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Why do people conform to what our society says is normal? Are we brainwashed from the beginning to think that this is the way you are supposed to live your life? Why do people do it?

Is there no critical thinking or questioning of why we do things and if they are right for you personally?

I bring this up because there just seems to be so many people behaving like sheep around me that are 100% content with not changing anything ever.

2007-03-14 03:43:13 · 9 answers · asked by Ker Plunk 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

9 answers

We have a herd mentality. This is how we survive, we are social creatures and for some reason our brain chemicals dictate that we want to belong to something. But those who are smart can rise above some of those typical ways of acting and become individual to a certain extend. But no matter what you will always do things that others expect of you. It's human nature.

2007-03-14 03:57:58 · answer #1 · answered by Amanda D 3 · 0 1

Who's a sheep? Do you drive on the same side of the road as every one else? Do you write your question in English? Do you wear clothes in your local market? When you do all these things, do people look at you and say, "Look at that conformist, behaving just like everyone else, content with not changing anything ever, what a sheep?"

Actually, everyone has a need to belong and conforming with others is how we acknowledge that. Also everyone has a need to change and will change before or at their death. The issue we all face and the one you are struggling with is about how we assert our individuality and simultaneously conform to society. I suggest that you will feel more fulfilled if you concern yourself less about how others behave and focus more on your own behavior and where that is getting you.

2007-03-14 08:14:58 · answer #2 · answered by Chris N 3 · 2 0

No one wants to be on the outside looking in. Lol, Its cold outside. Anyways it doesn't matter how you look at the box, you are still a conformist. Whether you adhere to social conventions or not, you still belong to a group. Conforming is the easy way into a group. We are social beings. As children we become aware of the society in which we live and learn how to behave in it in order to prosper in society through our social interactions. As we grow older we try to break out of the big box, which is labelled societal norm, only to find ourselves trapped within another box, in which people refuse to be strung up like a marionette to perform compliance every moment of their lives. Then a sub-issue arises as to whether originality truly exists because not complying to societal norms is another flock of sheep, some are just try a new method of escaping of the confinement of the societal norm.

2007-03-14 04:47:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are rules in society that must be followed. Plain and simple. I think it's really none of your concern what people choose to do with their lives. You're actually contradicting yourself. You're saying make your own rules, yet it seems you want people to follow yours. Don't look down on people because they're not living on the edge. Some people enjoy stability and routine. Nothing wrong with it. And you really don't know these people at all. The person with the suit on carrying the briefcase might be the total opposite as far as personality is concerned.

2007-03-14 03:48:28 · answer #4 · answered by Spare me your bull 2 · 0 2

all of us favor to regulate to society to some volume, or we are able to make ourselves outcasts. you should obey the regulations and regulations that are set in position to guard us all, AND be keen to position in the attempt to target to regulate the flaws that are risky to us. in case you stay in a society, you won't be able to be adverse to what society is, and insist respect for your self from that society. that isn't artwork now, and it not in any respect has worked in the previous. there are procedures to regulate issues, yet you should do it intelligently. it sounds as once you've a really harsh ingenious and prescient of what society truly is, and being regularly occurring or conforming are belongings you discover repulsive. Sorry you experience that way, because you at the prompt are not likely to ever get ahead or succeed in existence with that mindset,

2016-12-01 23:56:02 · answer #5 · answered by dismukes 4 · 0 0

We live in society. We are social animals.

I suppose we could live by our own rules, such as crossing the interstate on foot anytime we feel like it because we're free, man. It may be a short, free life, but I suppose one could choose it.

2007-03-14 04:04:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because most of us don't like being "outcasts".
Just wait....people change without even thinking about it.

2007-03-14 03:47:58 · answer #7 · answered by bradxschuman 6 · 0 0

As if porn wasn't bad enough. I'm sure porn stars have all kinds of issues, including suicide. I almost feel sorry for them.

2007-03-14 03:47:45 · answer #8 · answered by oldBITCH 2 · 0 0

to avoid pain

2007-03-14 03:45:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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