I love her, but she always lets me down and it depresses me, REALLY BADLY. I don't like pop, but i obsess over her. Why? I don't know, but she makes me happy. When she lyp-synched it didn't matter to me exept that it meant that more people would hate her, which made me sad. When she un-dyed her hair for the first time (she made it orange-blonde-brown, eew) I went into a small state of depression. My hardest blow yet was her change of image and all the surgery. I thought there could be no prettier girl in the world other than her, but then she screwed that up. Please give advice to cheer me up or help me stop.
13 answers
asked by
Entertainment & Music
➔ Celebrities
No, she's not 20 years younger than me i'm 15... Turning 16. She's 6 years 11 months and 4 weeks older than me. See my point with my obsession? I did an unprepared speech-thing on her once and it was supposed to last 2 minutes. When I reached the 2 min. mark I've only said about 1/4 of what I wanted to say, and this was close to the start of my obsession, so I know alot more now. The people gaped at me with open mouths and asked whether I'm crazy. I think I am.
04:20:48 ·
update #1
Oh, yes and the saddest part is I would kiss her feet or be in ecxtacy if she spat on me. Gosh, I'm useless...
04:22:48 ·
update #2
It really is just a stupid obsession with her. I have an obsessive personality, I guess (though, I hope not too freaky-mentally-insane much). When I like something I tend to over-like it. This is just my worst and longest lasting one up to date. The others aren't so obsessed exactly, just more loved than average.
05:16:54 ·
update #3
D@mn!! this is wayy over "obsessed" but i am the same way about Hilary Duff... i get sooo mad when people say rude and untrue things about her.. my mom and grandma calls me Hil sometimes because i sorta look like her... my room is FILLED with posters and i have all her cds and everything she made... so i guess obsession with a celeb is normal.... but i can't stand Ashlee now... ever since she canceled her concert, i got rid of her albums i had, just everything... but i'm sure you'll eventually start not to like her as much once you get older and more new artists come...hopefully i helped some
2007-03-14 09:52:57
answer #1
answered by Hilary Duff #1 Fan 4
I did this too when I was your age, but really you'll get over it in time. However, if you are very depressed you should seek help. Ashlee, or not you don't want to be sad all the time. Maybe Ashlee is just an outlet for something else that is bothering you.
2007-03-14 04:33:27
answer #2
answered by jac44129 2
Hey dont sweat it everybody likes some star take me for instance I am really like Love Johnny Depp i think he is one of the hottest actors with or with out all the acting makeup and all of that because he is just one of those people i love, but i have not always liked him it was not until i saw him in the first movie i watched with him in it and then i said i loved him but is no more then a crush. So dont worry about it to much your only human.
2007-03-14 04:00:28
answer #3
answered by Journalism Geek 2
Imagine that you are landing in iwo zima during WW2. People around you are getting killed every second. Get over it and do the job that you are suppose to do soldier. If you spend time thinking a chick that she is making dollars while you are in pain and blood, you 'll end up stupid and dead. Mooove!
Of course this should come from Lt. Dan!
2007-03-14 03:58:14
answer #4
answered by filip 4
There are prettier girls in the world. Unfortunatly Ashley Simpson isn't one of them. Sorry to say she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down.
2007-03-14 03:58:27
answer #5
answered by Kat 7
this is not healthy
depending on your age I would say that soon you will get over it.
but if ashlee is like 20 years younger than you , you may need to get help....this cant be good.
2007-03-14 04:11:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Go look at her pictures http://www.watt-up.com/j_gallery/Ashlee_Simpson_1/ashlee_simpson_1.html enjoy the make-believe, then look at your mom ,sister who ever without makeup or after running 5 miles, Ashlee would look like that too.
2007-03-14 08:30:48
answer #7
answered by Warshaw 5
Jeez, is this a healthy obsession? Doesnt sound it, You will get over this crush eventually.
2007-03-14 03:52:38
answer #8
answered by Black Magic; 3
i does no longer do it. She had surgery aka a nostril interest. Why might she use that when she has each and every of the money interior the international for plastic surgery and she or he did have surgery. (¯`v´¯) .`•.¸.•´ ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ ?
2016-10-18 08:52:27
answer #9
answered by thedford 4
hey hun....i've been through the same situation with hilary duff.....i think i got over it with time....i started listening to several other songs and i liked them much better than hilary's....i would keep myself busy all the time......you'll soon forget about her i'm sure....good luck
2007-03-14 03:56:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous