I liked it. A mix of accurate and not so accurate info, but then again it didn't present everything as die-hard facts. I thought it was good for a home-made documentary by a couple of college students.
It's ok that some of the info isn't all that accurate, or some of the evidence isn't conclusive, cause in the end the film does a good job reaching people with the idea. And from there on, people can go on to research more serious material, like that of 9/11 Scholars For Truth (google it).
If you want the historical aspect of it (which is equally important to understand what's going on), you should also see 'Terrorstorm' by Alex Jones (on google video).
"The men who killed Kennedy" (1988) is also something I'd recommend. It's on google video as well.
And of course, "America: Freedom to Fascism", also on Google Video.
And last, but not least: "The Secret Government" (1987) with Bill Moyer, on Google video.
All these films cover parts of the same reality.
2007-03-14 04:23:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is a fictional film representing the wild imagination of a few kids that got bored. 90% of it was cut from context, made up, video edited, etc.
the other 10 percent was the credits...unless they lied about who made the film....
A useless piece of work
2007-03-14 03:48:43
answer #2
answered by Q-burt 5
I think the movie proves itself wrong. How? Because the guy who made it is still alive. If the United States government can kill thousands of its own people for no reason in broad daylight, couldn't it kill one man who "found out" the truth?
2007-03-14 03:45:46
answer #3
answered by charlie h 3
The word "loose" is the proper term. They very "loosely" connect all these different event together to try to prove their point.
2007-03-14 03:41:30
answer #4
answered by Mutt 7
easily i have basically all started my personal study into the 9-11 attack and may savor any pictures or video clips that shows the alleged hijackers at any of the three airports on 9-11 2001. thanks
2016-12-01 23:55:43
answer #5
answered by dismukes 4
I thought if one droplet of the movie was the least bit true, we are far more screwed that I had originally thought.
2007-03-14 03:44:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
great comedic film
not a shred of solid evidence (as said by the makers on their website)
2007-03-14 04:03:00
answer #7
answered by Go Blue 6
no really i will
2007-03-14 05:19:02
answer #8
answered by RED ROSE 5