You start off with everything and depending on what sex you will be (XX or XY), you either express the gene for breast development or not. (Although it sometimes happens to males-that's something different, though-gynecomastia)
2007-03-14 05:15:16
answer #1
answered by ANT-a-gonistic 3
Actually I had the same wonder myself some years ago. And I happened to read an interview of a biologist who, among other stuff, referred to this one too.
Well, the answer is that during embryonic development nipples form before the characteristics of each sex. So they form at all embryos, both male and female.
I doubt that men would be able to breast feed at any point of our evolution. The presence of nipples at men is just a result of the sequence of events, chosen by nature, during our embryonic development.
2007-03-14 06:05:41
answer #2
answered by Lilly26 3
-Nipples are especially sensitive and are a source of sexual stimuli, even for many men.
-Nipples are the result of an efficient plan of embryonic development. Human embryos contain characteristics of both sexes at first, because they all have basically the same genetic information. It is design economy. For example, in all human embryos, at first both the mullerian duct system (female) and the wolffian duct system (male) develop, because both sexes have the genetic information for these structures. Incidentally, this refutes the urban myth that human embryos "start out female."
2007-03-16 10:11:11
answer #3
answered by Questioner 7
well if ur 1 of the few smart people who know that we came to be through evolution rather then a little man in space "god" u would see that all variations of the genus homosapien had them in some form or another. men may of been able to breast feed at some point in time and maybe not the woman. i think we do still have the same "tools" to produce breast milk as a woman but through evolution we were no longer required to do it so there for the size of nipples and ability to produce milk has since ceased to exist in the male dna
2007-03-14 05:05:13
answer #4
answered by jamie28981 2
I will add to what lily26 said.
All embryos start out as female and only later about 1/2 of them sort into XX and XY, thus deciding if the fetus will be male or female. Many female characteristics are already in place by the time it is determined the fetus will be male.
2007-03-14 13:16:14
answer #5
answered by Joan H 6
Nipples are an alien life form. The question should be, " why do nipples have men?" Mine are planning on dropping me off uptown soon. They want me to buy more booze. I try to resist, but their hold over me is too strong! Damn those alien nipple creatures.
2007-03-14 04:58:19
answer #6
answered by magic Murr. 2