks like it will take some time. There are a lot of things to be explored and a lot of issues to be solved before a synthetic brain can be made. Today's supercomputers can perform mind boggling computations in a very short period of time but they come nowhere near the human brain when it comes to thinking complex and original thoughts. All the computers do is execute some complex algorithm. The human brain on the other hand is much more than just a machine that can process data. It is capable of processing that a computer cannot yet replicate.Many things about the brain are still unknown. So it seems like we may not see a thinking machine in the near future.

2007-03-14 05:40:56 · answer #1 · answered by ABC X 2 · 0 0

Not a hope.
The best that AI has managed is not even a blip on the scale of what brain does.
Just the signal processing of the data received through the eyes is completely mind-boggling.
Then there's the memory - we don't have a clue how that works.
And it learns as it goes.

Just think of all the intelligence that goes into making a simple robot computer with some basic AI capablity.
Then consider the marvel that is the brain and ponder if it is rational to suppose that there is not a great creative intelligence behind it.
Evolved from nothing - that's really likely!

2007-03-14 09:49:01 · answer #2 · answered by a Real Truthseeker 7 · 0 0

you won't have the ability to easily think of roughly something being "relative". It must be relative to a minimum of something or different. Time is an invention of guy--we desperate to have this many days be a week and this many weeks be a twelve months, etc. Why are weeks seven days? We made that up from the impression of the Bible. shall we've suggested that weeks are 12 days long. Time is relative to issues in area, and velocity. A twelve months on Pluto isn't comparable to a twelve months in the international. Does that recommend human beings age swifter or slower on different planets? in line with possibility. It is sensible that somebody vacationing very rapid will age slower than human beings shifting "extremely" slower. so a techniques as human thought is going, as long as there are funerals, human beings will stumble on existence to be momentary.

2016-12-18 13:30:12 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

think about all the things computers can find for you, then think about the fact they have no emotion. we cannot give anything a soul so we will never create a human brain, only a computer brain.

2007-03-14 05:22:00 · answer #4 · answered by tamara 6 · 1 0

If you mean if we can build a brain cell for cell, yes, we can do that now. If you mean AI, sure, we'll have that soon, look at the Sims, they're almost AI.

If you mean whether they'll ever be able to reproduce, no, they lack sperm and sexual organs.

2007-03-14 05:22:30 · answer #5 · answered by Luis 6 · 0 0

If you mean, will brains ever be able to replicate, float above us in the atmosphere, and go "WoooOOoooOOOooo!" whenever they want to creep us out?


If you mean, "Will we ever be able to build an artificial intelligence?" then sure, why not? It's only a matter of time.

2007-03-14 05:18:52 · answer #6 · answered by Brian L 7 · 0 0

human brain is high thinking capacity mind

2007-03-14 05:35:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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