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esteem this nieghbour has been causing me lots of problems and harrasing me and this houseing officer believes her and treated me like i was a bad person and i am not my friend said to me yesterday you have a good heart on you denise but i felt so down after the way the housing officer spoke to me

2007-03-14 03:37:00 · 4 answers · asked by denny 2 in Social Science Psychology

4 answers

It appears you have low self-esteem. Otherwise you would know that she is wrong and let it roll off your back.

That being said, I would likely be affected by it myself. I admit that I lack self-confidence in many situations though.

If you know you are in the right, try to let it go. Hold your head high when dealing with them. People can easily play off of your demeanor which will make you feel worse.

Good luck...

2007-03-14 03:51:14 · answer #1 · answered by courage78 4 · 1 0

Develop more self confidence. If you let people treat you wrong they will. Stand up for yourself using the facts to support your position and if they don't change their minds forget them..

2007-03-14 03:43:25 · answer #2 · answered by Maria b 6 · 2 0

Well you better go and talk to your neighbour face to face.Try to solve out the problem.After problem is solved judgements can be changed too.

2007-03-14 03:41:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i dont get affected too much by what people say abiut me because i know myself better than them. if there is some traits to improve, i do it my way, the best i could.

2007-03-14 03:45:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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